mental block

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Tharn and type have been dating for the past 2 months and tharn wanted to go further. 2 weeks ago type turned 16 and tharn a week ago turned 16.
Tharn had gone home after school to looked down at his phone while he sat on the floor biting his lip.
There make out sessions started to get hot and heavy but type would be the one to push tharn away.
Tharn brought his gaze up to breathe heavily in.
Didn't type want me in that way.?
Feeling bold he texted type.
Tharn: hey. What are you doing?
Type: eating. Why?
Tharn: my father isn't home would you like to come over? I have this math homework i dont understand.
Type: how long will your father be gone?
Tharn: til.
Then tharn hesitated. He knew his father wouldn't be home til late tomorrow, but would type come over if he knew that. Type was shy to a point, would he put two and two together for what tharn was hoping to accomplish? He just wanted to be closer to type.
Tharn: shouldn't be home til 8.
Type: give me 15?
Tharn: i love you.
Type: love you more.
Tharn put his phone down.
I don't think that's possible he smiled.
Then he got up to go to his dad's room.
Walking inside he had to be carful not to touch anything. He hated people in his room.
Reaching his dresser tharn opened it to get a condom and lube.
Shutting it he looked down a bit embrassed.
Later type and tharn were on his bed sitting near each other while type looked down at the notebook figuring out the problems.
Tharn was a bit nervous.
He had the condom and lube in his back pocket.
Taking his eyes from the bed he looked to type.
He was being cute.
Tharn smiled.
Would he push him away if he knew this time he was serious?
Taking a deep breathe in tharn was about to find out.
He leaned his mouth to types neck leaving little kisses.
Type smiled.
"Your distracting me when im doing your homework?" He chuckled.
Tharn brought his hand up to grab the notebook to throw it to the floor.
Type closed his eyes getting into it.
Tharn brought up his hand to move types face to his.
They sensually kissed.
Tharn left his hand to types cheek has there kiss got more involved.
Type was the first one to shakily take his tongue out to seek entrance.
Maybe this wouldn't be has hard has i thought.
Tharn opened his mouth.
They then innocently swirled there tongues about.
Type let out a soft moan.
His hands land limply in his lap.
Tharn couldn't take it anymore.
He slowly and nervously took down his hand to types crotch too see if he was hard.
Tharn gulped has they continued.
He could feel how big type was through his pants.
Tharn then let out a moan.
Feeling bolder he started to rub his hand up and down types member.
Types eyes opened wide and he brought his hands up to push tharn away.
They glared at each other.
After a few moments tharn brought up his hands to place them on types wrists.
Tharn wasn't going to give up that easily.
"Type? Don't you..."
Type gulped. His lips parted.
Tharn made a sad face.
"Don't you want too with me?"
Type took a deep inhale.
"Tharn...i.....what if we break up? What if you don't enjoy it? What if you figure out you dont like guys...what if?"
Tharn put one hand over types mouth making his eyes open wide.
"Those things will never happen. I love you type. I want to be fully connected with you. Please."
Type looked down his eyes darted.
He started to breathe heavily.
Tharn let go to lean slightly back.
Type looked back with sad eyes.
"I love you tharn. scared."
Tharn leaned back to wrap his arms around type.
"I won't force you. I still love you type."
Type closed his eyes. It wasent like he didn't want tharn in that way. It was something type thought about constantly. Breathing in he believed in tharn.
Type then opened his eyes to bring his hands to his chest pushing him away.
Tharn looked to him confused then with his head hung type took off his shirt.
Tharns eyes widen. His lips parted. Tharn instantly got hard.
Type was so pale, thin and sexy.
Tharn took the shirt away to toss it to the floor.
Bringing up his hand to the side of types neck they began again with a tongued filled kiss.
Tharn then leaned type down onto the bed.
Tharn hovered over type. With his free hand he started to un button his shirt.
Once it was un button he leaned off to take it off.
Type bit his lip looking up at tharn.
He had an amazing body.
Type feeling a bit bold ran his fingers across his abs.
He then started to breathe heavily.
Tharn smiled Then he gulped to take his hands down to his pants to un button and un zip.
Type had to take calming breathes.
This is really going to happen.
Tharn never took his eyes away from type.
He took off his pants and boxers.
Type took a deep inhale then he look down his eyes widen. Tharn was massive.
Tharn smiled.
He then retrieved the condom and lube from his pocket to place them to the side of type.
Type didn't even notice he couldn't take his eyes off tharns erection.
Tharn then took his eyes down to un button types pants.
Type had to keep taking deep relaxing breathes.
Tharn then shuffled his pants down to then throw them to the side.
Type brought up his arms to lay them limply to the side of his head.
Tharn then took a deep inhale. Then he took off types boxers revealing his big erection.
"Nice." Tharn smiled.
Type shakily laughed.
"Um do you want to be the top or bottom?"
Tharn looked questionally at type who gulped.
"Uuuum tthe bbottom."
Tharn nodded.
Then he looked to the condom. He brought his hand up to Have type stop him.
Tharns eyes widen.
Did type want me to stop?
He looked to him.
They glared at each other.
Type gulped.
"I....i wwant to be able to feel alll of the real you. Can you not put on a condom? Iim clean. Ive never ever..."
Then tharn laid on top of type. With his other hand he played with his hair.
"Were both virgins...right type?"
Type nodded.
"I even hhhad a physical last month im..."
Then tharn kissed type again on the lips.
Leaning back Type took his hand from tharns to place it on the side of him.
Tharn kneeled on his legs looking down at they're erections.
He then put his hand on types.
Type twitched.
Tharn looked up.
"Ssorry nnnervous." He stuttered.
Tharn bit his lip.
He tried again then he wrapped it around types length.
Type cooed.
Getting bolder tharn started to jerk type off. Type gripped the bed sheet.
"Mmm." He moaned.
"Ttharn? Ddo you want me tto touch yours?"
Tharn looked up and nodded.
Type got shakily up to Bend his body slightly up to then put his quivering hand on tharns erection to start stroking his length.
Tharn moaned.
He then with his free hand he brought it up to grab types neck closer so they could put they're forheads together.
"Mmmm type your amazing. Dont stop."
Type squeezed his eyes shut moaning heavily.
Tharn they brought his chin up to take his tongue out seeking entrance in types mouth. Type gladly opened it wide. In there mouths they played a sensual, rhythmic dance with there tongues.
Type started to thrust his groin up and down. He was getting close.
Tharn feeling his member twitching he let go then pushed type back down to the bed still locked in there kiss.
Tharn opened his eyes to grab the lube.
Type never let go of tharns member.
Tharn with one hand took types off to place it to the side of his head.
Types other hand was squeezing tharns pectorals.
With both of his hands tharn was able to open the lube to put some in his hands. Throwing the lube to the side he put it on his throbbing member then he bent types legs to the sides of his waist.
Tharn pulled types body down has he placed his head on type outer hole.
Type then placed his other hand to tharns chest pushing him back.
Tharn breathed heavily looking down at type eyes darted.
Type looked guilty up.
"Ttharn are you sure? Aand is this going to hurt?"
Tharn smiled.
"Type i have never ever been more sure about anything in my life. I love you. Please let me make love to you. Ill try not to make it hurt too bad. I won't lie itll hurt."
Type took a deep breathe.
He then put his forehead on tharns chin.
"Mmm make love to me tharn."
Tharn took a nervous inhale then put his cock inch by inch into types tight hole.
Type gripped tharns chest it hurt a lot but he didn't let tharn know how much but he could tell.
"Mmmm are...are you okay?"
Type could only nod.
Once he got fully in he didn't move.
"Type you feel so amazing inside. Im all the way in."
Type could only take deep breathes.
"Can... Can i move?"
Type nodded.
Tharn then slowly thrusted in and out.
Type flopped his head back. Pain turned to pleasure. He then put his arms back to the side of his head gripping the pillow.
"Mmmm don't ddont stop."
Tharn kept his eyes on type who had his closed.
He then leaned his head to types.
"You have never been more sexier then right now type."
Type moaned heavily.
Tharn then brought one of his hands from the side of types body to start stroking his member.
"Aaaaah ttharn im going to ccum!"
Tharn couldn't help but thrust faster.
"Oh god yes!"
After a few more thrusts they came in unison.
Tharn leaned his forehead on types chest.
Type brought up his arms to put his hands on tharns head.
They both breathed heavily.
"Was..was it good for you type?"
"Im over joyed my first time was with you tharn. Was it good for you?"
Tharn chuckled then disconnected slowly out of type to lay to his side. Taking his arm up he wrapped it around types shoulder bringing him closer. He then brought up his other hand to stroke his cheek.
Type sorely shifted to his side to wrap his arm around tharns torso.
He had his head on tharns chest, his ear to his heart.
"Words cannot describe what i am feeling right now. I love you type. Thank you for this. Thank you for being my boyfriend."
Type smiled.
"I love you tharn. Never break up with me."
Tharn held him tighter.
"I never will."
The present
Kon was on top of type grinding himself with with his hands under neath his shirt teasing his nipples.
Types first time with tharn played in his head.
He couldn't do this.
Im so sorry kon.
Type moved his arms from around kons neck to push him away unlocking there kiss.
Type faked a stomach cramp.
He sat up wrapping his hands across his stomach acting like he was in pain.
Kon was on his knees then he rushed off the bed to go find types medication.
Type bit his lip in frustration.
What the hell type!
Kon went to types kitchen to get a cup of water.
Type hadent moved an inch.
Kon gave him a pill then the cup.
Type took it.
Then laid on his side staring straight ahead.
Kon took a deep frustrating breathe in has he sat to the side rubbing types back.
Later they were standing by the open door.
Kon looked to type.
"Are you sure your okay?"
Type nodded frustrated.
"Are you sure i can't.."
Type shook his head.
"Im sorry i just don't let anyone sleep over at my house."
Kon nodded.
"Well if anything happens call me."
Type nodded.
The he closed the door.
Type hit his forehead on the door.
"Fuck! Why did i have to think of my first time with tharn! What the hell is the matter with you!"
Then type brought up his arms to place his head onto them crying.
"Why...can't...i move on!" He weeped.

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