stepping heavily into stupidity

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A week went by and type did not know what to do or think about what to do. They still messaged each other everyday however, it was "are you okay?" Or "how is your day going?" Neither one of them talked about it nor did they try to see each other.
By friday type was in the studio with his head cocked to the side sculpting.
Kon came in with eric and type rolled his eyes.
Things Around the studio was irritating.
Every chance he could kon would be around type trying to get a rise out of him.
Type did that once after tharn and him broke up but feeling disgusted with himself He ended it within 5 minutes telling the student never mind.
Kon was over to the side with Eric placing his hand on his cheek then looking to the side, type kept up with his concentration.
He looked back to pull eric by the wrist too the floor.
Type smirked.
"So juvenile."
Finishing, type went to the sink to wash his hands. Drying them he leaned his body to the counter looking to the floor, yawning.
Everyday he had trouble sleeping. He could not fall asleep for more then a couple of hours.
Type missed tharns warmth.
Friends can sleep in the same bed?
Raising his eyes he threw the paper to the trash, shaking his head.
Friends don't get hard or rub there thumbs on your lip.
Type closed his eyes.
This is not going to end well, again type.
Tharn is seeing someone. But is he still?
Gritting his teeth Type couldn't stop himself.
Opening his eyes he took his phone out to text tharn.
Type: tharn? If your not busy, can you spend the night at my place tonight?
Starring At his phone Type breathed heavily.
Are you sure about this type? Nothing good will come from this.
Hesitating for a moment he pressed send.
He didn't even have to wait a full minute.
Tharn: yes i can. Have you've eaten i can pick up anything you want?
Type smiled.
Type: bubble tea and maybe Americanized food like pizza?
Tharn: leaving my office now.
Type: i dont want to hinder your work if you still have to.
Tharn: im done. See you soon.
Breathing heavily Type put his phone back in his pocket.
Leaving he saw Eric looking Mad at kon.
Shaking his head Type quickened his pace to go home.
Tharn had beaten type to his place.
He was sitted on the side with the tea and pizza.
Type smiled. Bending down he grabbed the tea while tharn got up with the pizza.
Awhile later they were sitted on the couch eating there food and watching an thai drama.
"Hmm type?"
Type consumed the last of his pizza, then he brought up his knee to his chest still staring at the tv.
"We're...we're you serious about me sleeping over again?"
Type flinched but nodded.
Tharn smiled.
"On this couch or..."
"My bed." Types eyes widen.
He answered that too quickly.
Tharn nodded.
Talk about something else. Breathing in type didn't want too talk about it but he needed to know.
"Um how is your girlfriend with all this? Isn't she lonely by her self?"
Tharn took a deep breathe. He was going to tell type a half truth.
"We don't live together. It's complicated."
Type nodded.
"How... so?"
"Well, I'm only with her...because of my father's will. Im trying to get around it right now."
Types eyes widen then he looked to tharn who starred forward.
"Your....not in love with her?"
Tharn looked down.
"No. Never was."
Then he looked to type. They both glared each other.
Types lips parted, tharn tried to lean forward but type got up.
Tharn looked up at him.
"Um...i...need to take a shower."
Retreating he got his clothes from his dresser to take a cold shower.
Tharn watched him go.
Type stood in the shower with his head under the water.
I hate your dad tharn! Why did he do that to his son! Cold heartless bastard even after death.
So..He doesn't love her.
Type smiled.
Then his stomach hurled it self forward when a memory crossed his mind.
"I never loved you type."
Type bit his lip and bent his body to the shower wall, one arm up.
That's right type. Don't be fooled, all this was not just because of his father.
Tharn was just experimenting.
Breathing in deeply type needed his medication.
Swallowing the pill, he brushed his teeth and got dressed.
Opening the door he looked at his bed with widen eyes. He stood at the door frame, his heart raced in his chest.
Tharn was laying on his side under the covers looking at type.
He gulped.
Tharn then pulled them away, motioning with his eyes Type turned off the light to get under.
He laid to his side back to tharn who put the covers. Over him.
Tharn laid on his back looking up at the ceiling.
"Good night type."
Type bit his inner cheek.
"Umm tharn?"
Type was already mentally kicking himself.
"Um can put...your arm around me like?"
Instantly he regretted that. Type got hard.
Damn it!
Tharn leaned his head to the side with shocked eyes.
"Uum it's caz... I'm.. cold and i know friends...can do"
Type was stuttering.
Tharn smiled.
"Right. It is pretty cold here."
Shifting his body tharn wrapped his arm.around type keeping his groin away.
He was erect.
Type smiled.
"Thank you..."
Tharn nodded.
They both closed there eyes feeling painfully frustrated but tharns warmth made type fall asleep quick.
Once asleep his body moved on its own. Shifting he rolled to the other side placing his head on tharns chest.
Tharn opened his eyes wide.
He could feel types hard on pressing up against his and if felt good.
Tharn took in shaky calming breathes.
Push him away Tharn.
Trying he did not succeed.
Somehow type had pushed tharn on his back to place his head on his chest, arm wrapped around and one leg wrapped across his waist.
Tharn kept his arms to the sides not touching type.
Now types thigh was touching his member that started to ozz pre cum.
Staring at the ceiling this was pure torture and tharn knew he deserved it.
This was Karma getting back at him for not being compelty honest about mia.
Breathing in shakily. Tharn came up with a plan. Since it was almost types birthday he was going to push to see if type still had feelings for him.
Taking a huge deep breathe he put his arm around type the other went on his arm that laid across his body.
What i have planned is deceitful and disgusting but i have to know. Especially since now i know how to get out of this engagement.
Tharn looked down to a peaceful asleep type to smile.
Letting his eye lids drift he was hoping for the best.

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