forever and ever

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Tharn woke up depressed has he been everyday since type left a year ago. He kept busy with the obliteration of his father's company and starting his own little one with the few people from his father's that he could fully trust.
Tharn was going into his 2nd year of architecture university. Other then the math portion of it, he was doing quite well.
Type's stay was extended from 5 months too a year. The gallery in paris loved his work. Type stayed modest through it all. Tharn was beyond happy for type, but missed crazy. The only thing that gave him any sort of comfort was they video chat, however it had been sparce due too the fact type and tharn have Been overly busy with work and planning there wedding through the mail, also constructing of there dream house.
After work, tharn was happy, he came in too sit turning on the computer with a smile.
He nodded.
"Sorry i haven't been able too chat has of late. How are you? Been eating well?"
"Mmm, yes. And you?"
"Mmm. Same. wondering, i never got the receipt from the venue you and i agreed upon... did they cancel?"
In two months time in July, they planned a wedding on the beach but type was not receiving any receipts.
"Mmm i....don't know. Ill look into the matter."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Mmm i....don't know."
Tharn gave him a huge smile.
"When does your flight come in?"
"In two days at 5am. Ill have.."
Tharn shook his head.
"I'll pick you up."
Type signed.
"No....too early. You need too sleep."
Tharn shook his head.
"Type....I've lived a year without you....let me pick you up."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Well, i have to keep this short. I'm packing. I want it to be now that i come home."
Tharn smiled.
"I know the feeling."
Type smiled wide.
"Tharn....before i Go. Thank you for this. I....really needed it."
"I told you id be right here type. I love you."
"Mmm i love you more."
"Don't think thats possible type."
Type stuck out his tongue playfully.
Tharn laughed.
Type waved and shut the computer.
Tharn turned his head too the side with a divious smile.
2 days later
Type did not really sleep on.the plane. He was too excited.
Walking a bit stumbly, he went through the gate. His luggage was already  picked up and taken too his home. He only had a bag.
Yawning, he kept walking.
Peering his eyes up he was a bit confused. Fluke was there with a smile.
Types eyes darted, looking everywhere, he stepped too fluke.
"What....are you doing here?"
"Mmm tharn couldn't get you. Wouldn't get up. He called me to pick you up."
Type rolled his eyes.
"I....told him. It's too early. I'm sorry fluke."
He shrugged.
"Well, let's go....hurry Hurry."
Type leaned his head back confused by the rush.
Fluke grabbed the wrist pulling him along.
In the car, types head lolled. He was exhausted.
Fluke started the car.
"Mmm you sleep.....ill....get you home."
Types brows furrowed.
He was confused with flukes hesitation and behavior. Shrugging, he drifted his eyes shut.
When they stopped, type oddly felt, well rested. That made no sense too him, it was only maybe a 30 minute drive too his house.
Opening his eyes, he looked to the clock confused. It was 11.
"Fluke! I've been asleep for 6 hours what the..."
However, fluke was already out, getting something from the back. Type looked around confused.
"Where am i?"
Fluke came about, opened the door, grabbing type by the wrist, pulling him along hard.
"Fluke! Fluke!"
He shook his head.
Type got confused.
"Late? Late for what?"
Fluke pulled type too a bathroom, locking the door.
He put the 2 black long bags on a hook then grabbed a blind fold from his back pocket.
Types eyes widen.
Fluke gave a grimance.
" me."
He stepped forward putting the blind fold on.
Fastened, type heard unzipping.
"Fluke....what is going on!"
"Mmm Yourll see."
Type grabbed fluke by the wrists when he felt his hands on his pants.
"Fluke....have you've lost your mind!"
"Type! Its Nothing sexual. Has your friend please just trust me."
Type gave a deep sign.
"Damn you fluke! Tell me what is going on!"
"Trust be. Soon Yourll understand. Now move your hands!"
Type shuttered a bit, he moved them. He was stripped of everything but his boxers, then fluke dressed him.
"Can....i take the blind fold off now?"
He brought up a hand too do so, fluke smacked it.
Fluke then ran his fingers through his hair.
"Bare with me! We are so late."
"Late for what!"
Fluke chuckled.
He took his hand too types too place it on his shoulder.
"Now...follow me."
"I'm going too trip fluke."
"Just walk slow."
"Let's go."
Has they left the bathroom they walked on a hard path. Type felt confused and like an idiot.
What is going on? Where is he taking me?
Soon type could feel sand. He had it.
Type took his hand down, stretching his hands out.
"Fluke....i am not going any further til you tell me!"
"Just a few more steps come on"
Type shook his head.
"'ve stripped me.."
Fluke laughed shakily.
"No! You blind folded me....tell me what is going on or ill..."
Fluke removed the blind fold, types eyes widen. He bit his lip in embarrassment looking down, bringing his arms down.
When He looked, there were his family and friends, standing looking at him, the other side where tharns friends (mainly from his company) type even saw mia with her husband.
Fluke placed his hands on either shoulder. Type couldn't open his eyes.
"I'm....the bestest friend ever. I brought you to your husband. Now..."
He motioned with his chin for the wedding march. Type flinched.
"Go down and Marry your man type."
Type looked up with narrowed eyes.
Fluke turned type, who felt so overly embarrassed.
His eyes darted til be saw tharn, standing at the end. Tharns smile made types heart skip a beat.
Someone handed fluke a bouquet and he placed it in types hands.
Fluke helped type down the aisle.
At the end, types parents went to either side and tharn went right in front of him.
"Who gives this man away?"
"We do."
Types eyes darted. He could not stop starting at had been a year since he was this close too him. Tharn held out a hand and type instantly grabbed it.
They went before the priest, without taking there eyes off each other.
"I...can't believe you did this tharn."
He smiled.
"All for you, i...couldn't Wait anymore."
Type nodded.
They turned there heads to Listen too the priest, holding hands.
Has they came to the end, they turned giving a breathe taking kiss.everyone clapped.
They placed there foreheads on one another.
"No longer my secert. I love you wife."
"I love you my husband."
Once the reception, was over the Two escaped. Tharn was not done.
They walked on types beach, hand in hand.
Tharn started to pull.
Type looked to him.
"Mm i have one more present for my bride."
They turned and went up a steep hill
Has they got too.the top, types eyes widen, lips parted.
It was there house.
Tharn looked to type adorly.
"Lets go in type."
He nodded.
Inside type looked around, chin quivered.
"I....can't believe this tharn...none of it."
He shrugged.
"Mmm I'm sorry. I couldn't buy your beach."
Type shook his head.
Turning he ran to tharn hopping on him. Tharn took a step back, has they kissed passionately.
Parting, type twisted his wrist too run his fingers through his hair.
"The beach, this house, my job your job. I don't care. The only thing i have ever wanted was you."
Tharn smiled.
"You have me type. I love you. You and i will always be together."
Type nodded, letting the tears fall.
He placed his lips back on tharns. They kissed deeply.
Has the years passed, type opened up his own gallery, with the money he made over in paris, tharn became a high class architect, (Type did all the math.) They lived blissfully happily together in there house they made by types beach, never too part again.

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