feeling lousy

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In the past
8 months into they're relationship tharn had told type they couldn't always be together close all.the time because of the rumors.
Type not wanting to upset tharn did what he asked. He barley went to his house,didn't eat with him and his friends anymore, barley walked down the hallways with him. It was breaking his heart but type just wanted to be with tharn but it was starting to over whelm him. He didn't like being a secert. Type didn't like to hide.
They both sat/laid during lunch after 2 weeks of no contact, other then texts and phone calls, they went to a very secluded spot. After tharn was going home early it was his older sisters birthday.
He hadent told type about it.
Tharn sat with his back to a tree with a book in one hand reading. Type had his head on his leg leaning it up to take bites of a sandwich tharn made for him.
Type wrapped his arms around his chest sighing here and there.
Even though tharn didn't tell type he knew what that day was.
Sighing once more Tharn smirked.
"Why do you keep sighing?"
Type leaned his head back up once more to take the last bite biting tharns fingers.
Tharn looked over, closing his book to look surprisly at type.
"What was that for?"
His eye brows furrowed.
Type looked up to sign again.
Leaning his body off he sat up next to tharn placing his fingers in his hand rubbing them.
Keeping his eyes down type wore a frown.
Tharn placed his book down to the ground to place his free hand to types cheek rubbing.
"What's wrong type?"
Type froze.
"I....don't like this. Always having too hide. Never getting to see you or hang out with you. Other then today it's been 2 weeks tharn. I miss you."
Tharn frowned.
"I know but when were together your too obvious."
Types eyes went up in anger.
"Im too obvious?"
Type shook his head moving his hands away letting tharns drop.
"I need to go."
Type stood up and tharn quickly got up.
Type froze a few feet away from tharn.
"This is for the best or do you want my father to find out?"
Type gritted his teeth.
"So...I'm just what...your secert forever tharn?"
Tharn grimanced and stepped towards him to wrap his arms around his body placing his head on his shoulder.
"Type. Its only for now. One day we will graduate then we can be together."
Type took a deep breathe to bring up his hands to remove tharns.
Tharns lips parted when type unlocked tharns grasp to turn around to place his arms to the side.
They glared at each other.
Types eyes narrowed.
"You need to go. Don't be late for your sisters bday, that i was not invited too but all your other friends were. Guess I'm not that important."
Then he let go of tharns hands to walk off going to the outside cafeteria to find his friends.
Tharn looked angerly at the ground.
Tharn walked with his book to a car to look back to see types head to a cafeteria table. Two of his friends were rubbing his back and fluke was in front of him looking down worried til he looked up to see tharn.
Fluke shook his head to him.
Tharn dropped his glare to the ground then angerly he got in the car.
In the present
Type woke up with stomach pains.
"Mmm" wincing he got quickly up.
Going to the bathroom he got his medication.
Feeling better he relieved himself then washed up.
Looking at his watch he was going to be late.
Dressed and eating a half meal he walked to the gallery.
It had been 2 days and he didn't confront kon about the cheating.
Type really didn't care nor did he want to talk about it.
Painting in dark colors kon came in too stand behind type looking at the painting.
"Mmm a bit dark."
Type shrugged.
"Haven't felt happy."
Kon smiled.
He leaned to place his hands to his shoulders trying to plant a kiss on his neck.
Even though he didn't want to talk about it he wouldn't let him touch him. Quickly type got up making kon straighten up too look confusingly at type who kept his eyes down.
"Uum..kon. I..don't want you to touch me anymore. Its.. Over."
Kon lips parted He tried to take a step forward for type to take a step back.
Type took a deep inhale.
"Kon. I know. I saw you and eric 2 days ago."
Kons eyes Widen.
"Type I'm sorry. It was a mistake, something that shouldn't have happened. Please give us another chance. I know it's a poor excuse but i have just been so frustrated."
Type shook his head.
"Kon.. No. Maybe its best i find another gallery to work in."
Kon looked down sullenly.
"Please don't. I know itll be awkward has hell but we can make this work. Maybe i can..."
Type looked to kon.
"Kon. I'm not giving you any hope. You and i will not happen. Honestly you have a better chance with Eric now. Ill stay for awhile but i will be looking at other gallery's. If your okay with it id like to go home. Ill come back tomorrow."
Kon looked to the side trying not to cry.
He nodded.
Type breathed in.
"I'm sorry kon, i wish this didn't end this way but.."
Type shrugged.
He turned around to leave hearing kon throw something.
Walking home he took out his phone being stupid.
Type: tharn? I know we haven't spoken in two days but would you be able to come to my place?
Barly a second later.
Tharn: yes. I can pick up dinner on the way. Is there anything you feel like?
Type:shrimp chili? Salmon and mackerel? If it's too expensive i can pay you half.
Tharn: no need. I should be there in 30. Also type? Uum since I'm getting dinner can i sleep over again. Im close to breaking up with mia i dont want to be alone in my empty apartment.
Type stood still. This was a bad idea. Type was single and tharn, even though he said he was close to breaking up, he was still in a relationship.
However, type missed tharn. He was also feeling lonely without him. One night can't hurt...can it?
Shaking his head Type continued to walk.
Type: sure.
Then he placed his phone in his back pocket feeling nervous while he continued home.

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