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The next morning they woke early, both having to go to work. They had enough time too have a sensual round in there huge shower.
Type had gotten out first, too get dressed quickly.
Tharn came out leaning his body to the door frame looking lustfully at type getting into his paint stained overalls, over his clothes.
Type had a great idea for a painting, it was going to be colorful.
Mmmm....will i ever not want you type. Tharn smiled.
Leaning his body off, he walked too type to wrap his arms across.
Type chuckled.
"Tharn....I'm so sorry but i got too go."
They swayed a bit.
" need my car or i can call one for you?"
"Mmm...can i take your car and you met me later in a taxi? I can drive us home."
Tharn nodded.
" leave your job by 5 today type?"
Turning his head to the side they shared in a brief kiss.
Parting, type took his hands up to unwrap.
"So sorry....have too go.." He walked backwards with an apologetic look.
Tharn nodded chuckling.
Running down, type found the keys and left.
Tharn got dressed and called for taxi.
At his place of work, tharn ate breakfest.
Working has 5 drew near he received a phone call.
Answering his eyes went wide.
Closing the phone he dialed for a taxi to go to types work now.
At the studio, types boss left early for date night with her husband. She trusted type too lock up.
Finishing, type stood back admiring what he accomplished.
Tharn, what are you doing to me.
He chuckled.
Hearing the little bell from the front room, type forgot to lock the door.
Looking to the wall clock it was 5.
Walking he went out to see the side of kon. He was swaying a bit looking up at an art work of types.
Type bit his lip.
Kon then brought up a bottle downing the contents just too place it too his side.
Type gulped.
Taking a deep breathe, he thought about calling the cops but he would rather handle it with out anyone going to jail.
Stepping slowly and silently, he went to his back a bit nervous.
Keep it light type. Call him a taxi.
"Uuum kon?"
He scoffed looking at the painting.
"Bbbbbeauifuuuuullll has always type." He slurred.
Type took a deep breathe in.
"Kon....let me call a taxi."
He tried to place his hands to his shoulder but he shook him off turning roughly about. He swayed.
"Mmmm.hhhappy your doing so fucking well. See yyou moved on quuuick."
Kon stepped towards type, he gulped and stepped back til he hit the wall.
Shit, maybe i should have called the police.
Kon.looked Down eyeing types pants.
"Mmmm have... you've let him in that guarded assss yet type.mmmmm?"
Types eyes narrowed.
" to leave."
Kon scoffed.
He took the bottle to start shaking it.
Type eyed him suspically.
What is he going to do?
Shaking it fast.
He let it explode all over type. Type brought up his hands, then leaned his head to the wall trying not to get any alcohol in his mouth.
"Aaaaah finally cummmming allll over yo...."
Before he could finish tharn rushed in to punch kon, making them fall to the ground, tharn hovered over him, punching hard.
Type gulped, opening his eyes.
He grabbed tharns hand to pull him off.
Kon laughed crazily and maniacally.
Type looked to kon in anger.
"Get the fuck out kon before you wind up in a jail cell! Out!"
Kon got up, grabbing his empty bottle, letting the blood from the side of his lip drip. Type gulped, tharn breathed in hard.
He stopped in front of them eyes darted with a smile.
Tharns eyes narrowed.
" there ttttharny...had my cum in his stomach." He laughed.
Tharn tried to move forward but type wrapped his arms around his body.
Kon laughed walking backwards.
"Mmmm and i touched his cock."
Tharn gritted his teeth.
They both breathed in heavily watching kon leave.
Being in anger, tharn shuffled himself out of. Types grasp.too go to the door locking it. Type looked down sullenly.
Tharn came back to stand a few feet away hesitantly, taking in a few breathes.
He walked too type wrapping his arms around. Types eyes widen in  surprise.
" okay type?"
Type nodded.
He brought up his hands to push tharn off, keeping his head hung.
"Mmm i....have too change."
Tharn nodded.
Type left going to the back going through his locker for clean clothes. Dressing he placed his dirty clothes in a bag.
Leaving the back, he looked too see tharn cleaning up the alcohol and the blood.
Cleaning up they both left.
Tharn drove them home.
Once inside, type went straight to the shower.
Inside, type let tears fall. Why is kon like this with me? He cheated on me? What the hell is wrong with him? Why wont he leave me alone?
With closed eyes, type stayed under the shower head letting the warm water wash away everything.
Tharn came in wrapping his arms around, placing his head on types shoulder.
"Type...i am so sorry..i."
Type turned wrapping his arms around his neck, to cry.
Tharn wrapped his arms around his back, gripping.
After they went too the bed, in a  close embrace.
Type laid his head on tharns chest while he had his arms around types body.
"I'm... so sorry about this tharn."
He shook.his head.
"Type...don't. Kon is dangerous. I hope your not.mad with me but when we got back i had a Person follow him. He's dangerous type. I've researched him a bit today. His last ex had to put him.on a restraining order. Kon abused him."
Type shuttered.
"No...I'm not mad. Thank you tharn. Happy i moved in with you."
Tharn smiled.
"Type maybe you need too..."
Type closed his eyes.
"Tharn...please for now. Can you just hold me. Only thing i want is too be with you. Your warmth and love....please Tharn."
He held him tighter.
"Sleep then type. Dream happily. I'm right here."
Type shifted his head up and down with a smile.
Tharn looked to the side at his phone has type rendered himself into unconsciousness. Tharns eyes narrowed. not over kon. Not by a fucking long shot.

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