waking up

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Past - 1 week after there first time.
Tharn was laying on his back in his boxers with one hand behind his head fully asleep. Type was to his side drapt over him laying peacefully asleep on his chest with his arm over tharn.
Tharns free arm was around types body laying limply. Type had a shirt and his boxers on.
They had stayed up late doing homework. Tharn had taken a shower after he completed his homework, type was on his stomach having trouble staying awake.
Once tharn was finished he exited his bathroom to smile wide.
Type had his face in his book fast asleep.
Tharn took off his pants then moved the materials away. Laying on his back he leaned type up to there now position.
"Mmm ttharn. I need too."
Tharn hushed type lulling him too sleep.
He knew his father was at a conference and wouldn't be home til the next afternoon.
Coming back, type started to shift his head up and down.
"Mmm" he moaned still half asleep.
Tharn took a deep inhale and leaned his head to the side.
"Mmm good morning type." He said without opening his eyes.
Type shifted his head a bit more then realization hit him.
His eyes opened wide Then he quickly got up.
Staring down tharn opened his eyes confused.
Types eyes darted then he looked to the side at the clock it was 7 in the morning.
"Damn it tharn! Are you trying to get me killed."
Getting off the bed he bent his body over to get his pants.
Tharn leaned up on his side to watch type with a smile.
Type got down on all fours to look under the bed for his belt.
Tharn got up to quickly go over to type leaning his body on his wrapping his arms around his torso.
"Type, my father wont be home til 430. Your fine."
He took a deep breathe in and leaned back with tharn.
"Your going to give me a heart attack. You owe me. Mmm breakfest."
He smiled bringing up his arms to tharns.
Tharn put his mouth on types neck. Then one hand started to go down his opened pants to place it on his member.
Types eyes widen.
He hummed on his neck.
"Type. Let me make love to you in the morning then ill make my baby whatever he wants."
Types lips parted has tharn started to take his member out to slowly and sensually stroke him off.
"Mmmm tharn. We should have more sleep overs."
To the present
Tharn fell off the couch with morning wood Dreaming of the past.
Being on the ground on his butt he looked to the side to see type wasn't there.
Tharn looked forward with furrowed eye brows.
Checking his watch it was 730 in the morning.
Staring Straight he saw on the coffee table a note.
Reaching his hand across a single key dropped down to the floor tharn eyed it with confusion.
Then his eyes went to the note.
Tharn: i had to go to the gallery pretty early this morning. Ive left you a key to lock up after you wake. I made you a little breakfest its in the refrigerator. Nothing fancy. Please place the key back under the door once you leave. Also, thank you for last night. Ment a lot to me.
Your friend
Tharn smiled.
Placing the paper back on the table he got up to walk to types made bed looking down with furrowed eye brows.
How many times has that bastard been able to make type cum in this bed?
Tharn rolled his eyes.
Your one too talk tharn. Your a bastard too after everything you've done to him.
Breathing in he envied kon but he also wanted to financially destroy him.
Feeling an overwhelming desire tharn crawled on types bed to lay on his stomach to place his head onto his pillow inhaling types scent.
"Mmm type."
Tharn then leaned his head to the side looking to the wall.
There had to be a way to end this engagement. I don't love her. I love...
Tharn grimanced getting off types bed to go back to the couch getting his pants and jacket on.
He then walked to.the kitchen opening up the door to get the food holding the plate in both of his hands staring down.
It was tharns favorite dish. Type still remembered things like this.
Tharn had to take a deep breathe.
Taking it to the kitchen counter he consumed the food in minutes un aware how hungry he was.
Turning around he cleaned the dish to then put it in the dishwasher.
Going to the bathroom he relieved himself and washed his hands.
Leaning his head up he got curious.
Drying his hands he opened types medicine cabinet to frown.
There were empty medication bottles. He also had a bunch of aspirin and tums plus other stomach related things.
"Type, what is going on inside your stomach?"
Tharn took a deep inhale.
Putting everything back he needed to start fully researching how to get out of his engagement.
The only thing that was good about this situation concerning type. He was now single. Even if the circumstances behind it was a horriable thing.
Walking out he went back towards the couch to bend down retrieving the key.
Stepping towards the door he opened it to take one last look around with a smile.
"I hope I'm invited here again."
Then he closed the door to lock it putting the key then under the door.

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