don't spoil me

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Type shuffled his head about, while he laid on his stomach.
The two had an incredable night together.
Smelling An alluring aroma, type opened his eyes too smile then slightly frown.
Tharn sat to the edge, looking down at type, with breakfast on a tray near them.
Type prompt himself up, eyeing the delicious food.
"Mmmm tharn...." He whined.
"You know this weekend I'm suppose too..."
Tharn lightly chuckled and brought up his hand to stroke types cheek.
"Its fine...i got this. Eat and get dressed."
He smiled then left.
Type shifted himself around too the edge of the bed placing the tray in his lap consuming the food.'s my turn too spoil you."
He muttered under his breathe.
Finished, he got up too get dressed.
Leaving he went downstairs to eye the open doors too the back porch.
Walking to it, he left to instantly see tharn, standing there, coffee in hand, looking to the river.
Type smiled.
Stepping towards him, type wrapped his arms around to sway them a bit.
"Tharn.....I'm suppose too be spoiling you this weekend...." He gave a pout.
Tharn chuckled under his breathe.
"No need type."
Type rolled his eyes.
I will spoil you tharn....just you wait.
After they stood outside for awhile admiring the view they both went inside to sit on the couch watching tharns favorite movie, even through the protests.
"Type....we don't have too watch this... let's watch."
Type moved his head to the side to eye him narrowly.
Tharn rolled his eyes pulling him closer with his arm around his shoulder.
Type placed his head on tharns chest with a smile.
Watching the movie, type had too get up first so he could make them lunch.
Tharn watched type get up with an eye brow raised.
In the kitchen type went too work fixing them a grand lunch.
Has he cut the fruit tharn came behind him wrapping his arms around, head to his shoulder.
"Type.....what did i tell you?"
Type shook his head.
"This weekend is about you...let me man."
Tharns eyes widen. A warm smile spread across his lips. He hugged type tighter.
"I love you type. Your all mine."
Type smiled.
"You are mine too tharn."
Tharn the whole time never let go, watching type make there lunch.
At the kitchen table, type started it first.he fed tharn. Tharn rolled his eyes then fed type.
Feeding each other they were lost in there own world.
By the end tharn couldn't take it.
He grabbed type up in a bridal style too take him too the bed.
Type protested.
"Tharn....." He chuckled.
In the room tharn placed type gently down.
Hovering over him they kissed each other in passion.
Type wrapped his arms and legs around tharns body.
Tharn took his mouth off too place it too his neck leaving kisses.
"Mmm tharn..."
Awhile later, they both undressed.
In a close embrace, they were too there sides, tharn thrusted hard and deep into type Making him moan loudly in pleasure.
They had there hands intertwined to the bed, squeezing hard.
"Aaaah good mmmm."
Tharn moved his mouth to types ear to lick.
Types body shuttered.
"Mmm tharn I'm going too cum."
Tharn smiled.
With his free hand tharn placed it from types side to his length stroking him.
His body bucked.
"Aaaaaah I'm gonna....I'm gonna...."
"Mmm cum for me type."
Biting his lip they both came.
Laying on both of there sides they looked too one another, adorly.
" don't have to spoil me. I....don't deserve it."
Type signed.
"Tharn....yes you do. You have done so much for me."
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"Not enough....not after all i put you through in the past."
Type took a deep breathe.
Bringing up his hand he pushed tharn to his back to lay his head over his chest.
"Tharn....we need too try and put the past behind us. We have 2 months left of this unpleasantness and hopefully we have seen the last of kon..."
Type grimaced. He knew that was not True.
Type turned his head up to look at tharn There eyes darted.
"Let us just be here....together. After we've been together for a year....what will Happen next."
Tharn smiled.
"School for me. Then I'd like too start building our dream home with you by my side on our beach. I wonder if i could own all of it?"
He lightly chuckled.
Type rolled his eyes.
Tharn brought up his hand so they could intertwine them in his chest.
Type leaned his mouth up and laid his lips on tharns to part placing his head on his chest listening too his heart beat.
"Also to make you my wife."
Type smiled.
"Mmm husband....I'm not a girl."
Tharn smiled wide.
"Have you've.... been thinking of it?"
Type nodded.
"Yes.....i have."
Tharn leaned his head a bit too kiss types head.
"I love you type. I can't wait too see you all in white coming towards me."
Type smiled.
Closing his eyes he saw it. Tharn at the far end waiting for him.
Type hummed.
"I hope that will happen."
Tharn hugged type tighter.
"It will happen type. I will make sure of it. I love you. It has always been you for me."
Types chin quivered.
Don't overly hope type....anything can happen.
"Mmmm tharn...i....hope but i also..."
Tharn gave a deep sign.
"I know type...i know."
"To change this topic, til tomorrow let me spoil you after i wake from my nap."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"Whatever my wifey wants."
Type gulped. He loved the sound of that. In that moment he gave his all thinking this is what will Happen at the end of the year. Slowly being cynical was dissipating.
I love you tharn! I can't wait too be your wife...husband. He slightly chuckled under his breathe. They both fell into a blissful loving sleep.

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