casual lovers

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Type laid on tharns chest with an arm across his torso looking to the wall.
Tharn laid on his back with one arm behind his head the other on types.
They were both undressed, a bit tired after going a second round in the bed.
He shifted his head slightly up and down hearing tharns heart beat.
"I...need to know. What are..."
Type immediately got up looking down at tharn with narrowed eyes.
Tharn looked up at him questionally.
"Either you can finish that sentance and i won't stay for the weekend or you won't ask and ill make us dinner."
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"What...are you making?"
He raised an eye brow.
Type smiled.
Leaning down he placed his lips on tharns for a brief kiss.
Parting he turned to get up.
Bending he gathered his boxers and tharns button shirt.
Dressed he left making his way to the kitchen.
Tharn watched him go. Looking to the ceiling he rubbed his hands over his eyes.
Tharn couldn't take much more of this.
In the kitchen type looked around. There wasent really any food.
Shrugging he could only make a dish with meat, vegetables and noodles.
Cooking tharn came to lean his body to the frame arms across his chest.
Watching type he wore a smile.
Type looked so cute wearing tharns over sized shirt.
Tharn didn't know what to do. He wanted more. How am i going to go about this? Its not like i can rush this. All of it is my fault. Grimacing tharn hung his head.
Finishing types eyes darted between the food and to tharn.
Cocking his head to the side he eyed the food.
"Mmm tharn? Can you grab a couple of plates for me?"
Tharn breathed in and went forward retrieving them.
Sitting at the kitchen table. They both dug in.
"Why...don't you have any food?"
Tharn shrugged.
"I would eat out manily. I am rarely home."
Type dug his fork into the food and ate some vegetables.
" end up getting your dream job?"
Tharn looked down to furrow his brows.
"Not exactly. My father pushed me into becoming a lawyer rather then me becoming an architect."
Types lips parted.
Looking down type felt a twinge of sadness for tharn. All through school that's all he wanted to be. Tharn could draw amazing building concepts. Not really good at the Math portion but...
"What's Stopping you now?"
Tharn looked up eyeing type who wore a smile.
He lightly chuckled.
"I'm old now."
Type rolled his eyes.
"27 is not old." "You made magnificent drawings in school. I always loved seeing your face light up when you dragged me to look at the weird building."
Type laughed forking more food into his mouth.
"You.... Remembered what my face looked like when i would..."
Type chewed slowly.
Looking up he looked sorrowfully at tharn.
"Maybe...we shouldn't talk about the past."
Whipping the food from the side of his mouth, type got up taking the plate with him to wash it in the sink.
Tharn took a deep breathe in.
Getting up he walked to type wrapping his arms around his torso.
Placing his head on his shoulder.
"What are we type?"
Type looked up, lips parted.
Type took a deep breathe in.
"Casual lovers."
"Tharn...we are not going out. I will not ever be yours. This is all i am capable of. Either you can accept it or i can just leave."
Tharn froze.
Don't Rush him tharn. This. Is. Not. About. You.
Nodding, tharn placed his hand in the sink to take the plate from his hand to place it flat on the sink bottom.
Turning type, tharn placed his hands to either side of his face giving him.a passionate kiss.
Type held his hands out trying not to touch tharn. He hadent washed his hands.
Tharn leaned back a bit confused.
Type smiled.
"Haven't washed my hands."
Tharn smiled.
"Wash them.'
Type rolled his eyes to turn around.
Washing his hands he cocked his head to the side to bit his lip.
Tharn had placed both his hands up types shirt to tease his nipples.
Tharn moved his head to the side to see type was done.
Quick he picked up type bridal style.
Carrying him type wrapped both arms around tharns neck eyes narrowed.
" okay with what i told you."
"Will you...see anyone else?"
Type shook his head.
Tharn shrugged.
"Casual lovers, that are friends?"
Type smiled.
"Yes. I'm also still your friend."
Tharn leaned his head down to place his lips on his.
They both opened there mouths to allow there tongues to swirl around sensually.
Turning slightly tharn carried type to his bed.
Flopping them down Tharn hovered over type.
Something then crossed types mind he then brought down his arms to tharns chest to lean him back.
Tharn looked questionally at type.
"Uuum...i should have asked this earlier but uum have you've and her...on this bed?" He asked with wide eyes.
Tharn smiled.
"No. A month ago i got this brand new bed. You a few hours ago helped Christian it."
Type rolled his eyes.
Tharn leaned slightly down motioning with his chin.
Types eyes drifted slightly shut looking lustfully at tharn.
They both leaned together to once again lock there lips in a heated passionate kiss.
We may be casual lovers now type, hopefully soon Yourll let me become your man once more. I will wait for you has long has you need me too.
I love you type. Ill be whatever you need me to be.

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