re living the nightmare

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A month passed for the two, type barley painted anything that wasent dark and morbid. He indulged in work trying too stay busy.
Each day type woke up screaming next too tharn, "let me go."
Every night tharn consoled type, bringing tears too his eyes.
Type barly ate, slept or went to work. He also barely was with tharn, type often stayed by himself until he had too get some sleep, type wouldnt sleep anywhere else but with tharn.
He was trying so hard to move passed what had happened with kon, but it was useless.
By the end of the end of the month, he went out drinking to a bar with his friends fluke and frame.
They sat at the bar while type looked down stiring the straw around.
Frame was dancing when his boyfriend came in and fluke wouldn't leave types side.
Type never took a drink.
"Type....let's step out side, get some air."
He nodded.
Outside, they sat on a park bench looking forward, watching the people.
" are you these days type?"
Type shrugged. He barely talked.
"Type...maybe it would help if you talk about what happened."
He gulped and hard.
"Mmm i really just want it too go away."
"I know. When is his court date?"
"Next week. Tharn and i will go. I hope they lock him away. I....still can't believe he was going too."
Type looked down, with great pain and sadness.
"I hope they will too. How is your home life type?"
He slightly smiled.
"I'm..... being a burden to tharn. Every time i get even an ounce of sleep....i wake up screaming. I know this can't be easy for him."
Fluke signed.
"Type....i still don't like him. But type, he saved you, he loves you. I don't believe for one second you are being a burden."
Type nodded.
"Some part of me knows that. After, what happened too me, i...
Told him i loved him."
Fluke nodded.
"But.....Havent said it since. Haven't....really said anything."
"Give it time Type. No one is rushing you. What that vile piece of shit did is still fresh. Just let time heal you."
Type nodded.
"Will....Will you take me home?"
He nodded.
"Come on. Ill take you home."
Parting, fluke drove type home where he passed out in the passenger side.
Tharn was inside, on his lap top, registering himself for the fall.
Hearing a knock, Tharn got up from sitting down in the living room, to open the door seeing fluke.
"Type, passed out in the car. I think if i get him he'll wake. Can you?"
Tharn nodded.
Putting on his shoes, he followed fluke.
Has he placed his hand too the door handle, fluke placed his hand palm down, not allowing him to open it.
They eyed each other.
"Tharn, i will not stand before you and act has if i like you. However, what you did for type. Thank you. You need to know type thinks he is becoming a burden too you. Please make him think other wise."
Tharn peered his eyes forward, seeing an asleep type in the car.
He nodded.
"You have too know fluke type is not being a burden to me. Not in the least. I love him with my heart and soul."
Fluke nodded.
"Good. Tharn....never leave Type or i might have to kick your ass."
He nodded.
Fluke moved his arm away.
Tharn opened the door slowly, he bent his body in, removed the belt.
"Mmm" type groaned.
Tharn was able to maneuver type out with ease and picked him up bridal style. He did not wake.
Tharn looked to fluke.
"How much did he drink?"
"He drank nothing. Please take care of him."
Tharn nodded.
Fluke went to the driver side, departing.
Tharn took type in to there bedroom.
He flopped him down on his back, bending down, he got on his knees too take off his shoes.
In types mind, he was in the studio, kon behind him, his head started to twitched, eyes darted rapidly under his eye lids.
Bending up, tharn started to unbuckle types pants, unaware of what he was dreaming about.
Feeling his pants, start to be taken off, type jolted awake, pushing tharn away, for him to land on his butt, arms behind him looking up at type who was breathing heavily and shook.
He eyed tharn then looked down, tears fell.
"I'm....I'm so sorry...."
Tharn immediately got up to sit by type holding his body to him.
"Shhhh it's okay type. I'm here. Kon is in jail. He can't get to you. Shhhh."
Type cried heavily on tharns chest.
Both down to there boxers, they laid in a close embrace, hands intertwined, over the blanket.
Tharn had his free hand on types head running his fingers along his hair.
Type looked forward, feeling pathetic.
"Tharn....i am so sorry i keep."
Tharn shook his head.
"Don't type. Don't. I'm here. Do not apologize."
Type inhaled a deep shaky breathe. He was happy his boss was so understanding and he could take the month off to recover.
Type squeezed there intertwined hands.
" you tharn. I truly mean it."
Fresh tears rolled down his face.
"I love you too type. Your....not trying to....break up with me are you?"
Type gulped, his eyes widen in shock.
"No....Tharn no. I will never! You better not either."
Tharn hugged him tightly.
"Of course type. I love you. This.... Hopfully will go away soon and you can be yourself again. Remember this bastard is going too jail for the rest of his life. And you type, will be with me for the rest of yours and mine."
Type closed his eyes imagining.
"Mmm our house, that i help you with, on our beach, somehow, me a great painter and you the great architect? Playing in the warm water, losing ourselfs with one another?"
Tharn smiled.
Taking his hand back he reached under the pillow.
Type breathed in and out while his left hand laid alone on the blanket above his stomach.
Tharn placed his elbow on types sides over the blanket with a smile playing absentmindly too something.
"Your....forgetting one thing type."
Types eyes furrowed, confused for a moment.
His eyes opened then they turned wide looking down at his left hand, gulping.
Tharn placed his mouth to his ear.
"You are forgetting, you type will be my wife."
Types lips parted, fresh tears of joy rolled down his cheeks has he looked down to a silver band on his left ring finger, to read an description.
"Your my true love"

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