art gallery showing

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Tharn was in types bedroom seated next to him watching him paint.
"Mmm your getting better."
Type smiled. Then he got a naughty idea.
"Tharn...if i move to pastels can i draw you with uuum."
Then his ears flushed.
Tharn looked to type who started to shake a bit.
Then he put his mouth to types ear.
Type froze.
"Shirt on or off?"
Type gulped.
Tharn then started to lick types ear.
"Mmm" he moaned.
Tharn got up to move his chair in front of type. Types lips parted has tharn slowly un buttoned his shirt to look at type striking a pose.
Type rolled his eyes.
Bending to the side he opened another box to get his pastals. Going back up he ripped the paper away to start on drawing tharn.
Type looked to the paper drawing his chest.
"Do you think i will be good enough to have an art gallery of my own?"
Tharn smiled.
"Ill finance it for you when i get my dream job."
Type smiled.
"Tharn... Do you think i have talent?"
Tharns eyes narrowed. 
"I won't answer that til i see how you drew me." He chuckled.
Type chuckled too.
"Mm stop moving then."
After a few moments type motioned with his chin for tharn to look.
He got up to stand behind type.
Tharn smiled. Then he wrapped his arms around his Neck.
"You have talent type. I will love to stand by such an incredible artist like you."
Type blushed.
"Now. Are you saying that because i have real Talent or because i drew you?"
Tharn swayed them back and forth.
"You will never know."
Tharn took  his hand to types face to move it to the side. They both glared at each other.
"I can't wait too see your projects when we're older."
Then type leaned his lips on tharns.
Tharn looked himself in the mirror getting ready for types gallery showing.
Breathing in he didn't know if he would tell type the truth about him and aimee.
Tharn never told her about this art showing. He didn't honestly know what he was going to do. Tharn didn't want to be just friends but type had a boyfriend and tharn had a fiancee.
Taking a deep inhale his watch alarm was chirping.
"Let's go."
In the back Type downed another shot. Would tharn actually come? Since that day they haven't texted,called or seen each other. This whole thing was setting type over the edge.
Kon then came in to see type standing up cradling a shot glass to his chest.
He stared forward lost in thought.
Kon went to him thinking it was nerves from the showing.
He went to type to put his hands to his shoulder giving them a rub.
"Type. Itll be fine. Your work is incredible."
Type came into reality.
"Mmm i hope so. Haven't had a showing since Germany."
Kon smiled.
He reached around to get the shot glass. Type let it go to shake kon off to look straight at him.
"Mmm let's greet the public." He smiled.
Kon nodded. Putting the shot glass down they both left.
Type walked to the podium to make a speech.
Looking around he didn't see tharn that made him both happy and oddly sad.
Shaking his head he spoke.
While he was speaking he looked once more tharn was there with a smile. Type quickly looked away brows furrowing a bit. Tharns smile disappeared.
"So please everyone take your time. Look around. Thank you all for coming to my art showing."
He nodded then kon went after him to give a speech.
Type stayed away from tharn to look up at one of his paintings.
Tharn after some time went to him to stand at his side to look up.
"You really have a talent for this type."
Type shuttered.
Moments of awkward silence took place. Then type took a breathe in.
He turned to his side to look at tharn who was already looking at him. Then type looked around confused.
"Where's your girlfriend?"
Tharn shurgged.
"Mmm couldn't make it sadly."
Type nodded.
"So how long you two been together?"
"About 3 months."
"Going well?"
Tharn shurgged.
"I don't know. Barley see her. Planning to break up with her."
Tharn bit his tongue.
Why are you telling him that? You know you can't.
Type got oddly happy. Then he took a breathe in.
"Well, if it's not going anywhere maybe you should."
Type looked down to kick his foot slightly up.
Tharn knew when type got jealous.
He stepped forward to whisper in his ear.
" being jealous?"
Type snapped his head up and leaned himself away from tharn to look at him with narrowed eyes.
"Hell no. Remember your on a friend probationary period. Don't say things like that to me. I do have a man tharn. Don't forget it. "
Tharn gritted his teeth then took a step back.
"Yes i know. My apologizes."
Types deamnor relaxed when he saw tharn upset.
Type knew he was lying to him about kon and his relationship.
"Um...tharn i need to..."
Then kon came to them wrapping his arm around types shoulder looking between the two.
"Isn't this a great gallery showing."
Tharn smiled.
"Yes. You have a very talented artist here."
Type smiled.
"I know i do."
Then tharn got an idea to put a rift between them.
"Mmn have you've seen types earlier works?"
Types eyes widen.
Tharn wouldn't dare!
"A few from Germany. What have you?"
Kon cocked his head to the side confused. How would he know of them?
"Mmm type here and i used to be friends in high school."
Tharn smirked.
Type breathed out in relieve.
He didn't think for one moment tharn would tell kon of there secret relationship but he didn't know this person anymore.
Kon looked to type.
Type shrugged.
"Um we had a falling out."
Then he gritted his teeth.
"Tharn here couldn't deal with my sexual orientation anymore."
He rose an eye brow continuing the lie he told his mother way back when.
Tharns eyes widen.
Kon looked angerly at tharn.
Tharns eyes narrowed had type gave a dark smirk.
"Actually that's not true. Your man here kept trying to hit on me when he knew i was straight."
Types eyes went wide.
Kons body stiffened.
Types eyes narrowed.
"Your so full of yourself. Even back then you were so not my type."
Kon let go of type to walk to the back.
Types eyes followed him.
Then he looked at tharn who gave a dark look.
"You are such a..."
Type shook his head.
"You know what. Your probationary period is over. I don't want anything to do with you!"
Then type walked past tharn for him to grab his arm.
Type kept his eyes to the floor.
"Type I'm sorry just..."
Type took his arm away.
"Good bye tharn."
Then type went to kon.
Tharn took a deep inhale.
After the show kon drove type home. Parked kon had taken the keys out of the ignition.
Type looked to him worried.
Then kon looked to him.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Type shurgged.
"Wasent a happy time in my past. He was an asshole."
"If i had known i wouldn't have made you sell your art to him."
Type shurgged.
Then he leaned over to lock his lips on kons. They lathered there tongues in each other mouths.
Type got hard.
Regrettable he was thinking of tharn.
Type leaned back to look forward taking his hand to run his thumb across his bottom lip.
"Did you two ever?"
Type looked to kons serious expression.
"No." He lied.
Then he brought his hand up to get kons to place it on his member.
Kons eyes widen.
"Will you come up me with this?"
Kon smiled wide.
Its time to get over tharn.

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