worst mistake of his life

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Tharn tossed and turned in his bed not being able to wake up.
After breaking up with type, tharn was a broken man.
In his room he sat on the floor staring down at a picture of type and him.
Tharn shook his head sullenly with a slight smile.
That day type wanted them to take a picture together. He kept trying to get tharn to kiss him but tharn told him no.
Type didn't take a no for an answer. He settled with a kiss on tharns cheek.
Tharn in the picture had his arms folded over his chest smiling. Type had his lips on his cheek pointing the camera slighly up.
Hearing foot steps tharn put the photo under his bed then brought his one leg to bend it slightly up.
Then he put his arm on it. Tharn looked depressingly forward.
His father leaned himself on the door frame with his arms folded over his chest.
"Did you?"
Tharn looked to the side.
"It will be better this way. He is nothing but trouble to you tharn. Soon you will.."
Then tharn got quickly up to step towards his father. Rak stood back with narrowed eyes.
"I did what you forced me to do. Now."
Then He slammed the door on his face to lock it.
Tharn hit his forehead to the door to weep in silence.
The week was horrible and depressing. Tharn didn't see type, not once. He eventually went to fluke who told him that type was sick.
In his class tharn couldn't stop thinking of type.
This turned his world upside down. He saw no color in it. Everything was dull and grey.
Tharn didn't know if this was for the best. He loved type. Tharn was still in love with type.
Seeing them kiss his father sat tharn down and told him. Your future or this boy.
His father was going to cut him off and throw him out of the house. Being 16 tharn didn't know what to do.
Everyday tharn regretted this decision. He felt like his heart was gone from his body.
Breathing in deep tharn was miserable.
Sunday he laid down on his bed to look at the ceiling.
This was a mistake. I should never have broken up with him. I love him. I could get a job. Maybe i could move in with him and his parents?
Tharn sat up nodding.
"Hopefully you will come to school tomorrow. Hopefully Yourll take me back."
Tharn made a decision. He didn't care about anything but getting back together with type. Even if he had to ask him in front of the whole school to be his boyfriend again, he would.
Walking down a hallway a girl was leaned to the wall.
Tharn looked to the side at her.
She had grabbed his arm, he looked to her confused.
She let go of his Arm to look adorly up at him.
"Mmm i have a favor to ask. My ex is over there looking at me. Can you please swip the hair from my forehead. I hate to ask but, you are one of the most handsome guys in our school. Pretty please."
Tharn chuckled. Leaning in he wanted to be helpful.
Hearing a familiar gasp he looked to the side seeing a pale, sick looking type, who's eyes were darting between them.
Then he ran to the bathroom.
Tharn nodded to the girl and paced to the bathroom.
Going inside he saw a sweaty barley conscious type.
Watching him sway and his eyes rolling to the back of his head, his body went backwards.
Tharn was able to catch him.
Type laid to his back his head to tharns arm. Tharn was on his knees looking shakily at type.
"Type! Type!" Hitting his cheek he got no response.
"Help! Someone help!" He screamed into the quiet bathroom.
Later type was laying un conscious in a hospital bed getting an iv dripped in him. Tharn never left his side for 2 days.
He sat on the side with his elbows on the side of the bed, he cupped one of types hands into both of his looking straight at types face.
Tharn felt awful. He knew this was because of him.
Type was a sensitive person.
Tida came in with coffee to freeze for a moment by the door.
It all clicked for her.
The way she saw tharn she knew why type was like this.
Before she could go to him the doctor motioned with his chin for tida to follow him. Nodding she took one last look to type and tharn then followed the doctor.
Tharn kept looking type over. All this is your fault. Tharn didn't know if type would take him back but he was going to try.
Tharn then leaned his face from there embraced hands to watch type eyes drift open. His eyes darted confusingly around the room.
Then his head lolled to look at tharn questionally.
Type gulped.
"What?....mmmm where?"
"Your in the hospital. All the doctors told me you were dehydrated and you lost 5 pounds in a week."
Type breathed in then he looked to there hands. His brows furrowed in anger Then he took it away roughly.
"Why are... you here?!"
"You passed out in the bathroom and i.."
"You have no...right to be here!"
Tharn stood up to look down at type.
He took a breathe in.
"Type. You dont know the whole story. My father."
Types eyes widen.
"You let your father break us up!"
Type started to hyperventilate.
"Type you need to calm down."
Type sat weakling up.
"Get out! I dont want to have anything to do with you! I hate you tharn! Get out!"
"No! Your are nothing but a coward! I dont want to ever see you again!"
Tharn looked sorrowfully down.
Type leaned further up to push tharn away. Tharn looked up surprised type would do that.
"Get out you horriable mistake! I should never have dated you! I should never have slept with you! Get out you bastard!"
Tharns eyes brows furrowed his anger took control.
"I never should have befriended a faggot!"
Types eyes opened wide. Then in his anger he weakling got up from the bed to push tharn with the rest of his strength before he fell down talking the iv Stand with him.
Tharn tried to pick type up but he slapped him in the face making him straighten up to step back looking down at type.
"Leave! Go away!"
Nurses started to come in to help type after hearing the noise and the commation.
"Make him leave!"
Tharn looked to them then turned around hearing behind him type crying. .
To the present tharn woke up breathing heavily his eyes darted everywhere.
He then sat up trying to take calming breathes.
Looking too the side he grabbed his phone from the side table. Opening it he looked to his calender. He had 2 weeks before the showing.
Tharn closed his eyes.
"I Need to see you type. Im so sorry. I will make it up to you."

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