can't believe this!

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Type was in a hospital bed staring at the ceiling shaking hes head.
An iv dripped slowly into his veins, hydrating him.
Why did you drink so much?
Then he rolled his eyes.
Still making me miserable.
Then he looked at fluke feeling bad.
He was asleep in the chair.
"Fluke? Fluke?"
He shifted in his chair then he looked to type.
"Mmm has the doctor come back?"
"No but you should go."
"No. Im your ride. Im fine."
"Fluke its 6 in the morning you should go home. Ill get a taxi."
Type was feeling really bad.
He shook his head.
"Can't be much longer, you already look better."
"Fluke..." Type started to protest but then the doctor came in.
Fluke stood sorely up to stand by the doctor.
Type looked to him.
"Well mr. yakagizi You were extremely dehydrated and from your ultrasound of your stomach you inflamed your stomach ulcers. We pumped you with medication and with 2 bags of solution. Why did you consume so much alcohol?"
Type looked to fluke.
Fluke stammered.
" was a celebration for him coming home. My apologizes doctor. "
The doctor nodded.
"Well, for the next week no alcohol, no stress and you need to stay in bed."
Type nodded.
"Once you are done with that bag you are free to leave. Please take care of yourself. Ill go get your discharge paperwork"
Then the doctor left. Fluke went to stand by type looking down at him.
"Great! I hate when i have to be on bed rest."
"You shouldn't have consumed that much. "
Type put his arms over his chest.
"But, i know why. How are you feeling?"
Type shrugged.
"I don't think i should have come back here."
Fluke put his arm on his shoulder. Type looked up.
"Well. Im happy you came back. Don't let that asshole get to you."
Type gave a tired smile.
A month past and type was sitting down finishing an art project.
He blared his music in the studio painting slowly.
Type tried and hard to forget he saw tharn that day.
After the week of bed rest he needed to go on some sleeping medication. Type recently got off of them.
He didn't like them because they stifled his creativity.
Type looked up when his art director kon came in turning down his music.
They shared a smile and a brief kiss.
Then they looked to the project.
"Mmm dark?"
Type cocked his head to the side. He had been working on it since he saw tharn.
"Guess it is."
Kon put his arm around types shoulder. He shifted a bit til he took it off.
Kon bent down to put his mouth to his ear.
"You still like me right?"
Type turned his head to kon who leaned slightly back to raise his eye brows.
He smiled giving him another kiss but felt nothing. Type was never going to fall in love again but he needed to move on.
Unlocking they both smiled.
Then kon leaned up.
"Oh i forgot why i came in here." "There is a guy out they're needing some art work for his office. Use that special type charm" he smiled.
Type got up then went to the sink to wash his hands.
Kon went to type wrapping his arms around his torso.
Types stomach started to hurt.
"Nnn kon?"
Kon instantly stepped back.
"I know, your stomach."
Then he left leaving type to put his hands to the counter, his head leaned to the side, putting his lips together.
After the pain stopped he turned around to get some medication from his bag.
Taking a pill he waited a few moments til it took effect.
After he took some deep breathes.
Putting the pill bottle back he straightened up.
Putting on a smile He went to the show room.
Seeing the guys back looking at one of his paintings type stepped to him.
"I see you like this one. Truth of this painting i did it in Germany after i ate this weird marshmallow chocolate thing. " he laughed.
The guy then turned and types laugh stopped short. His eye brows furrowed in anger and he breathed in heavily.
Tharn looked to him with his eye brows raised.

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