lack of trust

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In two weeks time type made sure to keep kon far away from him. Or at least that's what he hoped. He talked too his director and she understood taking preventative measures.
They now had a security guard that stayed from 8am til they closed.
Type also either took a taxi, to his dismay, or tharn would pick him up.
Feeling a bit, over whelmed type called fluke.
By friday at the 2nd week, they were having lunch at types favorite place.
"Wow, i....didn't think kon was like that."
Type nodded telling fluke all that has happened.
"Well, the 2 Times i met him he was always so....nice."
Fluke shook his head.
"So....did i. I'm so confused by his actions. First he cheats then he acts like this. I...don't know why. I'm not all that special. I'm so happy I'm with Tharn right now. He has helped a lot."
Fluke rolled his eyes. He still hadent warm up too tharn.
"Yea....well at least that's something."
Type cocked his head too the side with a soft expression.
"Fluke....i know you don't like him and with good reason but....He has really been there. I'm...."
He looked down with a smile.
"I' close in telling him i love him to his face."
Flukes eyes widen, he signed.
"You....know he's married right now right type."
"Mmm only for 3 more months."
Flukes eyes narrowed.
"Okay...tell me everything type."
Type gulped.
He went through everything, how it was type who really told tharn to go through with the marriage, he told fluke why he had to go through it and what the next step will be when 3 months were up. By the end flukes eyes widen.
" believe they will get a divorce in 3 months."
Type signed looking down at his eaten food.
"I....hope so. I hope nothing will go wrong. Right now fluke, other then the kon stuff, I'm.....I'm....indescribably happy with tharn. I.....hope to marry him one day." He smirked.
Fluke chuckled under his breathe.
"Well, i will hope for the best between you two. Type....will you for me just keep the possibility that something bad could happen. I....don't want to
See you fall hard again, if things go bad. If they do...know ill be here."
Type nodded looking up at fluke in his eyes.
"I do stay a bit cynical thus why i haven't said "i love you" too him has of yet. I also told him i...won't get too serious until we can make it over the year mark."
Fluke nodded.
"So...are you two dating then?"
Type nodded.
"Yes and we live together."
Type grimanced.
Fluke looked to him a bit confused by the facial expression.
Type chuckled.
"The place is too extravagant."
They both smiled.
"Well type, sadly I have to go. Should i drive you home?"
Type considered for a moment.
"No....i wish to walk to a bus stop then go home since i got off work early."
Flukes eyes narrowed.
"Do you think thats wise...."
Type signed.
"Highly doubt ill see kon."
Type got up looking down at fluke.
"I....will not allow him to take over all of my life."
Fluke nodded getting up.
They both walked out. With a hug they departed. Type kept darting his eyes getting closer too the bus stop.
Getting to it he stopped confused, hearing heavy breathing behind him. With a sign, type turned to see kon looking at type with anger.
They stood apart while kon.fumed.
Type gulped.
"Kon.... have you've been....following me?"
Kons eye brows furrowed in anger.
"You....are a piece of shit type!"
Types eyes narrowed confused.
" am i a piece of shit! After everything you have done and are doing why..."
Type took.a step back when kon took a step forward pointing a finger at him.
"I....over heard your conversation by the end type! Your living with your boyfriend! What ever happened too no one could live with you! So you lied when we were together!"
Type gulped.
" need to stay away from me before i..."
Type took another step back has kon took a step forward.
"Why wouldn't you let me fuck you type when we were together? I bet you bend over for your fucking boyfriend!"
Types eye brows furrowed in anger.
"That is not any of your business!"
"It is my business when your asshole boyfriend starts in on my business! Now i have lost everything! Now!"
He stepped forward to grip type hard by the wrist Making him wince in pain.
" going too take everything from him... first ill start with you..."
Types eyes widen has kon tried too pull him into a kiss.
Bringing up his knee he kneed kon hard in his crotch. Luckily he let go falling to the ground wrapping his arms around his stomach in pain.
Then the bus pulled up and type turned and ran getting inside.
Has they departed, kon stood looking with Anger at type who was shaking.
Sitting down in a seat, type looked down, eyes darted.
What did you do Tharn?
You promised me you would let me handle this. You..told me you trust in me. Type signed heavily.
At home type sat at the kitchen table replaying the whole conversation they had. Hearing the front door unlocked, type took in a deep inhale.
Tharn came in with a bouquet of types favorite flowers.
Walking too the kitchen, tharn looked to an angery type who took in a deep breathe too calm himself.
"Tharn....we.....need too talk."
Tharns body shuttered.

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