peace and quiet before the storm

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Saturday was full of Nothing but the pair loving each other in pure bliss not with a care in the world and staying away from the distractions. The weekend was there's to take a firm grasp to be one.
By Sunday, they both woke up in the hammock early in the morning.
Type was laying too the side of tharn, looking up with a huge smile.
Tharn had his hand wrapped around types body. Signing, blissfully he opened his eyes too look to the side at type.
They both wore huge grins.
"Mmmm did you stay warm enough?"
Type nodded.
"Yes. Can't believe we spent the night outside in the hammock. Thank you for getting this heavy comforter."
"Didn't want you too get cold. No one should get sick."
He placed his head too tharns chest listening to his heart beat.
"Mmmm can't get enough of listening too your heart Tharn."
Tharn nodded placing his chin on types head.
"I can't get enough of being with you."
Type chuckled lightly under his breathe.
"I'm hungry tharn."
Type looked back up at him with a devious smile. Tharns eyes narrowed.
"Don't you dare type."
With a scuffle, type was able too run to the sliding glass doors too lock them.
Tharn was to the other side breathing heavily.
He shook his Head.
"Go sit....I'll make breakfest."
Tharn laughed and rolled his eyes.
Parting he sat down by the river too await the breakfest.
Type worked busily too make them one last grand feast. He was still spoiling tharn even though he protested and told him no.
Finished, he put the bowls on the tray to take it outside.
Outside he sat in the middle of tharns legs in his lap setting the tray to the side to grab the bowls. They both ate with wide smiles.
Type laid his body onto tharns. They both kept there eyes too the river that ran in front of them.
Done, they placed there bowls on the tray for tharn too wrap his arms around type.
Type brought up his arms to tharns to grip.
"I love you type. I....hate we have too leave soon."
Type breathed in sullenly.
"I know....i...don't want too go."
Tharn placed his chin onto types head.
"Neither do i. Hopefully kon will stay away. We have 2 months left. Then i plan to go back to school for architecture. Have too build our house on our beach. You....will help me right type?"
He nodded joyfully.
"Of course. Left all too you, it'll be too extravagant."
Tharn chuckled.
"Just want too give my wifey here everything he could ever want."
"Mmm so do i tharn. So do i."
"I'm not the wifey though."
Type chuckled.
"Your my man tharn. I want too give you everything has well."
Tharn hugged tighter.
"You already have.... when you gave me a second chance."
Types chin.quivered. tears of pure happiness and bliss rolled down his cheeks.
They stayed there in pure silence enjoying each other company.
Regrettable, they had to leave.
Packed, tharn was too the back placing there luggage inside while type stood to the side with a smile Looking at cabin.
Upon completion, tharn shut the back to walk too type wrapping his arms around.
"Time too go my love."
Type nodded a bit sad.
"We may leave here type. But we are still together."
Type smiled.
"Mmm your driving."
Tharn moved his mouth too types neck giving him a kiss tickling a bit.
At home, tharn went straight too his computer. Type went straight into his studio too paint, he had an idea.
Has tharn looked he grew suspicious. It appeared everything was still going smoothly.
Tharn was a bit confused. Seeing how kon was and acted wouldn't he have tried something by now.
He shrugged.
Maybe he finally will leave us alone.
Shutting the lap top he wanted type.
In.his studio he was painting ferociously.
Tharn bent his body so he could place his head to his shoulder.
"Finally painted yourself."
Type smiled.
"Painted myself with you."
Placing the paint Brush down, type turned his body to wrap his arms around tharns neck looking adorly at him.
Tharn placed his arms around types body with a smile.
They swayed a bit.
"Mmm will you take your future to bed?"
Tharn nodded.
Picking type up they went to there bed to make sweet passionate love.
The next morning, type had too leave early for work. He had abundance of new ideas all very colorful.
Dressed, he looked to tharn asleep he stepped too him placing his lips too his.
Parting he smiled.
"I love you tharn. I love you so much."
Taking the car, type was able too make tharn a nice breakfest before he left.
Driving, type was in high spirits.
At the studio, he looked down too a text message. He had been there for an hour.
Tharn: i told you to stop spoiling me. Now I'm going to take the day off and come get you.
Type: no don't. Go to work.
Tharn: fine. Ill see you tonight. I love you.
Type smiled.
Type: you better.
Shutting his phone, another hour passed. Needing to wash his hands he went to the sink.
Type jumped a bit has someone wrapped arms around his body.
He chuckled.
"Tharn....i told you to go to work."
Type brought up his hands to his, gripping a bit.
His smile turned to a frightened frowned. Types body slightly shivered.
Looking down he saw a familiar watch. A watch that was gifted to him but he didn't accept.
He gulped.
He chuckled darkly.
Kon took types hands into one behind his back, placing his other hand too his mouth to Silence him.
Type whimpered into his hand.
Kon turned his head to types face pushing his lips onto it giving him a kiss. Type struggled but couldn't break free.
"Think....i wouldn't come near you after you filed. I told you type. I will take you away from him."
Type screamed into his hand.
"Don't worry type. Im not going to kill you. I'm going to fuck you til you forget all about him."
Types eyes widen in fear.

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