re connecting

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A month had gone by And the two didn't go one day without talking. Every other day tharn would take type out for lunch and others they would text each other almost day and night.
By the end of the month type had invited tharn to throw darts at paint balloons.
Tharn through a few not being able to hit the target.
Type laughed has he was able too.
Tharn looked down then back up narrowing his eyes.
"Don't you think this is a bit childish?"
Type hit another one while tharn missed.
"Your just mad you can't hit one."
Tharn chuckled.
Looking over he could tell tharn was really trying.
With a smile he stepped forward to tharns back to place his hand on tharns helping him aim.
"Okay try closing one eye then take a deep breathe."
Tharn did just that with his heart racing.
Then type brought his hand down to place them on tharns waist.
Tharn brought his hand slightly back and then he shot hitting the balloon.
He smiled.
Type slightly shook him.
"See you can do it."
Tharn turned his head to the side to see type glowing. His heart skipped a beat.
Type with a giant grin looked to tharn.
They stared at each other. Tharns eyes darted slightly up and down then he moved his head slightly to types.
Type started to breathe heavily. His lips parted has he looked too tharns lips.
Unknowly types head started to move slightly to tharns then he leaned quickly back.
He took his hands from tharns waist to then take a step back.
Type kept his eyes down.
"Uuum" he stuttered.
Then he turned his body to the side to take off his plastic rain coat to place it on the table.
Tharn looked forward to breathe heavily, slightly frustrated.
Type grabbed his bag then stepped to tharn who hadent moved to put his hand on his shoulder.
"Im going to go pay. Keep trying. Im sorry i have a lunch date with fluke i got to go."
Tharn nodded.
"Thank you for your help."
Type half heartly smiled patting his shoulder.
Leaving tharn kept his eyes to the dart then he brought it up to shoot it at the balloon, red paint spilled out.
Type got to the restraunt to meet fluke, he had his forehead to the table.
Fluke shook his head.
"Your causing your own misery by hanging out with him."
Type started to hit his forehead against the table playfully.
Then he looked up to fluke putting his. Head on his hand.
"I can' it. Hanging out with him again i feel like a high school kid."
Flukes eyes narrowed.
"Type i know but he is the one who destroyed your heart and caused your stomach ulcers."
Type signed.
"I know. Right now we're just hanging out. I put him on a probationary friend zone."
Fluke chuckled while he ate a bite of his food.
"You really are turning back into a kid. Just be careful with this. It's your life i don't want to see you hurt again."
Type nodded.
"Thank you."
"Mmm so how are you and kon doing?"
Type slowly ate his food.
He shrugged.
"You haven't told him about tharn have you?"
"Its not like i have to ask his permission to hang out with anyone plus we are not offical."
Fluke signed.
"Type... that's not fair to kon and you know it."
Type nodded feeling guilty.
"Your right...when i go to the studio ill tell him."
Fluke smiled.
"Good. So have you've met tharns girlfriend yet?"
Type shook his head.
"I dont know if she is real. We talk all the time and hang out a lot now. You would think she'd mind."
Type shrugged.
"Mmm you should press about meeting her now type. You dont want to be a strain in there relationship."
Type bit his inner cheek.
"Again your right. I....dont want to have her miss read things."
Type looked sullenly down at his food.
Fluke looked up eyes darted.
He felt type wasent talking about her.
The rest of the meal they ate in silence.
After the restraunt they parted.
Type went too the studio just to freeze.
His head leaned to the door frame has he watched kon thrusting hard into another artist has they filled the room with there moans.
Type looked down slightly confused.
He didn't feel anything.
Sighing this wasent the only time this had happened. Turning around he went to his car to drive home.
Once inside he laid his back to the bed staring at the ceiling.
In Germany he tried to date a handsome kind artist but he did the same in a matter of weeks.
Type took deep breathes.
He didn't seemed sad about what he saw. Type didn't feel that way fully for kon any how.
Rolling his eyes the only thing that upsetted him was the fact he had to talk to kon about it and probably had to find another gallery.
Shifting his butt about he felt a vibration.
Bringing his hand down to his back pocket he grabbed his phone.
Placing it above his head he quickly smiled.
Tharn: How is your painting coming along?
Type:couldn't start it.
Tharn: why?
Types lips parted. He didn't know why but he wanted to tell tharn the truth.
Type: uuuum. I caught kon cheating on me.
Tharn: where are you right now?
Type: home. Why?
Tharn: i know its 7 but can you meet me at your special place?
Type: you know its far.
Tharn: can i come get you then?
Type gritted his teeth.
Type: ill be waiting.
Type placed his phone to the side with a grimance.
This is a bad idea.

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