The Beaumont

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Lana Willows outfit

Lana Willows outfit

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If I were to tell you I were to tell you I awoke fresh faced and doe eyed for this interview, I'd be lying. I cursed myself internally whilst wrestling my proudly but unnecessarily purchased Louboutins on at hyper speed, because succeeding today was so important. My experience at Matt's hotel and his flawless report had left me feeling positive, but I was still jumping about like a jackrabbit trying to get things sorted. Oh well, I thought as I crammed an energy bar into my mouth. If It all goes to shit I have the ability to manipulate...  which I suppose is a blessing and a curse because I can get what I want, but I still end up guilt tripping myself over it. I snatched my keys and zipped to my car out front. I was a pro at running in heels at this point in my life, because the notorious Lana Willows was always late. Luckily, the Beaumont was so distinguished and posh they wouldn't even know my common tendencies of tardiness, staying out late, raising a little hell every now and then etc. 

Step on it then, I internally yelled at myself, pulling out my gravel drive as quickly as I could and heading towards the building. It wasn't far, just morning traffic can be a pain in the ass. As I chewed on my lip nervously, I assessed what I was wearing. Obviously Sasha had dressed me to impress, but I was becoming paranoid about it despite the fact I trusted her judgement. Was it a little too... flashy? trying to hard? I was wearing a white blouse and black skirt, which sounds fine...until you realise I had one button undone on my shirt, which framed my ample chest perhaps a little too much. My black skirt was just above my knees, and sported a small but noticeable slit on the back. Don't even get me started on the stocking choice, Sash just wanted me to appear taller, but upon reflection the line along the back was just gonna draw Bardot's eyes to my butt. (Real professional, gold star Lana.) And oh yes, the cherry on top - everything was tight...or as I like to call it, very, VERY fitted. I shook my head, physically trying to disperse all doubts from my mind, and focused on the fact that my classy Louboutins saved the outfit. But the red sole... was it too forward for this situation?  Fucks sake, I thought, as I pulled into underground parking after 30 troubled minutes of driving. I checked my watch, which displayed the time on a white clock face. 8:49. I sighed out in relief. At least I wasn't too late, I contemplated, fixing my attention to walking with poise and elegance. I realised I might as well nail this expert heel walking 'talent' of mine, considering I hadn't made an idiot of myself just yet. 

I entered the building through the doors out of the underground parking lot, and breathed out slowly, widening my field of vision to take it all in. Everything was white, large and shiny. It sounded sterile, but just seemed rich and luxurious, whoever designed this place was a genius. I took a few steps towards the centre of the large reception room and looked up, mouth agape in awe. The ceiling was immensely high, and crystal chandeliers illuminated the passage of open space. I took another few steps forward, and almost crashed into a poor bellboy. Guess the dunce in me decided that the green cross code was for losers or something. Never mind, he was alright about it and even asked me if I was ok which was nice of him. I nodded in thanks whilst snatching my head back from the clouds, and advancing towards the front desk. Though both staff and guests seemed absorbed in their own individual purposes, I couldn't help but notice the number of eyes which landed on me as my stilettos struck the linoleum floor rhythmically. I tried to brush off the attention, making sure my face had some sort of smile plastered upon it. I reached the modern-looking reception desk, and observed the man behind it, absorbed in his computer. He looked up straight away and beamed through his red rimmed glasses as he took in my appearance. 

"Hi there," I smiled brightly. "I'm Lana, here for --"

"Oh I know who you are honey, take a seat I'll be with you in 5" He grinned, smoothing back his hair flip.

His friendliness was pleasantly surprising, even if I was a little taken aback, so I did as I was told and crossed my legs, waiting patiently. A group of boys checking in were being particularly loud and so I looked over, curious as to what was so exciting. I caught them staring right at me, practically drooling. They panicked, and quickly turned 180˚, sniggering amongst themselves. It reminded me of being 5 again, you know when you're playing hide and seek and think that if you cover your eyes so you can't see the person seeking, they won't be able to find you. I nearly rolled my eyes, but stopped immediately when I saw the happy receptionist sashay over to me. I stood up, brushing my skirt down, and he pulled his glasses to his nose, offering me a hand to shake. 

"I'm Rupert, sorry we couldn't be properly acquainted earlier, Matt has said some fine things about you!"

Ahh, so this was Rupert, and that's how he knew who I was, I thought, understanding the warm welcome more now.

"If you'll follow me please, I'll escort you right up, she's ready for you now."

I noted his jaunty gait and the way he held himself, grinning from ear to ear. What an absolute blessing to work alongside this man, I now wanted the job more than ever. We stepped into a large elevator which was somehow crowded despite it's generous interior. The heightened attention as I entered was less easy for me to ignore now, as I was in a confined space with numerous pairs of eyes scanning my body. Rupert looked around at them pointedly and glared, nudging me and shadily exclaiming, 

"You'd think with all this money and wealth, men would learn how to show a little decorum!"

Now it was their turn to feel uncomfortable, and I had to hold back a laugh as I caught a glimpse of Rupert's smug face. The elevator made a fancy dinging noise at each floor we stopped on, and we stopped on so many floors I lost count. I hoped there were other elevators to the top floor, I think I'd go nuts using this one every day. Finally, as the doors opened for like the 364572 time, Rupert confidently stepped out and I hurriedly followed, hoping I wouldn't lose him in this maze of plush cream carpets and dazzling white walls. He abruptly stopped right outside a large, dense door. I read the name 'Miss S Bardot' on the metal tag and suddenly all my senses zeroed in to the fact that this moment was the moment I had lost sleep over, prepared for, focused on. I felt my body start to heat up from the release of all the tension I had built up inside me over the past week. He leant on the door, looking at me earnestly.

"You are the first promising candidate we've had in 6 weeks, honestly, so I'm giving you this advice because I'm rooting for you," he began. "She tends to be up front and short with people, so please don't be threatened. She knows she's headstrong, so voice yourself and don't be scared to have your own opinion, she respects that." 

He beamed at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"Go on then, smash it."

"Thanks for all your help Rupert, see you in a bit, hopefully with some good news!"

He crossed his fingers and wished me good luck, dashing to the elevator as it had arrived on this floor again. I turned away slowly, and faced the door. It was the only thing between me and the woman who decided my future. I lifted my hand reluctantly and knocked twice, the sound of my knuckles against the solid wood echoing throughout the empty top floor space. 

"Enter," a voice commanded.

Uh oh... how do you think Lana's going to do in her interview? Fingers crossed that she aces it! Keep reading my lovelies, don't forget to vote and comment. ❤️

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