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"Come on... I'm working..."

Miss Bardot pressed a steadying palm against my chest to prevent me from coming any closer, but I could feel the electricity crackle between us. She was sat down at her desk, I took a deep breath and she gulped, trying to hold me away, but I removed her hand easily and smirked at her. She licked her upper lip seductively and grasped the front of my shirt, not bothering to prevent what was about to happen any more. Her fingers became tangled in the fabric, and she pulled me in passionately, finally fixing our lips together. 

Kissing her was heavenly, she had the softest lips and I kissed her back with an undeniable craving. She'd managed to keep my hands off her all week, shutting me down or walking away whenever I tried to initiate anything. I think she'd finally cracked now, she was attacking my lips with an insatiable passion. Her hands sat on my waist, and I felt her fingernails dig into my sides after my hand traced up the back of her shirt towards her bra clasp. I pulled at it, and she arched her back towards me, head falling back.

"Fia, I bought you-- What the fuck is this?"

I reluctantly pulled away, glaring at the person who had so rudely interrupted us. She was tall, blonde, and professionally dressed, her fake airs reminded me of a barbie doll. I was about to ask her what she wanted when I was suddenly shoved harshly out the way. I staggered to catch my balance, a stunned look on my face. Sofia had run at her looking mortified, I had never seen her look so anxious, who was this woman?

"Are you kidding me? 6 weeks left and you just couldn't wait to move on could you?"

"Kiera please, it's not what it looks like just listen!"

"You absolute wench! I don't know why I ever fell in love with the likes of you!"

She looked huge compared to Sofia, I had never seen anyone belittle my boss because she was always in control, but she looked so distressed it would almost be comical if I wasn't so pissed off. What the hell did she mean love? 

"Excuse me," I exclaimed, and they both turned in my direction, the blonde looking angry and Sofia looking alarmed.

"I don't know who you think you are," Kiera growled, as she took menacing steps towards me.

"But this is my wife, and you need to learn to keep your hands to yourself!"

Her wife? I relocated my astounded stare to Sofia. She looked timid and incredibly guilty, but I just wanted answers.

 I felt so betrayed. The word 'wife' rattled round inside my head, and I wanted to scream at her, how could she do this to me? 

"You used me! Do I mean nothing to you?"

She tried to run to me, but Kiera pulled her back effortlessly, a leering smile on her face. 

"Sorry she played you honey, it's why we never worked out, she thinks she can do whatever she wants just because she's rich."

I stood still, I didn't know what to say. My heart had torn and angry tears started welling up in my eyes. I wiped at them furiously, trying to cover up how much she'd hurt me.

"Lana please, it's a big misunderstanding--"

"Is that all I was to you?" I interrupted, my voice wobbling. 

"Just another hookup? A distraction because you got bored?"

"No, I-- just let me explain--"

She pleaded with me frantically, but it was like my brain had switched off, I didn't want to hear any of it. I ran at the door and stormed past her, shoving her fervent hands off me roughly. Charging out the room, I tried to ignore the smug look on Kiera's face and focused on getting to my car so I could drive as far away from her as possible.

Fuck Sofia. 

Fuck her manipulative charms and overrated power.

"Hey woah... what's up?"

I felt soft hands on my shoulders and stopped running because I could tell it wasn't Sofia, the grip was too gentle. 

I turned around, zoning in on Del's blue eyes, full lips and wavy blonde hair. She really, really cared about me, the way she searched my face for answers made me feel warm and loved. The moment was soon broken by Sofia dashing round the corner, she'd finally caught up with me. 

Time to give her a taste of her own medicine then.

I scowled menacingly at her, and pulled Del right to me, much to her surprise. She made a startled noise as I connected my lips with hers, but didn't pull away. I knew I was being petty, but I was so hurt I wanted to Sofia to feel exactly the same. The angel in the back of my head was telling me to stop, I was using Del, but the devilish side was overpowering and I yearned to be wanted. 

When I finally pulled away, I looked back up the corridor to Sofia. Her arms were folded, she hadn't moved since we started kissing. She didn't look angry, or sad. She looked numb.

I didn't give a shit, I took Del and dragged her away from the woman I had poured my heart into. She didn't ask any questions, and sat down in my car without any persuasion. My hands roamed her body, and we quickly became wrapped in our own bubble. I kissed her aggressively, but I still knew what I was doing was wrong. I was telling myself off over and over again in my head, the ringing voices of shame were shouting in the back of my mind constantly. Despite my relentless hunger for her, the immorality was draining. I pulled away, both of us trying to catch our breath. Sighing, I took her hand and glanced at her apologetically. 

"Del, I can't do this right now."

"I know," She replied reluctantly, sighing also. 

I couldn't say anything more when she got out the car, I just watched her walk away with a heavy heart before speeding as fast as I could back home. Sash looked worried when I walked through the door. She took one look at my face and ran straight over, she always knew when something was wrong and I didn't even need to explain.

I poured myself a drink and went to bed early, but I couldn't sleep. My bed seemed empty, even though Sofia had never slept in it. I felt like something was missing, I wanted her to hold me, and tell me that I was just dreaming. 

I cried quietly and finally drifted off, hating how much I missed her.

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