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Del's outfit

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Del's door didn't make any sound as it opened, which I suppose was unlucky for her, considering the state I caught her in. I almost laughed out loud at her carelessness, but stayed silent for a few seconds instead, watching her with a grin. She was locking lips with some short girl wearing a pinafore dress. It didn't look right, the height difference was comical, and Del looked awkward. They were in front of her desk, the short girl's back to me. I was almost relieved that she had a significant other, I mean if you could call it that I'm not sure. It meant the slight possibility of us becoming closer as crushes was wiped out, making it less confusing for me. Juggling my feelings between two hot women that I had to see on a daily basis was already becoming tiresome, and it was only day 2.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat loudly, and Del's head shot up, shoving the girl off of her so quickly I thought she might fall. I sniggered, and she blushed bright red, appearing nearly ashamed that I had seen that. The girl turned round, a dazed and pleased look plastered upon her face until she saw me. 

"Who's that?" She spat, pointing at me rudely. 

"I'm Lana," I replied explicitly before Del could answer for me. "Who are you?"

She marched right up to me and tried to get in my face but she was too short, so she just looked even more stupid if that was possible.

"I'm Alison, Delgarcie is my girlfriend, I can see you eying her up, don't think you have a chance against me!"

I raised an eyebrow and unfolded my arms, taking a step towards her and watching her gulp with nerves as I looked down my nose at her. 

"You're not my girlfriend Alison, I've made that clear." Del popped up and I looked at her, nearly letting out a burst of laughter.

"I'm the new P.A., I suggest you never speak to me like that again," I said lowly, turning back to Alison once more.

"Whatever." She flipped her hair and flounced out the room like a child.

I watched her exit, and then turned back towards Del, who was looking at me sheepishly. 

"Wow, she's a catch!" I taunted, walking towards her. 

"Urgh it was one night and I was drunk, don't tell anyone."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I grinned. "she seems pretty adamant that she owns you, not sending any mixed signals are you?"

"I suppose I might have done, whoops," she answered, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly and not making eye contact. Just like that, I had the upper hand instead of her. I stopped right in front of her and looked up through my lashes.

"Wanna grab that outfit for me, Romeo?"

"Aha... sure," she nervously laughed, and inched away from my sultry stare to grab the clothes from the hanger. Her loose, mint coloured jumper hitched above her waist as she reached up, exposing her toned, flat stomach. She handed it to me, and stroked her blonde plait which fell down her shoulder. There was another smaller plait, laid across her tanned forehead, and I couldn't stop exploring her face. My phone rang and snapped me back to reality. She flashed me a radiant smile with pearl white teeth as I exited, so I winked at her in response whilst answering my phone.


"Hi there, it's the electrician, I can come earlier than 5:00 if you want, I finished quicker than I thought."

"Yeah absolutely that's great news, can you come at 4:30 instead?"

"Of course, see you in half an hour at the Beaumont."

"See you."

I shut my phone off and went to go finish the rest of my tasks with Rupert at the front desk until the electrician arrived. We joked like old pals, it was so strange I'd only met him yesterday, he was honestly such an amazing person to spend time with and there was never a dull moment. Before long, a buff looking guy with dark hair showed up, holding several toolkits. His features were sharp and perfect, if I was straight I'd have him in 2 seconds, I know hot when I see it. Apparently he did too. He walked straight up to me, eyes glued. Rupert blocked his gaze and put on a fake smile.

"Hi there welcome to the Beaumont can I help you?" He sounded so smarmy it was hilarious, and I bit my lip looking down.

"Yeah, I'm here to fix Miss Bardot's air con." He couldn't take his eyes off me and Rupert sighed, shaking his head.

"You alright to show him up, Lana?"

"Nothing I can't handle Rupert," I replied, standing up briskly and walking away without giving the man a second look. "Follow me."

We entered the elevator, and he was practically drooling by this point. 

"Pretty name for a pretty lady, why are you here?"

"I'm Miss Bardot's personal assistant, we spoke on the phone?"

"Ah so that was your voice, explains why it sounded so damn sexy." I just rolled my eyes at him and walked out before he could say anything else. He wasn't gonna do anything, I knew that he was just messing about, but I didn't want him to get his hopes up. I pushed open the door, and Sofia looked up. 

"Hello miss, where's the problem?" She pointed upwards at the air conditioner above her head, and he pulled out the step ladder he was carrying and set it down. It unfolded to be remarkably taller than I expected, and he began loosening screws and pulling on wires. I sat down at my desk and started to complete my work for the day. the only disruption from him was when he accidentally dropped a screw onto Sofia's desk, I think he was a little scared of her, which explains why he had stopped flirting with me. It took him about 40 minutes to sort it all out, and then he screwed everything back into place, getting down from his stepladder. He was agile, and there was a sheen of sweat upon his muscular arms. I was staring, and then cursed myself when he clocked me watching.  He strolled over with newly found swagger and I noticed Sofia glance over out of the corner of my eye. 

"So how about your number then sweetheart?" 

I leant back in my chair, entertained by his advances and relishing in the fact the one I really wanted was watching the entire thing unfold.

"I appreciate the offer, but that's a hard no."

"Aww come on I saw you eyeballing me."

"Just admiring your physique, you're not really my type, sorry." Sofia swivelled in her chair a little more, not bothering to hide the fact she was watching anymore.

"What do you mean I'm not your type?"

"Let's just say you're a little too manly for my liking." I replied bluntly, staring him dead in the eye.

"I think that's your cue to leave sir, thanks for all your help," Sofia declared suddenly, trying not to laugh. He left in defeat, but I smiled and thanked him anyway, he was just taking a chance, that's all. Miss Bardot turned towards me and leant her head in her hands, still smirking at my ability to pull anything and everything that laid eyes on me.

"Oh Lana, what am I gonna do with you?"

R.I.P to that guy, right? Whoops, probably would have had better luck hitting on Rupert, but then again, Rupert has class, so probably not 😜. Love to all readers, I appreciate the views, even if they are few and far between. 😄🙏

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