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Explaining the effect that 'tipsy' has on your body is difficult to describe, but as I felt the tingling sensation in the tops of my thighs I knew the rosé had hit. I leant my face in my hand, elbow on the table as we conversed and my cheek felt like it was burning. This always happened whenever I drunk alcohol, a deep blush. I wouldn't mind if it weren't so noticeable, so I took off her blazer in an attempt to cool myself down. 

"You're in at 7:00 tomorrow, let's get you home."

We'd finished our food and she settled the bill ages ago but we couldn't seem to stop talking. I leant back in my seat and crossed my legs to the side, relishing in watching her eyes sweep over them. I traced the hem of my skirt and hiked it up ever so slightly, testing her in a public setting. She flicked her eyes up to mine accusingly and swallowed, folding her arms. I could cut the tension with a knife.

"But if I stay at yours... that means we could have one more drink before we go."

"Are you sure you need another drink?" She teased, pulling my half full glass away from me slowly. I protested by making a grab at it but she grinned and finished it off herself.

I pouted, insisting that we absolutely had to go for one more but she shook her head, laughing. 

"I've had two glasses and you've had 4, I think that works out quite nicely."

My arms folded across my chest stubbornly.

"Of course you can stay, shall we?"

She gestured to the door and I gave in, turning around as she draped her blazer over my shoulders and lightly pushed me towards the exit, saying goodbye to Frederico at the door.

"It was lovely to meet you, amore."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I winked at Sofia as I returned it. She hid her smile, shaking her head. I felt her fingers lock with mine and she hinted leaving with a slight pull. I obeyed, concluding I'd been enough of a brat for one day. She kept her hand in mine all the way to the car, I hoped she wasn't only doing it to keep me balanced, and that she craved my touch as much as I craved hers. The alcohol buzz had faded to a sweet warmth that was rather calming, but I wasn't tired in the slightest. Her hand landed on my thigh and I tried not to react, looking out the window with a nonchalant air about me. Truthfully, when she squeezed my upper thigh like this it did all sorts to me and I think she knew it. I shifted a little in the car seat, I couldn't help it, and she released a devious snicker.

"Sit still," she uttered in a low and seductive tone.

To put it simply, I just couldn't, and she only moved her hand higher as I gripped onto it, pleading she give me a rest with all this teasing. The phone rang and she sighed, removing her hand and looking at me coyly.

"Lucky, but I'm not done with you."

She pressed the answer button on her steering wheel, clipping in her earpiece and began speaking as if nothing happened. It infuriated me how efforlessly she managed this, I on the other hand was always left with a knot of excitement and anticipation. She was the only woman in the world that possessed the ability to unravel me with a single glance. 

I could see on the screen that she was speaking to Rupert, but she sounded more and more vexed as she spoke and my knot of excitement morphed to anxiety.

"Again? But I cleared him for the next month I..."

She pinched the bridge of her nose and breathed out slowly. I touched her on the arm and she looked over, smiling weakly before continuing.

"I'll be there in 15."

She hung up and unclipped her earpiece, silence accompanying the hum of her electric engine.

"Is it your Dad again?"

She nodded, pursing her lips together and I decided it best not to press her. I tried to understand that if she wanted to tell me more, she would have. I was just grateful that she didn't speed the way she did when she was angry last time, that wasn't fun at all. Her private garage was well lit, but her expression couldn't have been darker as she got out her BMW and gestured for me to follow her into the lobby. She gave me her room key and told me to go straight upstairs. I did try to argue that I should stay with her, but her eyes flashed with annoyance, I'd never seen her do that before and it left me completely wordless. I couldn't abide how much power this man had over her mood. 

I trawled through the lifts and white corridors to her suite, worry increasing with every step. I had to trust that she'd be ok, but it was so difficult seeing someone so strong melt away like that in a matter of seconds. Swiping the card lamely, the scent of warm vanilla welcomed me as I entered and flopped over her bed, breathing in her aroma as deeply as I possibly could. 

Christ, how can the way someone smells feel like home?

I pondered to myself, forcing myself to get up and shower to distract from Sofia. Her rain shower hit the spot, and I poured the hot water over my face, finally starting to relax. She had vanilla everything, and I indulged in the steam which had a more luxurious feeling now that I'd essentially flavoured it from using so many of her richly scented products. Wrapping myself in her fluffy white towel, I tiptoed into the dressing room and pulled open her closet. I dressed myself in a simple white shirt and shorts before walking over to her vanity.

The only thing on display in the centre were three perfume bottles, nothing else. I was curious which bottle housed her signature fragrance, but I didn't recognise the scent of the first one I picked up, as beautiful as the bottle was. Disappointed, I picked up the second and took off the lid.

Immediately, I could tell it was her. Everything about it was an explosion of warmth in a bottle. I was pretty sure I wanted to wear this one, but I wanted to smell the last one as well just to be sure. This bottle was the smallest, it was dark and had a purple tinge.

I sprayed it delicately in the air, and an intense feeling immersed me. My eyes fluttered and I grinned as the flashbacks from Dragon's Lair swirled through my mind. My insides flipped, I swear in that moment I felt her tight grip on my waist and her lips on my neck. 


So that was the heavy berry scent that pushed me into overdrive.

Although I didn't know what mood she'd be in when she came back, I couldn't help but crave the idea of her experiencing everything I just did from a single whiff of the perfume. I dabbed some on my neck and pulse points, but discreetly in case she didn't want to talk. I only wanted her to be able to smell it in my proximity.

I flicked on the television in her bedroom, hoping it would keep me awake as I waited for her to come back. I doubted I would fall asleep, but I was becoming tired and wanted to stay alert. 

Twenty, Maybe thirty more minutes passed before I heard a room key swipe in the door and my boss strode in. She barely looked at me, and didn't utter a word as she stormed straight into her dressing room and slammed the door behind her.

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