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My phone buzzed briefly and I assumed it was Matt, asking me how my interview went. When I pulled it out, I was surprised to find it was Sasha calling me incessantly. I pressed answer, and lifted the phone to my ear, a smile playing on my lips. 

"Jesus you were gone so long I thought she might have eaten you, Matt said she was scary."

I rolled my eyes, slowing my brisk strides across the sidewalk to a stroll.

"Honestly Sash, sometimes I wonder how you made it past first grade."

"Gah, just tell me if you got the job already!"

"I got the job didn't I, you're listening to the most established P.A. of The Beaumont."

She screamed down the line and I moved the phone away from my ear slightly in hope that I wouldn't lose my hearing.

"You're so dramatic Sash, if you weren't in costume change I'd cast you as the star of the show."

"Right that's it, when you come home we're celebrating, I'm cracking open the red wine."

"You know I hate red wine."

"Fine, I'll pull out my expensive Moët rosé then you bitch."

"I love you."

"You too, even if you are a thief."

I grinned, hanging up and opening the door to the cafe Rosco. It was spacious, and there was a queue which told me that it must be as good as Bardot made it out to be. As I admired the plush interior, I noticed the baristas were drawn to the card I was holding which Sofia gave me. They were all looking and smiling, but I didn't feel uncomfortable because they weren't judging, they just seemed interested. I smiled back in return and took my place at the end of the queue. My mouth started to water as I saw the array of fresh food along the counter. I was definitely gonna get the ham and cheese toastie. Or the chicken and avocado sandwich. Wait no, the...

"Hi there, may I take your order?"

The barista was beaming at me, and I couldn't help but smile back, she looked so friendly.

"Hiya, could I get 2 lattes, a chicken and avocado sandwich, and..."  What does one buy for their tantalising boss?

"Are you choosing for Sofia Bardot?" The barista suddenly gushed, and her friend nudged her in the ribs, apologising for her colleagues forwardness.

"Sorry, she's our favourite and we've been waiting for her to choose a new personal assistant for ages, I can't believe she's finally done it, it's so nice to meet you!"

"You too, I'm Lana," I replied sweetly.

"I'm Emma, and this is Leah. Sofia's regular order is a latte so you did well there, and she likes chicken Caesar salad too."

"Thank god I had no idea what to get her, thank you." I laughed and she smiled, saying it was no problem.

My order seemed to be fast tracked which was nice of them, and I didn't even have to pay because of the card Sofia gave me. I left the shop waving my thanks to them, and phoned the number for Bardot's hair appointment. I felt happier than usual, like I had an actual purpose as I strolled down the street, phone to my ear and warm coffee in my other hand. The salon were just as friendly as the coffee shop staff, and also just as interested in my new role as a P.A. 

I hung up after reentering the Beaumont, and took the elevator for the countless time that day. My senses became heightened when I reached the floor I needed, preparing myself to slip into decorum once more. I was fed up of behaving like a babbling mess around her, I just wanted to seem collected. I heard distant voices when I was walking round to her door, and I didn't mean to stop and listen, but I immediately recognised them as Rupert's and Sofia's. 

"Rupert for god's sake, I can't concentrate properly and I don't think she can either." A hearty laugh from Rupert followed at Sofia's expense.

"Matt did say she was going to be hot, this ones on you."

"You know what it's fine, I'm not going to stop being professional because I have a fleeting interest in her. Let's just shush until it goes away yes?"

My heart was thumping I my chest so hard I could feel it pounding in my ears. Surely they weren't talking about me? I could have screamed with excitement at the thought of her even acknowledging my existence, let alone taking an interest in me.

"If it goes away." Rupert continued in a skeptical tone, and I heard a rustle followed by a protest and assumed he had just been shoved in an attempt to get him to shut up. I realised they were getting closer and closer to me and if they turned the corner and I was stood here like a lemon, that would be game over. I needed to look like I hadn't even stopped walking so they wouldn't be suspicious. Right, play it cool and act dumb Lana, here we go.

They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me turn the corner in front of them, and Rupert looked mortified. Sofia however tried her hardest to keep it natural but I could see the apprehension in her eyes. I smiled sweetly and continued walking, not missing a beat. 

"Here's your latte, and Emma from Rosco's recommended I get you the salad, is that ok?"

I handed the cup over, smile not leaving my face, and she took it, still unsure. Neither of them said anything, they were just looking at me warily so I decided to throw in some more innocence.

"Oh sorry Rupert was I supposed to get you one too? Here have mine."

He waved away my attempt to give him the coffee and said,

"No it's not that, I don't drink coffee, it's just..." He turned to Sofia briefly before continuing.

"How much of that did you just hear?"

"Hear what?" I frowned, confused expression on my face. Rupert seemed satisfied that I was oblivious to their conversation as he sighed in relief, but Miss Bardot on the other hand still looked skeptical. Her eyes were narrowed as if she was trying to scan my persona for any signs which revealed my words may not be entirely truthful. I couldn't look away, her eyes looked so feline when she narrowed them, it was entrancing. 

"I'll leave you to get on with some more work then Sofia, later Lana." Rupert broke my trance for me which was nice of him because I wasn't going to be looking away any time soon. If I stared any longer I think she'd realise how beautiful I actually thought she was. 

"Work to do," She arched a brow and gestured for me to follow into her office. She shut the door behind me and wasted absolutely no time in trying to pry information out of me. 

"So how much of that did you actually hear?" Her voice sounded smoother as she passed my shoulder, looking at me pointedly. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and sat down, but I stayed rooted, I was too busy trying to think up of more excuses on the spot but I couldn't.

"I, um... I didn't..."

She cocked her head to one side with a sarcastic expression which told me she just wanted it straight. Just say it Lana, I thought, shifting a little as I decided on the truth.

If you lie it will make it worse, right? 

Wow, Lana must be buzzing at the new revelation! Will she tell Miss Bardot what she actually heard, or will she keep it to herself? Keep reading babies! 🙂

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