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A hand landed sharply on my ribs, waking me out of a blissful slumber. The palpitations waned after realising the hand belonged to Sofia, who was clearly restless. I shuffled closer to her, my body bare against the warmth of hers under the sheets. My eyes fluttered shut again, but she wasn't settling and I wondered whether to wake her up. It was definitely an unpleasant dream, her arms and legs twitched and occasionally she'd mumble something in her own language.

"Sofia," I cautiously whispered, trying to rouse her. The shoulder I touched was clammy, she'd broken out into a cold sweat and I noticed it collecting on her brow.

"Sofia, wake up," I tried once again, shaking her more this time.

She shot up to a seated position fast as lightning,  gasping. Her breathing was erratic, and I placed my hand on her back.

My hand was removed roughly, and she spun on top of me blindly, pinning me to the bed. I almost screamed, but checked myself, she obviously wasn't thinking straight. Her hands stuck me fast, and I tried to squirm away but she just clamped harder. I started to worry that she wouldn't recognise me.

"Sofia it's only me, let go."

I sounded strained as I pleaded, and finally her eyes softened and her grip released. I remained silent after she'd gotten off and sat beside me, allowing her to catch her breath and calm down.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" She asked quietly. I could tell she was terrified my response would be 'yes.'

I looked down at my hands. Nothing hurt then and it didn't hurt now either, and so I replied truthfully.

"No, you just scared me."

She sighed, and hid her face in her palms. God I hoped she wasn't crying. There was no need for her to feel guilty about her reaction, if anything it was my fault for trying to touch her after she'd woken up the state she was in.

I turned to face her, swinging my leg over to straddle her waist. Her hands rested on the tops of my thighs. Sofia's gaze met mine and I smiled reassuringly, kissing her lips. She melted into me, holding my naked body tightly against her own. 

"I didn't think I needed to warn you, I haven't had dreams like that in a long time" she explained, as I ran my fingers through her damp hair.

"You still don't have to explain, it's none of my business," I caressed the nape of her neck soothingly and she shook her head, disagreeing.

"But I want to, it's not fair on you to be kept in the dark."

I listened intently, unsure as to what would unnerve such a brave woman. I couldn't imagine her taking shit from anyone.

"My father, the one you met earlier, he is actually the reason for my scars..." she started, and I frowned deeply. My detest for that man grew blacker by the second.

"Not directly, but it is his fault. He is a gambler, and was failing for a long time before he became successful. When I turned old enough to inherit the company, the debt was up to his eyeballs. We are a well known family and he was indebted to some very bad people."

Her voice quivered, and I continued to run my fingers up and down her back, trying to do anything I could to comfort.

"Obviously they tried to hit him where it hurt in order to gain the money they were owed."

She took a deep breath, and I sensed the prickling tension on her. 

"I was kidnapped and held for ransom. They clearly thought he loved me a lot more than he ever did."

Her laugh was bitter, and it took everything in my power not to plot this man's death there and then. I willed to go back in time to last afternoon and cut him down where he stood in that Beaumont reception.

"For every day he did not pay, they damaged my arm. After a week or so, they realised he wasn't going to budge, and released me. I think they heard my cousin was getting closer to finding their hideout, perhaps I would be dead if they didn't take pity." She shrugged and looked down at her arm, the looming marks tallying her days of captivity.

"This cousin I spent most of my childhood with works in an undercover agency as a detective. I owe her my life, she worked the case day and night to find me."

"Like the police?" I questioned, relieved that Sofia at had at least one person from her family in her corner.

"No cara," she smiled and tipped her head to the side, thinking.

"They are quite similar to the FBI, but with extreme secrecy. I have not seen my cousin since she started working with them, and I haven't seen her since she helped me win the case against my father either."

My own fortunate, unsullied arms wrapped round her, I'd grown to adore the woman and my heart ached with sorrow. How could a father do this to his daughter? He was evil, my mind was reeling with ludicrous and fanciful ideas on how to ensure he would never have contact with her again. Why did I have to be so useless, why can't I protect her the way she protects me? I twined my fingers with her hair, never intending to let go. She caught me when I fell, and cared for me when I was injured. She holds me every time I'm upset and has a soft spot reserved solely for me.

Tears collected and eventually fell, I couldn't help it. This wasn't even about me and yet somehow I still ended up acting like it was.

"I'm so sorry I can't do anything about him, I should..."

"No one can, please don't cry for me, this was a long time ago"

She held my face in her warm hands and offered me the sweetest smile.

"Sorridi tesoro."

I giggled, and wiped my tears away briskly.

"We can talk more in the morning if you want, but you should probably get some sleep Lana."

"Oh... will you not be sleeping too?"

She rolled her eyes with an affectionate smile and turned me away from her, pulling me flush against her smooth chest. she nuzzled into the crook of my neck comfortably and I lay blanketed within her arms. The air was quiet, and her skin soft. I waited until I could sense the gentle rise and fall from her chest, steady and even. Only when I knew she was sleeping peacefully did I allow myself to slip into the sweetest dreams.

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