Scars run deeper

546 17 2

It had been silent for some time now, I couldn't hold out any longer and had to check on her.

I didn't bother knocking as I doubted I would receive a reply. I peered round the door, noticing her outline in the LED strip lighting around the tops of the ceiling. It highlighted her with a luminous glow as she stood in front of the closet mirror, shirt in hand, staring blankly. Her inked arm in the shadows had so much more texture than I realised before, and my mind wondered. It looked like it must have been so painful, my heart ached for her.

She clocked me in the background of the mirror, but didn't seem bothered by my stare, so I walked closer and stood quietly behind her. She breathed out a gentle sigh as I carefully brushed her soft hair from one shoulder to the other. I kissed her exposed neck and she leaned back into me, releasing another one of those soft sighs as I peppered kisses all the way up to her silky hair.

My hands absently ran up her forearms, over the webbed network of raised skin until I felt her bicep tense ever so slightly. I immediately responded, worried I'd done something wrong and let my hand fall back down to my side.

"Did I hurt you?" I barely whispered, entertwining my fingers with hers.

She squeezed back instinctively and shook her head, a weak smile on her lips.

"No, I've just never let anyone touch them like that."

My fingertips traced over the scars once more, and this time she appeared comfortable with letting me.

"I didn't fall in love with your body Fia, I fell in love with you," I admitted. "Either way these marks show strength, and..."

She gazed at me through the mirror, smile growing wider by the second.

"You what?" She enquired lowly, a challenge present in her tone.

I took one of her belt loops and spun her round to face me.

Her eyes appeared ablaze in the neon blue light, and I put one hand to her cheek, not a single ounce of anxiety holding me back.

"Love," I repeated, and she caught me by surprise, running her hands down the length of my spine, over my shorts and lifting me at my thighs to pick me up. My legs wrapped around her mid-section comfortably, and I was so close to her lips I could feel her breath fan out over my own. She brushed over them as she whispered back.

"That makes the two of us then."

I crushed my lips against hers, excitement and relief blasting through every nerve as she kissed me back with the same aggressive passion. Every single time we touched like this, without fail I felt something ignite inside me. It switched apprehension to desperation and I turned into a mess stupidly quickly, especially when she took control like this. She'd lowered me back onto the bed, hovering over me as I peeled her bra straps off her shoulders. One hand supported her weight, the other unbuttoned my shirt slowly. 

"I'd rip it off you, but it would be wrong to manhandle art," she whispered in my left ear, breath tickling my neck and firing chills down that same side of my body. I shifted slightly, attempting to move but she pinned me where I was, nearing my ear once more and sending those same pin pricks as she whispered again.

"Is that my perfume?"

Squirming, I suddenly felt embarrassed and didn't want to admit I'd been exploring through her things.

"Stay down," she growled, lust saturating her voice as she pressed her lips into my cleavage and over my breasts. 

"It's contains an aphrodisiac, I can't say I'm surprised you were drawn to it," she said smugly, and I reached a hand behind her back to undo her clasp, but she batted it away, sitting up and doing it herself instead.

"Hey," I protested, and she raised an eyebrow in mild warning.

"Ok ok, if I move you stop, I get it," I grumbled and she chuckled, grasping my hands under her own and kissing me once more. Her tongue slowly found entry, and my desire mixed with hers. Her wet tongue and plump lips roamed my naked body, I was trying desperately not to shy away from the shudders she left behind her. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was just so intense I could barely keep my mouth shut to stop sound from escaping.

"No need to be so quiet, Miss Willows, if you want to let it out..." She started, knee moving dangerously close to my shorts. Her thigh jerked and she rubbed up against me as I let out a gasp. "Then you should let it out."

Lord help me, I was a mess. Wearing the aphrodisiac perfume had definitely been the correct choice. A thought dawned on my however as she continued, and my eyes flashed open.

"How many people have you worn that perfume for?"

She cocked her head to the side as if to say, seriously? 

"Just you, Rupert bought it for me as a joke for my 35th and I avoided it in fear it would actually work," she chuckled.

"Wait a minute... you knew I was going to be there that night." Her lips twisted into a massive smirk as I fit the pieces together. "You wore it on purpose just to try and get in my pants! You schemer!" I giggled, batting her arm as she threw back her head and laughed. 

Her expression was cocky, something Lucifer would wear himself knowing he had someone completely at his mercy. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping if I switched off one of my senses the feelings would be less intense, but I was wrong, it only heightened them all. 

"Well come on now, I had to do something..."

My lips were agape, and I released a desperate moan as she continued to rub against me through my shorts. Just pull them off, I begged in my mind, looking at her helplessly.

"You refused to leave my dreams, and the way you looked at me in the office that morning with those flushed cheeks sent me over the edge."

She yanked at the waistband, sliding them over me as I gave into her completely. Her finger traced over and I jolted, opening my legs for more. She inched over my skin, kissing every part exposed except where my body screamed for it the most. 

"So technically, it's your fault."

Panting, physically exerted from absolutely nothing and riled up to the max, I still had one weak retort before she devoured me.

"Shut up, Fia." 

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