Hello, Papa

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"After you darling," she drawled, voice as sweet as sugar.

I rolled my eyes as best as I could, although my stomach was flipping on the double just at the words alone as I walked through the entrance, legs threatening to turn to jelly.

"Miss Bardot," Rupert called anxiously, waving her over to the front desk. I followed closely behind, and pondered why she was needed so urgently.

Rupert lifted the frame of his glasses as he awkwardly glanced at me.

"I didn't know you would be bringing Lana, it's just... well your father is here to see you."

Her straight eyebrows raised, and I noticed her hand ball into a fist before releasing quickly.

"Where is he?" She asked casually, but I could see the change in her demeanour from a mile off. I wanted to touch her hand, arm or anything if there was a chance it could relax her, but I didn't want to risk it and so remained silent.

"Upstairs waiting in your office... do you want me to stay with Lana whilst you speak to him?"

She thought for a second, placing her hand in her pocket after noticing that I was watching it ball up into a fist again.

"Please Rupert," she nodded thankfully, and turned to me.

"Can I go with you? I can work at the reception outside your office..."

I tried, but she shook her head.

"I won't be long," she confirmed, touching me on the arm before heading towards the elevator. Her thumb and forefinger rubbed her jaw nervously as she entered, and I held eye contact all the way until the elevator doors sliced it in half.

I turned to Rupert, who tried to assure me that everything was 'normal,' but I couldn't bring myself to believe him as I took the chair next to his, shuffling through the files in front of me.

Instead of working properly, my eyes frequently visited the large white clock at the end of the hall, the minutes trickling lamely by. 

"Why were you both so jittery earlier?" I broke the silence at exactly ten minutes in, I was far too distracted to work anyway. 

He put down the pen that he was twirling through his fingers, it appeared his focus was elsewhere just like my own.

"I don't really know much apart from the fact they do not get along, like at all. Whenever he visits her, it's always to do with something for his benefit, like money."

He leant back in his office chair, crossing his arms behind his head and stared at the elevator doors.

"She's usually in a sour mood after he leaves, and from what I've heard by chance from walking outside her office one time, I'm not surprised."

"What does he say?" I enquired, curiosity teetering me on the edge of my seat.

Rupert shrugged and removed his glasses, beginning to clean them.

"Just shouting and insults from him. I left them to it as I didn't want to lose my job if she found out I had been eavesdropping. They're just the sort of pairing to never be on good terms."

I gripped the underside of my chair, almost as a way to force myself to stay in it. The elevator made the usual sound it does, and mine and Rupert's heads shot up in perfect unison.

The doors opened to reveal a stocky man in a dark grey suit. He had a sculpted beard which revealed the same jawline as Sofia's. I instantly knew it was him and sat back in my chair, an uneasy feeling awash the atmosphere. He was hardly taller than me, but his eyes were dead and intimidating as he strode towards the front desk.

"Thanks for showing me up Rupert, I appreciate it."

He glanced at me and I decided not to look away, even though I desperately wanted to.

"This is the new assistant?"

He turned back to Rupert, aiming a pointer finger at me which for some reason seemed accusatory. It irritated me that he wasn't even bothering to speak to me directly.

"Yes Sir, I am."

He looked me up and down with a slight sneer as if I had interrupted a covert conversation, even through obviously I had not.

"I always knew Sofia was incapable of making her own choices."

I bit the inside of my cheek. It wouldn't be wise to snap back to someone unpredictable.

He let out a booming laugh, holding out a hand for Rupert to shake, who courteously took it and pretended to laugh alongside him at his so called 'joke.' My expression was stone cold, and my manner collected. I was not going to give this man any sort of power over me. He glanced at me and leant on the desk near Rupert, lifting his hand to cover his mouth to not-so-subtly say,

"Tough crowd," and let out another one of those ridiculous fake laughs.

He tipped his hat towards me with a leer, finally backing away.

"Good day to you, Miss...?"

He waited for a response and I calmly dipped my head in the politest gesture I had given him so far.

"Willows, sir."

He nodded one final time and shoved his hands in his pockets, ambling towards the exit at a casual pace. He opened the door with his foot, the impact ringing against the glass as I frowned at the lack of decorum.

"What a childish man," I muttered to Rupert, and he nodded avidly in agreement.

"It's easier to make him believe you like him, I wasn't really laughing along to the rude comments he was making, you know that right?" Rupert asked worriedly, and I smiled at him.

"Of course Rupert, don't be silly."

The elevator dinged again, and I turned quickly.

She strode out, looking calmer than she did before, but still tensing and flexing those palms before hastily shoving them into her pockets, unintentionally mirroring her father.

"Dinner?" She cocked her head to one side.

"I would love to," I answered, waving goodbye to Rupert and following her to the exit.

I couldn't think of anything to say, the walk to her car was completely silent. The air was becoming crisper as the sun started setting, and I wrapped my arms around myself. She noticed as I went round to the passengers side, and nodded to the backseat of her car.

"Blazer's still there, if you want it."

She got in, slamming the door behind her, and I frowned. Rupert was right, her mood was so much more stand-offish. I didn't really want to put up with that in public, maybe I could clear things up in the car journey.

I pulled at the handle and dropped in, reaching behind to grab the blazer and wrap it round my shoulders as she pulled out erratically from her parking space.

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