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"She did WHAT?!"

Matt roared, and Sasha laughed, putting a hand on his arm to chill him out.

"You see this is why I didn't want to tell you," I whined in an exasperated tone.

"It's cool I'm not mad," he sniffed self consciously, shrugging Sasha off. I raised my eyebrows.

"Ok I'm fucking pissed," he admitted.

"Yeah like who does she think she is?" Sasha nodded in agreement.

"Guys it's fine come on I just want to forget about it," I moaned, smashing my face into a pillow on my bed.

"Oh I'm never gonna let her forget," Matt seethed, half joking half not.

"She doesn't deserve you what a cow." Sasha grumped and I extracted my grimace from the pillow.

"You guys are so cute, but seriously I can handle her, she's just a girl. Woman... Lady."

They both exchanged knowing glances and then looked at me with evil grins. 


"I TOLD YOU SHE WAS HOT!" Matt proudly announced.

"Omg she's so smitten look at her." Sasha tapped me playfully on the nose and I flapped her away, irritated that they both worked out my crush so quickly.

"So tell us, does she like you back? Or is it too early to tell?"

"Too early to..." 

"Bullshit," Matt interrupted, and I rolled my eyes. "What don't look at me like that I've known her longer than you and she can't hide shit. She's a flirt."

"Doesn't surprise me," I muttered in response. "If I looked like that I'd flirt with anything too."

"Babes, you do look like that," Sasha piped. "Wait what does she actually look like?"

"Well that's any hope I had stripped from that comment then Sash, thanks."

Matt held up his phone for her to see, and Sasha didn't even look remotely impressed. 

"What, that's what all the fuss was about? You'd run circles round her any day of the week just saying."

"Sash, what are you on about she's so beautiful don't you think she's a catch?"


"What photo is that Matt?" I asked, trying to steal a glance.

"Oh it's from about 4 weeks ago, when I first told her about you. She met up with me to discuss whether I had any free staff for her P.A. position. Obviously I told her about you and I think that's why she put off filling her position for so long. I think she was waiting for you, that's how much I bigged you up." He laughed, and I was in shock. 

"You really think she was that interested in me she waited?" I squeaked. "Surely not."

"For your resumé yes, deflate your head she didn't even know what you looked like until today."

I glared at him, my ego slightly tainted.  

"Well whatever, she seemed to like what she saw," I scorned.

"I knew it," he scoffed and started to snigger at my expense with Sasha.

"Right that's it you pair of buffoons, it's 10:30, Matt, get out." I shoved him off my bed and towards the front door efficiently.

"Oh I like that, nice to know I'm welcome here." He dramatically held onto the doorframe with him fingertips, and Sasha lunged for his hand.

"I'll never let go Jack!"

"Rose, You promised!"

"Oh my god, would you clowns shut the fuck up," I retorted, booting him out the door. Their cackling was still audible from my room which I was finally able to have to myself, and I must admit, I was struggling not to laugh also, they were so funny. 

I must have fallen asleep whilst reading one of my favourite books by Ali Sparkes, as it was splayed out on my face when I woke up. I loved her books, the plots seemed childlike, but she aimed her writing at young adults, almost as an attempt to keep their imagination alive. I lazily stretched out my arms and yawned, turning to the side with my eyes half closed. The illuminated numbers on my digital clock read 6:32, and I yawned again, rolling over.


My eyes shot open.

Fuck I'm late, what the hell how did I let this happen why didn't my alarm go off?!


I scrambled around my room for something to wear and she finally appeared at my doorframe, casually munching on a bowl of cereal in her dressing gown.

"Yeah what?"

"Why didn't you wake me I have less than half an hour to get to work!" Her eyes widened and she cast her bowl of cereal aside, ripping through my drawers and snatching a cream fitted blouse. 

"Why do none of your skirts reach your knees you hooker?!" She yelled, running out of my room and into hers.

"Well I never, that was rude," I replied, laughing beside my panic. She whipped back in, tripping over my louboutins in the flurry. She started cursing them, but then realised they were a good option to wear and threw them at my head instead. You're gonna have to wear one of my skirts, you want black or navy? I chose navy, and she hustled me into my outfit, slapping a granola bar into my mouth whilst shoving me out the door at high speed for the second morning in a row. 

"Thanks mum," I joked, stepping into my car. She just yelled go at me about 60 times until I finally reversed out the drive. There wasn't traffic today, so I tried my hardest not to speed, but I don't think I succeeded, I reckon a ticket was gonna come my way in the next few weeks. I swung into a parking spot which was as near to the entrance as I could get, and glanced at my watch as I scurried through the doors. 



I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as I stepped into the elevator. 

"Morning my little night owl, glad to see you finally made it!" I turned my head towards the sound and noticed Rupert, waving exaggeratively as some onlookers at the desk were watching and smiling in good spirits. I gave him a sarcastic thumbs up as the doors closed and jumped up and down nervously, willing the elevator to go faster. I whipped through the door at 7:05, and held my breath, waiting for her verdict. The first thing I noticed was the room was incredibly hot, most likely from the morning rays, and she'd ditched her jacket on the back of her chair. Her shirt was black, and her sleeves were rolled up casually. She drew away in her chair, and looked at me with a laid back exterior, but I felt like I couldn't breathe as I looked upon her glowing complexion, waiting for my verdict.

Sasha and Matt are pretty cool friends, Lana's lucky! As always my lovelies, don't forget to vote ❤️

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