Just say it

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Waking up disorientated in someone else's bed had become the new norm for me, so I wasn't surprised to see Evan soundly asleep next to me when I woke up feeling groggy. I lay there for a while, staring at the ceiling and just thinking. Since mine and Miss Bardot's dispute, I hadn't returned to work, but according to Sasha and Matt she'd been asking after me regularly. I couldn't care less, and finally shuffled away from Evan's warm embrace, swinging my legs over the side of her mattress.

I pulled on one of Evan's oversized shirts and pushed my tangled hair up into a bun, being careful not to wake her. Tiptoeing to the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of water and chugged it down, I was parched. I knew Evan lived alone, so I took some time in the kitchen to check my phone before I left.

2 new messages and 4 missed calls

I frowned, curious as to why I missed my ringtone. They better not be from Sofia, I'm not answering them if they are. The nametag 'Sash' appeared on the screen and I smiled in relief.

"Can you come home ASAP please, your boss has arrived on our doorstep and no amount of death threatening will get her to leave."

"Seriously Lana, it's 11:00, I've already had a massive go at her and at this rate she'll be leaving in a coffin. Hurry up."

I jammed an apple from Evan's fruit bowl in my mouth and shot out the door angrily. How dare she show up at my house! The nicest thing she could have done was leave me alone, but nope, can't even manage that. I contemplated texting Matt, in case I wanted to get some back up from him. Both Matt and Sasha had dropped all contact with Sofia after I told them what happened, and I knew Matt would be there in 5 seconds flat to kick her out if I needed him. The journey home only took 10 minutes, and even pulling up beside Sofia's car in my driveway caused me to feel a pang of sadness. 

I stormed through the front door, getting ready to yell, but as soon as I turned the corner into the living room, I was rooted to the spot. I hadn't seen her in a whole week, and every feature, curve and shine reminded me of why I fell for her the minute I saw her.

Her sheer beauty speared through me all over again. It was like the first day we met. I just stood and stared, I didn't know what to do, say or feel. It was as if my rage had seeped through my body and out the soles of my feet into the ground. Sasha wasn't in the room, but if she was I still wouldn't have noticed. 


The sound of her voice saddened me. Her tone was low and tired, but still desperately hopeful.

"Just leave me alone please," I whispered, my voice shaky and barely audible. I turned to go, fighting back the painful feeling that looking into her glistening eyes caused me. I felt her hand grab my arm, trying to keep me with her. The spark between her fingers and my bicep irritated me hugely. Even after all the pain she made me feel, the desire was still there.

"At least give me a chance to explain--"

"I owe you NOTHING!" I hissed loudly, looking at her infuriatingly perfect body through the fire in my eyes. She retracted her hand, shocked at how emotionally unstable I was around her.

"Get out my house!" I yelled, and shoved her harshly towards the door. The satisfaction of suddenly gaining all the power in this situation was energising, fury surged through my veins. The harder I pushed her away, the more she fought against me to stay in the room.

"It's not what you think, I need you--" She tried to protest, grabbing my arms to prevent me from pushing her away again.

"OUT!" I yelled, wrestling away from her grasp. It was the last straw for me, she wasn't taking no for an answer. When she tried to pull me in again, I brought my hand back, and swiped my palm across her cheek sharply. 

She instantly stopped fighting me, and my mouth dropped open in astonishment at my own actions. I didn't mean to hit her, truly I didn't, I just wanted her to understand I was done with her games. My fingers were starting to sting and I watched her bring her own hand up to her face to graze the area I just struck.

"We were in the process of filing for divorce."

Her voice was sullen, and she wouldn't even look at me.

"What?" I breathed, still trying to process what just happened.

"That's why she called me her wife." She continued, sitting down heavily on the sofa as I stood silently. "We're still technically married, but we've been over for 6 months."

I said nothing. If she was telling the truth, I'd look horrible, but if she was lying and I forgave her I'd look like a fool. My pride had forever been my failing, but as I observed how numb she looked, All I wanted to do was hold her regardless of whether she was telling the truth or not.

"Lana, I really care about you," she sighed, and I slowly sat down next to her.

"I know," I admitted reluctantly, feeling incredibly guilty for hitting her earlier.

"Just come back to work for now? I've been swamped since you left and--"

"Is that the real reason you came then?" I interrupted shortly, my wildly assumptive brain unnecessarily kicking into action. I'd been hurt so deeply by her, I guess I was just really struggling to trust her again after everything. She tried not to roll her eyes as I went off on my little spiral of untrue conspiracy theories.

"I knew it, you were only here because you got scared of working alone again, you pussy I could just..."

She held my hands gently, chewing on her lip and looking down into her lap.

"I miss you every day, if you want the truth," she cut in with a melancholy tone. "My office feels empty without you in the corner making your smart alec remarks. Every time I look over to your desk, I expect to see that glossy hair cascading over your left shoulder as usual, but you're never there."

She ran her fingers through my tresses, a smile forming on her lips as she spoke about me. I felt a familiar buzz growing in my stomach, and shuffled the tiniest bit closer to her.

"I miss the way you smell, and the way you walk. You're enticing Lana, and I wish you would believe me when I tell you how much you mean to me."

She looked pained, and I felt awful for leaving her all alone when it wasn't even her fault.

"I'm sorry Fia..." I whispered, moving much closer to her. The familiar vanilla scent made my head swirl with excitement, and she was breathing a little heavier. I pressed my lips against her neck, tasting the sweet fragrance on her skin. She rest her hand on my waist, and trailed it down as I pulled away from her neck and kissed her soft lips instead. Her hand slipped easily into my underwear, and I gasped, head falling back as she skilfully ran her finger over my clit.

"Let me love you Lana," she murmured softly into my ear. I was barely able to respond, so I straddled her, wrapping my legs around her torso as she picked me up easily, carrying me into my bedroom.

I replayed what she said over and over again in my head as we eagerly tore each others clothes off.

'Let me love you.'

She'd finally said it out loud. She loved me.

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