Sleeping beauty

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"Seems like you need another latte, Miss Willows."

My eyes snapped open and I realised my head on the desk. Oh my god, what if I was snoring?! That's so embarrassing, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. Sofia placed down a latte in front of me as I apologised to her profusely.

"I took the liberty of getting lunch today since you were out cold," she chuckled warmly.

"Oh god Miss Bardot I'm so sorry, I'm always doing stupid things, I'll stay overtime today to make up for it."

"If you call me Miss Bardot one more time I just might make you stay overtime," she grimaced, taking a sip of coffee and shuddering over-dramatically."

"You call me Miss Willows sometimes though?" I pointed out, leaning my elbows on the desk as I mirrored her, sipping the hot liquid.

"I," she taunted elaborately, "am allowed to do what I want."

I scowled at her and pouted, her usual silvery laugh escaping through her red lips. She always sounded content when we spoke, and her eyes would never leave me for more than 5 seconds at a time.

I placed my cup back down and rolled up my sleeves, picking up my sandwich, about to take a bite when I saw her peering at my chest.

"What?" I tried, worried I had a stain that I didn't notice or something.

"You umm... your button..."

"Oh," I replied unbothered, and refastened it. I knew what she was talking about immediately because this shirt had a tendency to pop open slightly, being a little on the small side. The blush which crept onto her cheeks had now started to fade, because my cleavage was no longer exposed, but I was surprised at how much some uncovered skin could get her going. We were sat at my desk today instead of hers, considering I was too hungover to move, and I was grateful for that because it also meant I didn't have the sun in my eyes when I was trying to eat. The rays coming from the side gave her a soft glow, and she shook out her subtle bangs as I tried to understand how a woman eating a salad could be so tantalising to me. I'd  fully woken up after about 5 minutes, and resumed my usual, witty flirting.

"Sergio is my new fave bartender yes," I answered happily through a mouthful of sandwich. 

"I'm glad you got a chance to meet, he only works 3 days a week."

"Well, I hope he's working again tonight."

"I'm gonna be there too for about an hour," she threw in matter of factly, and I nearly choked on my sandwich bread. "But I probably won't see you, I'm confined to my office in the back sorting out the staff rota."  

I collected myself, trying to imagine Sofia at a nightclub, partying with other people in short skirts and tight tops. I ended up half turning myself on, half snickering at the idea of a drunk Miss Bardot.

"What's so funny," she smirked, as I tried to hide my internal laughter.

"I can't imagine you at a nightclub, it just doesn't suit you."

"I'll have you know I'm good at partying," she frowned in response to my scepticism. 

"Which is why you'll be the life of the party tonight then hmm?" I teased relentlessly.

"Get back to work Miss Willows," she joked, throwing her latte in the trash and swiftly standing up. 

"Uh oh, we're back to last names, I better buck up." She shook her head at me, pointedly pushing my unfinished to do list towards me. I don't know whether it was the lack of sleep or the amount of coffee I had ingested over the last 24 hours, but I could not read the next thing on the list for the life of me. 

"Sofia," I whined, and she turned around with effort.

"What is it now?"

"I can't read this, my vision's blurred."

"Are you sure you're going to be ok tonight? The paperwork would be immense if you died from alcohol poisoning in my club."

"Haha very funny," I grumped, and she walked over, bending down beside me with straight legs. Damn I'm glad I spritzed that extra perfume, she was so close I could taste the vanilla on her. She pushed her hair over to one side, releasing a new scent of strawberries which almost put me in a trance. She was squinting at the paper and exposing her chiselled jawline to me. My head was turned towards her, and I was watching her intently.

"It says D'Agostino," she concluded, turning to face me and catching me red handed. My eyes held hers steady, wondering how she'd react. I searched her face, but all I received were perfect brows and pouty lips. She held the small distance looking sultry as I sat there, breathing extra quietly. She looked down at my lips, back up to my face and then smoothly continued in a low tone, "it's the name of my club manager." 

At this point I flushed Scarlett, I could almost hear my heartbeat out loud and I looked down into my lap, biting my lip. She pulled away with effort, and I instantly missed the static between us as she sighed, pulling her hair back onto her shoulder. 

"You've got to stop doing that." I heard her mutter under her breath.

"Doing what?" I enquired quietly, not even daring to make eye contact.

"The flushing it just... makes me think that you-"

"Delivery for you Fia," Rupert swaggered through the door. We sprung even further apart and Rupert looked at us suspiciously before giving me an excited glance and then leaving. Luckily Sofia didn't see the look on his face, I think she would have gone mental. We didn't really speak about our little encounter after that, kind of casting it aside seemed like the better option. I suppose we were both awkward like that. 

I raced home to tell Sasha though, I knew she'd be over the moon about it. She pulled me straight through the door as soon as she saw my excited face, and we chatted over champagne. I pulled out the dress with a Cheshire cat grin, telling her about my encounter with Del first. Talking to Sasha was always one of my favourite things to do, she was always so interested and listened to everything. She also gave good advice which was a plus, because I was about to tell her about Sofia. Her hands were over her mouth the entire time I was explaining, and when I finished, she laughed, not knowing what to say.

"I don't know how you get yourself into these situations Lana," she cried. "Come on, let's put that dress on you and start getting ready." 

Nice of Sofia to let Lana off about falling asleep on the job. Then again it appears Miss Bardot might be a little more intrigued in Lana than she lets on, especially after that heated moment between them! 😍

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