A Lady's woman

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This shirt was officially gorgeous even on the hanger, but on my body it looked divine. I felt so expensive, and tucked the fabric into my skirt, admiring how it clung to my curves yet still appeared professional. I rolled up the sleeves and left one of the top buttons undone, revealing the small necklace resting against my sternum.

"How is everything in there?" Lou asked, and I smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

"I love this white one," I replied, pulling back the curtain. Lou smiled too, nodding with a satisfied expression and fluffing at the fabric in places to sculpt it to my body better. I looked over at Sofia in her chair on the opposite side of the store, she was staring at her phone at the moment, I hoped she'd look up in the minute. Lou starting speaking some more and I think it grabbed her attention, she glanced over and stared directly at my chest before meeting my eyes, smirking curtly and returning to her phone. I couldn't help but grin, she checked me out and didn't even hide it.

I tried on the other two and was met with similar responses each time. Her reactions fuelled my confidence a vast amount, I couldn't stop smiling as I took the dusty pink shirt off and hung it back up neatly.

"Are you decent?"

This wasn't Lou's voice which was unexpected, clearly Sofia's, and I replied no, but the curtain still flicked back anyway.

I rolled my eyes and pulled a shirt over my chest to cover it. 

"Rather typical of you," I teased, and she shook her head, gawking at my body.

"Shut up," she replied, letting the curtain swing shut behind her as she invited herself into my modest-sized fitting room.

I pulled the shirt up further to cover my face, I didn't to let on how many butterflies swarmed in my stomach when she came this close to me. We were both facing the mirror, but she was stood behind me. She moved one of her tanned arms forward and grasped the shirt I was using to cover myself, gazing suggestively into my eyes as she did so. I complied, allowing her to take it, my black long-line bra now on full display. She dropped the shirt on the stool in the corner of the room, and still hovering behind my shoulder, brushed at the necklace laying on my chest. I struggled to stand still, she knew what she was doing, her actions were a combination of tantalising and irritating, I will never understand how she managed to stay so in control when I was flustered and half-naked in front of her.

To be fair, her face may be charged with a dominant energy, but surprisingly her fingers weren't as still as her gaze when she caressed my collarbone. 

"Do you like them?" She asked, tone hung with a commanding spark. She trailed the side of her hand through my cleavage and raised an eyebrow, resting her lips on my neck. Her breaths were staccato, anything other than calm and collected, and it put me more at ease realising she was also vulnerable to the tension between us.

"I do," I replied, running one of my hands up the front of her thigh. My confidence was finally making an appearance, about time if you ask me.

She shifted behind me, trying to cover up how much I'd disturbed her dominant persona and fought to regain it. Her rings felt cold against my jawline as she clasped her hand upon it and turned my head to the side, inches away from her face. Up close in this light, her hair had an auburn shade to it, and her skin looked more tan. I wondered if I looked any different, but my thoughts were soon taken over with pure bliss as she settled her lips on mine. Just one kiss though, she pulled away quickly, leaving me hungry.

"You've been a good girl I suppose, and when you're good you get whatever you want, so I'll buy all three." 

"Sofia--" I tried to protest, but she wouldn't let me, her lips interrupted again for one last taste before she left the fitting room, winking as she took the shirts with her. She told me to wait there while they were paid for, and Lou handed me the new white shirt when everything was done so I could wear it out of the store.

I made sure it was tucked in, and walked out to the front of the shop, where Sofia was leant against the cash desk waiting, Armani bags casually flung over one shoulder. She turned her head towards me, and flashed that beautiful smile before putting her sunglasses back on, and once again opening the door for me as we left the store.

"You're the most gentlemen-like woman I've ever met," I pondered, shielding my eyes again, happily wondering where she'd take me next.

"What do you mean?" She laughed, her pearly white teeth glinting under the sunlight.

"Opening doors for me, always letting me go first, doing that protective thing where you put a hand on my back when we walk..." I explained, and she instantly removed her hand.

"No please I like it!" I protested, a little too desperately for my liking, and she looked startled with my reaction, putting her hand back where it was and smiling at my need for her touch.

"You don't understand how attractive I find all of it," I gabbled, looking at the pavement whilst we walked.

"Oh I think I do," she replied smugly, giving me a knowing look. I folded my arms and frowned, annoyed how avidly I'd reacted earlier. 

"Whatever, you're too cocky for words," I grumped.

She placed her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in. I nearly shot back I was so shocked. We were in public! I was astounded she even kissed me again let alone in front of all these people. I looked around hastily afterwards, my cheeks turning extremely red as I tried to gauge the reactions of the people that had noticed. Sofia just grinned at me as my eyes darted from person to person, wondering what they'd think. 

The people I met eyes with were all smiles, I forgot that no one cared really, at the end of the day, it was none of their business, but I was still terrified of being judged in a high end place such as this. Not a single person appeared disapproving, only curious, and I dared to glance back at Sofia, who hadn't even bothered to look at her surroundings. She pushed a piece of my hair back and raised an eyebrow. 

"I thought I told you to shut up," she uttered with a seductive undertone, walking towards Prada and leaving me no choice but to follow her into what would clearly be another spending spree.

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