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Sofia's outfit

Sofia's outfit

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All music, all time, all noise seemed to stop. It was all background to me, I was watching her and her only. She'd ditched the shirt for a silk cami, and I think she was wearing black jeans but I couldn't tell. Her expression was satirical, as if she was thinking; really, her?

My breathing rate ever increased as I watched her, ignoring Evan's attempts to pull my vision away. Miss Bardot looked ravenous and I could see the desire she held in her eyes, I'd never seen her so unhinged. I automatically started taking steps towards her, and she retreated towards a door behind her, pushing it open lightly, not breaking eye contact once. I knew she wanted me to follow her, and suddenly something in my head clicked. 

This was what I wanted. 

What was I fucking waiting for? Dropping Evan's hand, I advanced towards the stunning, raven haired beauty, alcohol finally starting to have an effect on my coordination as I tried to level out the swaying doorframe. Shit, I was drunker than I thought, I practically stumbled through after her. I found myself in a dimly lit corridor, and noticed one door at the end with a familiar nameplate. 

'Miss. S. Bardot.' 

I gulped hard, a rogue tingle running down the length of my spine.  I sped up, determined to get to her. The walkway was dark and plush looking, and I grasped the handle at the end, turning it. Heat rose in my chest as I caught sight of her sat behind a desk similar to the one at the Beaumont.  This desk was just... darker somehow. The muffled bass and merry chatter still burst through the cracks in the door. Finally, I was feeling surges of confidence from my earlier vodka intoxication, and ran my tongue over my teeth in an enticing way.

"Come here then," she husked softly, and motioned with her finger. I was like a bee to a honeypot, but my newfound  immense levels of confidence led me to ignore the chair and instead place myself on the desk directly in front of her. Silence followed, but it wasn't awkward, the ardour and passion between us was too intense. 

"So that girl, huh?" She glanced at me accusingly but I knew she was just joking.

"Spur of the moment," I replied cheekily, my voice steady despite my simmering insides. "And by the way, my boobs are up here." I pointed to my face, and she chuckled.

"You did seem to be having fun," she continued in a breathy tone, and I held eye contact with ease. Her pupils became wider, practically as an attempt to take more of me in, and her scent roused me. It was different. There was still vanilla, but also something heavy and berry scented, I could almost taste it. 

 I casually moved my foot to graze her leg faintly, and I could tell she wasn't expecting me to come on so strong by the way she inhaled deeply and delicately in response. I traced my foot round to her inner thigh, and noticed how quickly her breathing became heightened by arousal. She was looking upon me with wonder, and her expression dared me to keep going just to see what would happen, so I bit my lip tracing up and up her thigh until... 

She grasped my foot firmly, making me jump. She used the back of her hand to bat away my advancing shoe and stood up so, so close to me. My eyelashes fluttered coquettishly as I looked up at her. 

"Did you not like that?" I teased, leaning back on my hands. "Not a footsy kinda gal-"

I stopped as her hands started to move up both my open thighs whilst her eyes burned into me. My pulse raced in response to her touch, and I instantly wanted more. She leant forward slowly, and whispered in my ear.

"Have you forgotten whose in charge here, Miss Willows?" 

Her voice sent shivers down my spine and she kissed my neck so, so softly. My head flopped back and I gripped the edge of her desk tightly, only managing a small whimper as she neared my centre.

"Nice dress," she breathed, lips pressed against mine. I couldn't even respond, I was so flustered from the way her body felt against mine.

"Keep it, you look fucking sexy," she continued, and tugged at my underwear, twisting her hand. The contact of her bare fingertip against my clit was electrifying and I moaned, opening my legs for more. My hands became tangled in her locks as the desire increased and she pushed me down onto my elbows. Her torso hovered over mine, hot and energised. She planted kisses closer and closer to where it ached, where I needed it most. I rolled back my head and closed my eyes, breathing rapid, heart thudding as her mouth pressed up against me. This woman was clearly a top, but I was no pillow princess. I reached for her chin with my hand and pulled her up, instantly missing her mouth on me. Coaxing her in for a passionate kiss, I waited until she was directly above me and then flipped her. It was easy, purely because she was taken by surprise, she was still much stronger that me. 

I pulled her cami up over her head, and ran my hands over toned muscles that rippled beneath caramel skin. Her hair was fanned out beneath her as she lay back, and I reached for the button on her jeans, tugging it open expertly without looking. She seemed impressed and shuffled out of them whilst I peeled her skintight dress off me, exposing my raunchy red and black bra. Biting my lip, I slid my hand into her lacy underwear, slipping one, and then two fingers inside her. Her back arched off the desk and her eyes rolled up, causing me to grin at my skill. I toyed with her till I felt her muscles tense up indefinitely, and then pulled my hand away, teasing her. She begged me to continue, shiny from exertion and I pinned her hands above her head in response. I pressed my knee against her and she shook as I began to rock. We were so close, moans heightening and clutches tightening from the constant heat as we pushed desperately against each other. Electricity pulsed through me as we both climaxed, and she grasped the desk violently, panting laboured. 

"F- Fuck Lana!" She breathed, clenching my waist as I flopped over her, spasms of pleasure still writhing through my body. 

All my pent up sexual frustration had been released, and now everything was so much clearer. I wanted her, not Del or Evan. Her competence, temper, beauty and attention.

I wanted it all. 

The poor choice of getting severely drunk twice in a row was finally starting to catch up on me as I lay on her chest, feeling it rise and fall just as rapidly as mine. I didn't feel ill, just incredibly drowsy and couldn't seem to gather my senses properly, the room was spinning as if I was going to faint. She sat up easily, despite the fact I was laid heavily on her. She brushed my hair from my  crimson cheeks and noted the level of alcohol displayed in my dilated eyes. 

"I shouldn't have done that," she said regretfully, placing a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked immediately, worried this may never happen again.

"I was taking advantage of you, you're drunk, I'm sober, and..."

I interrupted her tangent with a smooth kiss, long and full on the lips.

"I've needed that for a long time, I don't need to be sober to know that." 

She was reassured, and I straddled her, kissing her collarbone as she ran gentle hands up my back. Our breathing finally slowed to normal pace, and I yawned, making her laugh. 

"You're going to pass out on me Lana, I can tell," she whispered in my ear. I turned to her, unable to focus on her face and tried to reply.

"No... I'm not..."

The last thing I remembered were strong hands and warm arms as I slumped against her, drifting into darkness.

Steamy, right? *Eyebrows eyebrows 😏😏.* Lana's forgotten something pretty important, how the hell she's gonna remain professional at work now, do you think she can do it? Read on to find out 😚

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