Flashing lights

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"So who do you like more, Fia or Del?" Sasha asked, putting on blusher as she neared finishing her makeup.

"I don't know," I breathed, looking up at the ceiling. I was already finished, so I was contemplating my life choices and why my feeling were so fucked up. Deep down, I knew the answer. Del was exciting, a new flame, and there was no denying I did like her, I just liked Sofia more. She was seductive without even trying, and even looking at her was enough to expel all the air from my lungs. It was hard to breathe when she spoke and I reddened every time she looked in my direction. Del couldn't do that. She just made me feel electric, and was the nicest girl I'd met in a while. But of course, Lana wanted the impossible option.

"Come on then La Llorona, let's get you hooked up tonight so you can forget about those two magnets, the cab's here."

"You know me so well Sash, please snatch me the hottest girl you can find, trying to choose is a  mindfuck."

"Shouldn't be too hard, you look so damn hot in that dress." Sasha bit her lip and dragged me into the back seat, pulling her red dress above her knees. She looked so cute, and I was incredibly proud to have a friend like her.

The cab pulled up in front, and I walked straight up to the bouncers, they were the same from last night and I hoped they recognised me. Luck was on my side, as they immediately pulled the rope back after noticing me.

"Thanks boys," I winked, and they looked particularly pleased with themselves.

"Have a nice night ladies."

Sasha was clinging onto my arm looking remarkably like I did yesterday night when I was clung to Del. 

"Look at all the lights and Jesus this music is so fuckin' sexy I just wanna dance!" She started throwing down some moves and I burst out laughing, pulling her away to get some drinks before she went too mad. Believe it or not, her drunk dancing was actually better than her sober dancing.

"Sergio my guy, can we get 4 vodka shots and 2 cosmos?"

"Coming right up Lana, nice to see you back so soon!" I smiled at him, and sat down with Sasha as he poured our shots.

"This is Sasha, I've been raving about this place to her all day and so she insisted on taking me back tonight."

He laughed, and shook her hand.

"Good to meet you Sasha, anything you need, you come and ask Sergio." Sasha grinned in response, downing her shots and looking around the room like an excited 12 year old.

"Oh, Sergio?" She suddenly summoned, and he swanned on over.

"The mission for tonight is to get wasted, and find a female hook up for Miss Willows." She tried to whisper this, but just ended up shouting over the music. Never been conscious of her volume our Sash.

"Ah this I can do, I know of some ladies here tonight that might be of interest." He gestured for us to come closer, and pointed out a biker chick on the dance floor who was very much my type.

"Sergio you angel, you've hit the nail on the head!" Sasha high-fived him and he continued.

"Her names Evan, she likes forwardness and will only lose interest if you do, keep her eyes on you only, she gets distracted sometimes."

"But she's already dancing with another girl," I whined, pouting, but Sergio held up a silencing hand.

"Leave that to me, she's been dancing with that girl for ages and I can tell she's not interested." He called out her name and I nearly disintegrated in my seat. What the hell was he doing?! He better not make it obvious. Her tight black ripped jeans clung to her legs and I couldn't take my eyes off how cool her leather jacket looked.

"Thanks Sergio," she gravelled, with a deep voice which genuinely made me feel things, that's how turned on I was right now.

"That's ok Ev, I know bored when I see it," he said casually, sliding her a shot. She hadn't noticed me or Sasha yet, even though she was sat next to us. Sergio slid shots pointedly towards us, drawing her attention to me. She checked me out good, not even bothering to hide it.

"Hi there, I'm..."

"Evan." I cut in seductively, downing my shot. "I heard."

"You look so impossibly hot," she stuttered, gazing at me and not knowing what to say.

"Thanks Evan, you're not so bad yourself, care to dance?" I asked, but the question became rhetorical when I rose from my seat and sashayed onto the floor, not even bothering to look back or wait for her. I heard Sergio say 'she's good,' and Sasha agree with him, but the tell tale swivel of the bar stool was all I needed to know that she was following me. If Sergio hadn't told me she liked forwardness, this could have gone completely different, that man was a legend. We were dancing opposite each other for a little bit, until another guy came up behind me and started grinding on me. I watched Evan go from chill to jealous, and she pulled me away from the guy, turning me round and clutching me tightly. I could feel her breath in my ear and I pressed my ass up against her jeans. Sasha suddenly turned up in front of me with a man on her arm, and I waved. She gave me a thumbs up and I felt hands on my waist. They turned me round face to face with Evan, her dark eyes full of wonder. She pulled me in, and I put my arms around her neck, relishing in the sweet release of a no strings attached situation. Her thighs were pressed up against mine, and she was so strong, it was hot. Her hold made me feel like I could melt and she'd still catch me. I felt a hasty tap on my shoulder, and frowned, annoyed interruptions to my sex life kept happening. I was just getting started! First Del, now Evan, what next? Sasha had her eyes fixed on a spot near the back of the room, and she started nervously saying,

"um, correct me if I'm wrong but is that...?"

I followed her line of vision, and nearly died on the spot.

There, staring right at me with folded arms, was Sofia Bardot.

Crap, what a situation! But can we all just take a moment to appreciate Lana, pulling girls left right and centre? 😄🙏 What on earth is going to happen with Lana and Sofia now? We've thrown Del in the mix and now Evan, fingers crossed Sofia won't react too seriously!

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