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I awoke in an airy room, my head buzzing from last night. Where was I? This wasn't my bed and these weren't my clothes. I had a splitting headache and rubbed at my temples, sitting up slowly and squinting my eyes at the light casting through the bright white curtains. Why was there a glass of orange juice next to my bed with Advil next to it, and what was that smell...?


Everything came crashing back, the alcohol, Evan, Sofia and... oh shit. 

I fucked my boss. I literally fucked my boss and for what. Like yeah of course I've wanted it badly for a long time but now I've just made it 95% harder for me to keep my hands off her when I see her, and I see her every. Damn. Day. 

Oh great, and speaking of I have work today, what the hell was I thinking, giving into my desires so easily? 

Dropped yourself in the shit there didn't you Lana, I grumbled angrily to myself, bundling my hair up into a messy ponytail. I threw myself out of the bed and stomped towards the nearest mirror, looking at myself in disgust. I had mascara underneath my eyes making me resemble a baby panda and my lipstick was smudged everywhere. At least this shirt I was wearing was comfy. I sighed and took the Advil, taking a folded piece of paper which was propped up next to the OJ and opening it.

'Morning, sleeping beauty. 

No amount of shaking would wake you, so started work without you. Stop drooling on my pillows, and get your lazy arse down to my office. Del dropped off some clothes for you on the bed, if you're not up by 9:00 I will personally set you extra hours.

Good luck. 

Fia x'

Cheeky bitch, pretending like I didn't give her a good time last night, I smirked, and then hastily checked myself. She was right, not drawing attention to it. For fuck's sake now Del knows we banged because she dropped the clothes off, this is a nightmare! The time read 8:42, and I pulled on a silk blouse and a grey pair of trousers which had been left out for me. Wearing last night's heels, I stumbled towards a door which I assumed was a bathroom. Bingo, I thought, walking to the sink and trying to scrape off my makeup. I couldn't manage all of it as there wasn't any makeup remover, but it didn't look bad anymore, it looked kinda hot now. The panda circles had turned into minimal, smudged and smoky eyeliner, and my lips had a reddish hue from the leftover lipstick. I left my hair in the ponytail, I knew if I brushed it the frizz would be unimaginable, and I wanted it out my face anyway. I was desperate for the toilet, but I didn't have time to shower. At least I didn't smell, that was the one thing I was proud of. I always smelt good because I douse myself in perfume every day, I swear I bathe in the stuff.

Ah, god, why wasn't the Advil kicking in yet? Every damn step hurt, it felt like knives were stabbing into my brain and I only had 10 minutes to get down before Sofia 'personally sets me extra hours.' Her words, not mine. 

Right so do I play it her way and act like nothing happened, or get mad about how quickly she's brushed last night off? I neared her door and stopped. I didn't want to open it. I was more nervous than the day I first met her for my interview. Shaking myself slightly, I pushed it open, irritated at how stupid I was behaving.

"About time, Miss Willows. Get to work double time." She didn't even look up, she just continued tap-tap-tapping away on her computer like nothing happened. You know, like we didn't have mind blowing sex last night. Alright Miss Bardot, we'll play it your way, I thought, sitting down slowly. 

We said nothing all morning. I left for one toilet break, and then got back to work. I tried so, so hard to catch up the 2 hours I missed this morning, but my hungover self was having none of it. Before long, it was lunch, and I was relieved to be able to get out in the fresh air and eat something. Rosco's was quieter today, and the staff were amused at how hungover I was, telling me I'd get used to mixing work and social life soon. I didn't even wait till I was in the Beaumont before stuffing that sandwich into my mouth. Urgh it was so good, my head ceased pounding so hard and I walked straight into the elevator, not bothering in the slightest to hide how unprofessional I was being. I had sandwich crumbs on my blouse and a burn from the coffee on my hand from when I tripped for the umpteenth time on the sidewalk. It was hurting a lot more than I thought it would, and there was a slight red mark beginning to form. It was only small, so I ignored it. The same way I ignored Sofia when I slapped her lunch down on her desk, holding my sandwich in my mouth and heading straight back out to continue work. No time for lunch break, I needed to see Del to pick up Sofia's clothes, I really didn't want to stay overtime. 

I wasn't nervous about seeing Del, it was like my decorum had taken a trip to the Bahamas for the day, and didn't plan on coming back until tomorrow. When I opened the door, she greeted me happily, and my appreciation for her friendliness was evident from my smile. If she knew about what happened between me and Sofia last night, she was being dreadfully normal about it, and it almost made me feel guilty. She was lovely, she'd done nothing wrong and I did like her, I just liked Sofia more. Or at least I thought I did, this morning with her wasn't exactly pleasant to say the least. Del's coconut tropic scent was refreshing compared to Sofia's usually enticing vanilla. Sitting in Miss Bardot's office basked in her scent was too overpowering for me today, I suppose you could call it a sickly sweet concoction. 

"Nice to see you, we should catch up some time yeah? You know, after you recover," she giggled. Was she completely oblivious to mine and Sofia's hookup last night? Could a girl not put two and two together or did she genuinely just not care? Jealously crept in and I was confused. I was the one who slept with someone else, I know Del and I weren't dating so i was allowed, but that didn't stop it from being a bitch move. She stepped closer and her fingers brushed mine as she handed me the clothes. My vision went hazy when I noticed the gap was closing between us ever so slightly, and she gently pulled some lint off my shirt. Oh please not again, I thought, as that familiar electric pulse swept though my body. Her fingers brushed a strand of hair out my face and her rosy lips were parted marginally.

"It seems I have some competition," she spoke smoothly, and I swallowed, realising who she was referring to.

"You looked cute asleep in Fia's suite this morning, when I took some clothes in for you," she teased, taking my chin and lifting it upwards. My breathing was faint, barely audible. I didn't know what to say, Her confidence was oddly inviting.

"So tell me," she purred, running her thumb delicately over my bottom lip. "If you were mine, would I need to keep you on a leash, or...?"

I giggled a little in response, I couldn't help it. 

What else was I supposed to do, tell her the truth?

Hi Guys!

Currently I am working on another story, this one isn't getting much attention, but I'm ok with that as it's my first story and I'm proud of it 🙂. This being said however, if anyone happens to want an update, let me know and I'll do so as soon as I can. 

Peace out for now lovelies, vote and comment! ❤️

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