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"This is the print you asked for, and I can order in the new lamp you wanted, it's finally back in stock"

I placed a stack of papers on my boss' desk, and rummaged through the rest of my bag.

"Here's your coffee and bagel,  I've set up that meeting with Armstrong corp for next Tuesday at 10:00 AM."

I finally glanced at her, and she was looking at me with a stupefied smile on her face. Immediately I shuffled awkwardly under her attention, even after a few months it still had the same dazing effect. 

"Cut that out," I murmured, but my bashful smile mirrored hers. 

"Look, you need to write the meeting down in your planner or you'll forget," I tried to shift her attention but it didn't work. She only swivelled slightly in her chair, still grinning like I was the greatest thing to bless her eyes. I huffed, pulling her planner towards me and opening it to the correct page, looking around the desk for a pen. Odd, the fountain one she usually kept neatly on her right wasn't there, and I glanced to her in confusion.

Her body turned to face me directly, and she leant her elbow on the desk, resting her jaw in her fingers as the tantalising woman watched me through her lashes. A rogue hand brushed over her cleavage, of course my vision followed, and I almost rolled my eyes. There it was, sandwiched neatly between her breasts, such a tempting invitation. 

"Find what you were looking for?" She asked devilishly, challenging my next move.

"I suppose," I replied cooly, trying to keep it together with every muscle in my body. A playful thought crossed my mind, could I pull it off smoothly? I had to try, her face would be priceless. One of my hands landed on the desk beside her, and the other on her leg. I felt dominant, and I think she felt the power shift as she sat back in her seat. My head dipped slowly, eye contact raging. She let out a breath she'd been holding as I bit down on the pen with my teeth, sliding it out deftly. 


Usually I was the one with the racing heartbeat and scarlet tint, but my, how the tables have turned, I thought smugly. I bent over to write her appointment in the planner, purposefully pushing my ass closer to her. I felt so proud I'd managed to make her sweat like that, I could tell she was going to fight for her dominance back any second. By the time I'd written the date down, my theory rang true and fast fingers grasped my hips, seating me firmly in her lap with a swift tug. 

"I need to get back to work,"

I insisted, her hands itching to run over me. She ignored me, pressing me further into her lap, my bare legs against the twill fabric of her trousers. One hand ran up to my breasts, the other down, and that was it, I was finished. The power was all hers again, I suppose I never wanted it anyway.

"I told Rupert to bring back your folder after his meeting, and it's just gone 11," I panted erratically, my thighs twitching every time she ran over a sensitive spot. She knew all of them, a blessing and a curse. The businesswoman gritted her teeth and pulled me closer to her.

"Fine, but you owe me those sweet little sounds you make when you shudder around my fingers," she muttered in my ear wistfully, and my entire body erupted in goosebumps.

"So we're going to finish what we started later, capisce?"

Again with the Italian, let me live.

I could barely even nod, and gasped sharply as she removed her fingers, sucking each digit before pulling my mouth to meet hers, a fiery kiss to make up for all the sexual frustration. I quickly stood up from her lap, nervous that Rupert would walk in any minute. It was five before he did, and the entire time I was thinking about how I could have still been in that lap if I just kept my damn mouth shut. He'd nearly walked in on us accidentally before, I'm sure he could get over it again.

Rupert and I left to grab our usual from Rosco's. Recently Del and I had been taking it in turns to buy each other coffee, so I picked up an americano for her as well as Sofia's lunch and latte. I was so nervous that Del would have stopped speaking to me, especially after the way things went down in the car after my argument with Sofia. She would have been perfectly reasonable in doing so, the way I treated her was something I was genuinely sorry about, and I liked to make an effort to talk to her when I picked up Sofia's clothes each day.

"Too kind, it's been a hellish day," the blonde took the coffee and sipped it in relief.

"Oh?" I questioned, allowing her time to elaborate.

"Alison's been on the warpath again, something about me ignoring her? I don't know."

Del rubbed her temples and had another sip of coffee.

"That's exactly what you're trying to do, why is she so adamant you guys are together?" 

She shrugged and chuckled lightly. 

"She's one crazy, crazy lady."

"You can say that again," I agreed, watching her unhook Miss Bardot's outfit from the rail. She passed it over and we spoke some more before I left to deliver the clothes to Sofia's room. I couldn't wait for lunch, and rushed back to the office so we could eat it together. 

"What took you so long, I'm starving!" She exclaimed as I rushed through the door and put down her food down on the desk. 

"I know sorry I'm starving too, I was speaking to Del."

Her shoulders tensed slightly and she refused to act like she'd reacted at all.

"You guys are talking again? That's good," she concluded, spearing a piece of chicken with her fork. Her tone was flat, I tried not to show how much I liked it when her jealous side fronted.

"That was a bit monotone, are you sure you think it's good?" I teased, lighthearted.

She looked up, checking herself before she replied, the woman despised when I analysed her correctly.

"No truly, I want my all my staff to have a good rapport, it's important for a healthy work environment."

She went back to eating, and I tipped my head to one side.

"That's a shame, I like it when you flash all green like that."

"I'm not envious," she insisted, wrestling with her poor meal as she tried to keep her temper.

"Whatever you say boss."

My replies and attitude were cheeky, with the way she cut her eyes at me it was obvious she was going to hold it to me later. Perfect, I thought, stretching my arms out in bliss as I relaxed into my chair. 

Can't fault me for playing the cards to get precisely what I want.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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