Feelings, nothing more

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I walked towards her and sat down, crossing my legs in the chair opposite and deciding to act nonchalant about the whole thing.

"I only heard the part about you having an interest in me or something."

She looked down into her lap, stifling a grin and almost turning red. 

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, I hope we can keep things professional."

"Of course," I replied matter of factly. I think she was surprised at my casual attitude, probably because this was the calmest she'd seen me all morning. 

"What's my tell then?" I asked, leaning an elbow on the desk while she watched my demeanour. 

"Your voice is pitchier than normal when you're lying, and also you look to the person you know you're not fooling, and in this case that person was me," she explained.

"That could be a coincidence though, me looking at you." I tested, and she leant back in he chair, smiling so minutely that if you didn't know her features, you wouldn't be able to tell.

"It could be, which is why I narrowed my eyes at you. In your interview, when my eyes narrowed after asking you about your weakness, it almost put you on autopilot to tell the truth," she chuckled, reminiscing at the memory. "I remembered this and lo and behold, you stood there frozen not sure what to say because you knew I was onto you."

"Ok, ok I get it," I sighed. "I need to work on my game face."

She chuckled again. It sounded silvery and dainty, I could listen to it on repeat.

"You fooled Rupert, don't give yourself such a hard time," she joked, shifting forward in her chair.

"Next time I'll get you," I grinned, and she made an effort to take a slow sip of her coffee.

"I'd like to see you try." She was looking up at me through her lashes, I don't think it was intended to be seductive but my god it was. We ate lunch together whilst discussing my job role and getting to know each other a little more. At least those were her intentions, mine were to make sure I wasn't eating like an absolute pig in front of her. Usually, that sandwich would have been gone in 5 seconds but I couldn't help wanting to please her. To the point where I was afraid there was a wrong way to eat a sandwich. Cause that makes a lot of sense. 

"Miss Willows?"

I looked at her with wide eyes, hoping I hadn't missed her say anything important.

"You keep zoning out on me, do I really bore you that much?" There was a smile upon her lips, I knew she was only poking fun at me. Our banter had progressed into becoming undeniably flirty, despite her saying she hoped we could keep it professional. I decided to play along to her leading question. 

"I couldn't say ma'am because I wasn't really listening."

She threw me a wry smile before I continued.

 "It's just very hot in here, that would make anyone sleepy, wouldn't you agree?"

I delicately fanned my face and as I did so made sure to project my chest area outwards making it look fuller. Gotta know all the tricks of the trade to pull a rich girl like this one ladies. I noticed a slight ruby sheen appear across the middle of her face in a faint strip, and decided to stop flirting since she seemed disconcerted.

"Because of the glass. And the sun. You know, like a greenhouse." I stated sarcastically, as if to ridicule her for thinking I would so outwardly draw focus to the sexual tension brewing between us. Everyone knows you can't rush a brew, she needed to chillax. I mean yeah her reaction nearly made me pee with excitement like a complete moron but that's not the point, so I stayed calm. 

"Right, well I expect you back at work at the end of lunch which is 2:30 so you have 5 minutes, there's your desk over there." 

She gestured to the corner of her room, seeming to have made a full recovery from her earlier fluster. Not going to lie I was a little jealous of how easily she was able to collect herself after that, I would still be sweating and stuttering. My chair had wheels, and so I decided to 'whoosh' my way on over as sleekly as I could without falling off. I was almost certain I had managed it quite well, but the look on her face told me she found my childish antics humourless to say the least. After that ordeal, I shut up, and quietly worked on the stack of files she had given me to organise. And when I say stack I mean stack. It was the thickest wad I had ever seen, and I had to get through it all by 6:00, not to mention it was already nearly 3:00. I almost groaned, but instead determined the more productive option would be to just get on with it. It better not be like this all the time, how she managed all this without a P.A. for 6 weeks is beyond me. I would have died. 

The minutes crawled by and the hours felt like years, but my drive to impress her which I had discovered the first time we locked eyes was finally coming to good use. I had made it well over halfway, and still had a whole hour remaining to complete the rest in. I was chuffed enough with my concentration to give myself a toilet break, especially since that latte was finally starting to catch up on me. After 5 minutes of pondering whether I should excuse myself and tell her where I was going, or just excuse myself, I resulted in the first option. Telling her would be weird right? Never mind, too late now, I'm already out the room. I had seen the sign for the toilets on one of my countless elevator trips. It was on this floor, and to the left I believe...? Ah here we go, Elementary my dear Watson. Honestly the hardest part of my trip to the toilet was trying to re-straighten the line running vertically up the back of my stocking without a mirror. I didn't manage it, my back started hurting because I spent so long twisting in a million different directions to try and sort it. Never mind, she can look at my boobs instead, I thought, unbuttoning the top of my shirt. There we are, I grinned, feeling naughtier and particularly more devilish than usual.

"Don't tell me," a voice dripping with sarcasm called. "your eyes are up there."

I snapped my head up in shock, but it was just Rupert, sat behind this floors front desk, beaming widely.

"Cut it out, I looked like a nun and you know it."

He laughed so tremendously loud I was taken aback. He continued his mocking, and said "that button makes no difference, you were out either way!"

"You're such a dingbat Rupert," I replied, but I couldn't contain my laughter either. His was so loud it was contagious, and every time he started up again, I sniggered even more.

"You're my favourite I love you," he cried, wiping his glistening eyes and waving me over. I sat on his desk and leant over because he was trying to show me something on his computer screen.

"For god's sake, MISS WILLOWS!"

A voice boomed through the empty corridor and my blood ran cold. 

"Have I got to keep you on a leash? Why are you not at work, that pile on your desk is huge, and now you're not going to finish it because you're sat here with my colleague making insane amounts of noise instead." 

My eyes were rounded with fear. I couldn't loose my job on the first day...

Could I?

Oh shit. Lana's in hot water! Do you think Miss Bardot is overreacting? I do. 😬 Comment what you guys think. ❤️

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