Hot under the collar

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"I, I... I..."

I desperately tried to think of something to say which wouldn't anger her more, but she was raging.

"Rupert, if you know she's easily distracted, then don't distract her!"

"Sorry Fia," He hung his head in apology, and her fiery eyes turned towards me. They bore into my soul, and I wondered what was so bad about taking 5 minutes off to socialise with my co-worker.

"And you, never paying attention. You're treading on thin ice, remember? It's taken a long time for someone to even get close to your position. I can easily lengthen that time," she spat venomously, and flounced back into her office, pulling the door shut loudly. I looked at Rupert with an open mouth, gobsmacked at how she just spoke to me. He did look very apologetic, and it wasn't his fault, so I wasn't angry at him, I was just not expecting her to go off on one like that.

"Remember it's not you, it's her, I told you she was fiery. She will never take your job from you, I promise you don't need to worry about that."

"Thanks Rupert," I smiled weakly, running my hands through my hair and trying to gather all the new emotions floating about in my head. I was angry right? So then why am I feeling excited? Am I someone who likes drama or am I just aroused by confrontation, what's wrong with me? 

"Go in now, don't apologise or draw attention to what just happened, just sit, finish your work and walk back out."

"My job is safe?"

"Honey, she'd be begging for someone just like you 1 hour after firing you, it's not going to happen. Plus I won't let it," he concluded kindly. "I know what's good for her, and I like you too much to see you go."

"Coffee is on me tomorrow you legend," I winked, and he crossed his fingers, wishing me good luck as I entered the dragon's den. I didn't even look at her, but a part of me wanted her to know I did not respect the way she just went off at me, so I sat down in my chair extra hard. Childish I know, but if I wasn't allowed to say I was pissed, then I might as well show it. The added fuel from my anger caused me to work double time. I felt as if I was in hyper-concentration mode, and my mind was laser focused on the task at hand. It only took me 20 minutes meaning I had 40 minutes left, and boy was I gonna rub that in her face. I think I was feeling petty because none of my feelings towards her had diminished, I still found her drop-dead gorgeous even after she shouted at me. We were getting along so well, and then she set that back, and I'm gonna let her know it. 

I slammed down the wad of paper onto her desk, and she jumped, dropping the pen she was using. I looked down at her coldly and unleashed my annoyance.

"Here's the work which I wasn't paying enough attention to to get done by 6:00. And yet here I am. With my work finished. At 5:20. Plus a little toilet break." I hissed the last part for effect, and she bit down on the inside of her cheek looking almost timid, but I wasn't done yet.

"You say you wouldn't be afraid to let me go, but I'm not at idiot. I pay attention. Just to things you wouldn't expect me to." I wandered about in front of her desk to keep her glued to me. "Like how you get jealous when others are laughing and you aren't." 

I knew I'd hit the nerve I was looking for with that last part. Her eyes flashed towards me and I could tell she was seeing red. Time to loosen up.

"You're my boss. I'm not supposed to talk to you like that but you told me respect means everything to you, and you wanted us to work together. It's my first day and you're yelling at me like I've burnt your house to the floor or something, what is going on?"

Her face had softened, the harsh, vexed lines on her forehead had faded, and she appeared regretful. I continued for her, because to be honest I was feeling quite shaken by the fact I'd just outwardly put my boss in her place and wanted to forget about the whole thing.

"Can we just forget about it, I'll never speak to you like that again, I'm sorry, I hope the files are organised ok."

I turned to leave, determined to make it out that door without getting stopped...


She used my first name. I suddenly felt tingly and rooted to the spot. I didn't want to leave the room. I didn't want to leave the room because she was in it. 

"I'm sorry. Like you, I want to just move on, but I want you to know I will never hang your job out on the line like that again. I know how much this means to you, it's just..."

She sighed, and I slowly turned around to face her, taking my hand off the door handle.

"I've been left with double the work since I let my last P.A. go, and I haven't had more than 4 hours of sleep a night since then. I was so relieved when I hired you that I would be able to relax a little more and I don't know, I just lost it a little when I saw you taking a break. I'm sorry it was out of order."

"It's ok..." I replied, suddenly feeling like I had ruined whatever was between us by taking her down a notch. 

"Do you want me to stay overtime tonight?" I asked politely. "Just so that you can get a head start on all the beauty sleep catch up?"

She smiled gratefully, but I nearly yelled at my foolish word choice on the spot.

"Not that you need beauty sleep... I meant just sleep... erm..." I mumbled, clasping my hands together. Her smile turned into a chuckle, and I knew I had eradicated any awkwardness from our earlier affliction.

"Go home Lana," she replied contently. "Thanks for all your help. Tomorrow starts at 7:00, I'll see you then."

I opened the door and of course Rupert nearly fell backwards as I pushed it open, the silly sod was listening to our conversation. He gave me a hearty high-five and continued to commend me on my diffusing skills even as the elevator door started to close. 

"I'll see you tomorrow," I called at him, and beamed ear to ear at the thought of Sasha and Matt reacting to all the hot goss from my first day. 

Actually I better not tell Matt she yelled at me, he'd flip his shit.

Awww, look at them making up after their little tiff, bless! 


Sorry, someone had to say it. 😄

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