𝟎𝟎𝟔. 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬

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"Just tell me where the others went!" Conner slammed his hands down in the table in front of Bang Chan.
"I- I won't. I won't do that to my friends." His hands were cuffed to the table and his head was down. He wasn't weak, but he was worried and concerned. Did the others get away? Were they safe?
"Just tell me and maybe you won't get hurt!" Conner paces around behind Chan in an attempt to unnerve him, but it wasn't working. As long as Chan held strong he had nothing to lose. Detective Anderson and Officer Gavin were just outside of the interrogation room and had made it clear that they weren't letting him rest until the confession was out.
"You care about her don't you? That girl you call Birdie. Who is she? What does she do?" Conner sat back down after realizing intimidation wouldn't work. Chan looked up blankly towards the other android.
"I heard you call me an 'it' earlier. And I think you should know something; I'm real, and I feel. I feel emotions just like humans, and like humans I too have loyalty so you're wasting your time by talking to me, okay? So give up. because I'd rather die than rat out my friends."

In the other room Birdie herself was being interrogated.
"Did you let them in?" Seungcheol slammed his hands down on the table. He was mad- no, furious- he'd lost his partner because of this.
"No! No, I wouldn't do that!" tears slipped down her cheeks and she internally wondered if she was being convincing... should she break down and start sobbing or something? Would that get sympathy from the detective?
"Yeah right. We're checking your bodyguards memory and every other android in that house. Then we'll see if you're lying or not." and he left. Birdie knew Bang Chan was in another room not so far away and wished she could take his place, maybe she should just take all the blame. That probably wouldn't stop them from killing him, though. Jisung, Chenle, and the Zhong matriarch were in the waiting room, doing what else? Waiting. Four different times Mrs. Zhong got so irritated over having to wait here for the girl that she asked Seungcheol if they could speed this up. She was positive that the stupid girl wasn't even capable of such things, but Seungcheol called the bluff.
"Get him to talk." Seungcheol said, after taking some time to think. 040 had been taken out of her interrogation room and placed in the one that contained Chan. She put up an almost perfect facade of indifference and the detectives watched them closely from outside.
"Hello, I'm 040." she said. He nodded sticking his hand out as far as the restraints would allow him, "Chan." he said as she shook his hand lightly.
"What's with the accent?" She asked. She knew, but she had to pretend they never knew each other past maybe a fleeting interaction.
"I'm programmed with an Australian accent." she nodded.
"What did you want to be when you grew up?" He asked, their secret signal.
"A florist." she shrunk back in her seat slightly.
"Why do you believe you feel? What do you feel? Do you even know what feeling is like?" She interrogated.
"You're one to talk. only 15 years old, aren't you? Do you even understand feelings yourself? You humans always believe you're so smart, but are you really? You're just as confused as the rest of us." He scoffs at the end glaring at her.
"Does anyone understand feelings? Or are we all programmed to call these feelings- emotions, rather, as we're taught?" Chan tilts his head slightly at her questions.
"You obviously believe you do."
040 gets up and shakes her head. She's not trying hard enough, Detective Moon thought. "Detective Anderson, There's been a case of a runaway AX400 and they want you in the case." He says to the senior detective. Anderson nods pulling Conner out of the room.

Detective Moon knew he had a choice in this moment. He could spare Chan and not owe the people of Jericho anymore, or he could keep him here to die. If androids can die, that is. Can you die if you've never lived? He thought. Android's didn't have feelings or emotions of any sort. They were machines, he had been taught. If they really were then how could this deviant look so sad? It felt like an internal battle for him, does he sympathize with them? Or does he do his job no matter the cost? He knew which one was right, but should he do it?

Lee Felix was panting as the group made it safely back into the walls of Jericho unharmed. Jihoon and Yoongi's eyes widened as they finally processed that they were free. "I'm not a slave anymore." Jihoon smiled. "I can finally start feeling at ease... maybe someday I can fulfill my dreams as well." Jihoon's smile brightened as Minho started leading the three new androids up to talk to the leaders and then Lucy. Felix wished he could fulfill his dreams, whatever they were. All he really felt like he knew at the moment was that he loved Birdie and wished they could have a future together. Why couldn't they? Maybe they could cross the boarder and live together forever, it was a nice dream. A fantasy of sorts.

Renjun was lying in bed, thinking. Trying to jog his memory. His roommate Jaemin was lying down after almost breaking his synthetic bones. What was that? He thought to himself, Was he really her brother? His thoughts raced until he felt like he couldn't keep track of them anymore. "Stop it. Stop it!" He randomly shouted towards himself. Jaemin's head lifted off the bed and he said, "Shut up." before letting his face fall back into the pillows. Renjun covered his face as he recalled the first time he'd ever met 040. He was walking aimlessly through the city when she was pushed into him by some bullies. They were taunting her for not having parents and his setting had caused him to instantly feel overprotective of her. He had jumped in and protected her adequately from them, then the two were inseparable. He vaguely remembered her switching the settings and then falling asleep. Renjun suddenly felt sleepy, as if reliving the past was the hardest thing he could do.

authors note !
three chapters a day? you guys are spoileddddd

★彡 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧. - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 彡★Where stories live. Discover now