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"I promised to protect you, didn't I?" Chenle teased the girl lightly and she pouted at him. "It's not my fault I'm short." He chuckled at her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. The two had recently moved into an apartment on their own and it was right next to Taeil's. Chenle got his own job and was making quite the steady income, the only downside being that he worked pretty late into the night. He had gotten home and the first thing he heard was his beloved swearing loudly in the kitchen. When he got there, he saw that it was because she couldn't reach a mug on a high shelf. "It's fine, baby. I'll always get the things you can't reach." He smiled brightly at her. "Why do you have to be so endearing? I can't even get mad at you." She scoffed sarcastically at him. "Because you love me~" He cooed. "...You're not wrong. I missed you." She put down the mug he had handed her and gave him a hug. For the most part, the apartment was dark. The only lights on were the ones in the kitchen and their shared bedroom. "I missed you too."

By and by Birdie got more and more bored in the daytime when Chenle was away. Rosie was great company, but it was clear that the older was getting annoyed with having to entertain the younger for hours at a time. Taking walks through Detroit would be pleasant if she wasn't mobbed by reporters all the time. She was bored out of her mind, and sitting at the island while the golden hours of the sun passed by. She needed a hobby. A knock interrupted her thoughts and she got up to answer the door. Standing there was a dapper looking man with a pad and paper. "Hello, I'm Namjoon. I work for a publishing company and would like to help you write a book about the revolution." She narrowed her eyes at him. She was aware that she definitely looked like crap, but nonetheless sized him up to see if he was going to kidnap her if she could overpower him. "Why?" She asked simply. "Because many people have taken an interest in what it was like for you." He informed. It was rude for her to not welcome a guest. "Come in, we can talk freely here."

"Alright, we've gone through how you feel about pretty much every other person from Jericho, now for the one that everyone wants to know about. I know you've declined interviews from many articles and hate publicizing your relationship, but what is it like with Chenle?" She hummed slightly, thinking on the question. "Alright, I guess it's time I really talk about this... though Taeil might be someone to talk to about human/android relationships. Chenle and I could be the equivalent of high school sweethearts, we've known each other for quite a long time and he's always been a good friend of mine. I can say I've always loved him, and it would be completely true. It started in the garden, at around midnight I'd say maybe October 25th... maybe. The garden I'm referring to being the Zhong's garden. We had eaten cereal and were just enjoying each other's company when he asked me what love was, I myself don't even know the true answer to that question, so I told him that love was different for everyone. We almost kissed that night, before Renjun came looking for him. After that Jisung and I left the house and I didn't see him until he showed up in Jericho the night we got attacked. It was like, unreal seeing him there. I was ironically missing him a lot that night and I tackled him with a hug when I saw him. We stayed that way for a while, hugging a lot and just enjoying our time. He wasn't with me when we were attacked because I'd asked him to leave when I felt something off. We met up again in the church and didn't really talk because I was preoccupied with almost losing Seungmin and Changbin. Once we started our march Chenle stayed by my side the whole way through. Unsurprisingly, after it was all over Chenle and I finally went on a date and I moved in with him about a month ago. It's been nice, living together... I'm not sure we ever really had a chance to have our honeymoon phase before but we're probably having it now. I love him, and I know he loves me a lot." Chenle smiled as she ended the story of them. He had come home early when Taeil said he'd heard a male voice in the apartment that wasn't his. Chenle knew she wouldn't have ever cheated on him, but was concerned because Taeil didn't recognize the voice. "I love you too." She smiled affectionately at him and he smiled back. "Well, I should be going now but I'll contact you if corporate decides to go through with the book."

"I was so worried about you." Chenle whined. He buried his face into the crook of her neck affectionately. "I know, I know." She said, wrapping her arms around him. He started planting gentle kisses on her neck and whispering sweet things. She giggled because it tickled slightly and because she giggled he started giggling as well. "Are you marking me right now?" She asked when he had spent a little extra time on a particular spot. "Maybe." He trailed off slightly. "No~ Taeil will kill you." She groaned pushing him off gently. "But I want everyone to know that you're mine." He complained.

It was an early Saturday morning for Birdie. She didn't have anywhere to go, and Chenle had the day off. It was rare that she ever woke up before him because he didn't need to sleep or anything. As she watched his face she thought of their future together. "So, you woke up first, hmm?" His voice startled her slightly and she backed away on instinct. "Don't back away, what were you thinking?" He pulled her closer to him. "About our future together." He smiled, he himself had thought about their future as well. "Someday we'll get married and have children... hopefully. I don't know what the future holds, but I know I want it to be with you."

authors note !

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