𝟎𝟎𝟖. 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬.

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040 gasped as she awoke from her dream. Renjun and her had talked for hours until she inevitably fell asleep and he regretfully called Jisung back in to protect her for the night. Jisung has cast him a strange look before he left and Renjun went back to his room. He didn't need to sleep, none of the android's really did, but they could replicate a sleep-like state by turning off their brain. Jaemin and a few others had the night shift, so Renjun was free to "sleep" for a bit. His mind was racing as his brain slowly shut itself down.

040 woke up as the sun was rising to Jisung staring at her. She would've been surprised if he hadn't often stared at her before. She got up putting on her casual uniform in the bathroom, and then brushing her teeth. Mrs. Zhong had left the girls schedule for the day just outside her door and she seemed to have quite a busy day. Mr. Zhong had left on business and wouldn't be back for another week or so, and Mrs. Zhong had left that morning and would be back in a couple days. 040 called Chenle down for breakfast before getting to tidying up his room. She made the bed and threw away some candy wrappers, but for the most part his room was completely clean. She went back downstairs cleared away Chenle's breakfast (that he didn't want) and took out the trash. Sake and soju bottles were put in the recycling bin. Jisung followed her around as she went about doing her chores making sure she stayed safe and sound. He was at her beck and call, and had caught her when she almost tripped one time. While following her he had met the only other female who worked in the Zhong house other than 040, Irene.
"It would be synthetic love, I think. It would be weird to "love" someone and only get automated responses in return." Irene said as she helped 040 with the laundry. Irene wasn't permanent, she had her own apartment and only worked two days of the week. She worked for the RVlife branch of SMcyber.
"Interesting... synthetic love must be better somehow if romantic companion androids are so popular, right?" 040 looked up at the older woman innocently with wide doe eyes.
"Exactly, why are some people so desperate that they feel the need to fuck a robot so they can get off?" Irene scoffed thinking of the android club where two recently escaped.
"I'm not sure, Irene. I'm really not sure." 040 shook her head as she loaded the washer and manually set the settings. Irene guided the girl out back to the gardens, keeping a keene eye on Jisung who was four paces behind them.
"What's he like?" she whispered.
"Jisung? He guards me."
"But he's a companion android, so far only 400 have been sold. He must have some "personality" right?" Irene started weeding the garden and 040 followed suit, not answering the question. Did Jisung have a personality? Yes, a preset one. 040 had barely even talked to him other than late into the night when he would mostly say the usual things he was supposed to. He wasn't as much of a coded flirt as Jaemin, but he certainly did come off as flirty sometimes.

It was the end of the day. Chenle has already eaten his meal and 040 was doing her final sweep of the house. She tidied anything that looked amiss. Jisung has watched all day as she interacted with various different androids in the house, fixing their tie or waving in passing. He didn't really bother to try and recognize any of them because there were already 17 androids in the house as it is. He didn't care to meet all of his colleagues of whom he knew by number. 040 was walking towards her room when he decided to walk beside her for once and not behind her. She made a nod of approval and after a few seconds they were at her door. "I can stay outside if you want." He offered. She chuckled shaking her head, "I don't mind you being in my room with me. Besides, if someone actually does decide to kill me what use would you be outside my door?" She opens the door for him to come in and she gets ready as usual. He plops down in his chair as she comes back in and gets situated under the covers.
"Goodnight, Jisung."

authors note !
watching d:bh as i'm writing this lmao

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