𝟎𝟏𝟑. 𝐰𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬.

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Felix was sitting in Jericho twiddling his fingers absentmindedly when Markus basically fell through the ceiling. He and the others advanced forward carefully, Chan even more so.
"Welcome to Jericho." Simon said when Markus got up. Felix recognized him as Carl Manfred's caretaker.
"Who are you?" Markus asks.
"Fugitives, just like you. My name is Josh." Josh responds.
"I'm Simon."
"North." Their respective says. Woojin smiles, nudging Felix in the side.

Markus was going around, lighting fires and other doing other things. Simon has sent out a messenger to find Birdie and tell her to be here later at night so he'd know who she was. Chan was sitting against a wall as he usually did, only looking out of his right eye. His left was unrepairable.
"What happened to you?" Markus asked when he came over. Chan's curly blonde hair fell lightly over the mangled side of his face.
"I was escaping from the Detroit police station and they beat me. One rammed his baton into my e-"
"That's enough, Chris. We need to administer your Thirium." Minho said as he lightly took Chan's hand in his. Jisung came up on his other side and the two boys led their leader over to a different part of the ship.

Birdie had known from the second she heard the bird calls that she'd need the night off. Irene had offered to take up her shift for as long as she needed so she could get to Jericho and Birdie was eternally grateful. Apparently, Jericho had a new person who wanted a revolution. She was currently taking the bus to the closest stop she could get to Jericho. Chenle had given her the bus fare. She hummed a song as the bus stopped and started occasionally. It only took about 15 minutes from the Zhong's to Jericho by bus, cool. She got off with her head down, hood up. A bird call was heard from down an alley way and she stopped, hoping to hear it again.
"Caw caw." Felix said as he came up beside her, slinging an arm around her. She giggled leaning into him as he led her towards the familiar freight ship.
"Jeongin and Chan miss you. They say you haven't been coming around as often anymore." He poked her side to indicate that he thought the same.
"Jisung, my guard, hasn't left me alone out of the house in forever. You'd think he thought I could be kidnapped." She rolled her eyes as Felix internally smiled. Great, he thought, at least she's safe.
"The new guys name is Markus," Felix started, "And he might become a leader... maybe androids and humans could finally get along like we do." Birdie smiled softly at the thought. It was a wish she'd always held close, and he had as well.
"I know what you're thinking, Felix. I can't read your mind, but it doesn't matter because I know anyway." Felix dropped his arm at this, sighing sadly to himself.
"I- I know. I just like to hold onto hope, Birdie. It's the only thing I have left."
She started feeling stressed, like she was hiding something from him. They had always been close.
"Hope for what, Lix?" She stopped walking as he shook his head, hair blowing in the cold breeze.
"Hope for us."

authors note !
if you guys knew what was about to happen to Birdie you'd hate me lmao

★彡 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧. - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 彡★Where stories live. Discover now