Where Is He

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Heather POV

I watched as hiccup ran out of the clubhouse clearly distressed. " come on, let's go get him." Said Astrid. As she started to leave I grabbed her arm. " you heard him. He wants to be alone. Let's give him what he wants." I told her. "You expect me just to sit here as he runs off to Thor knows where all by himself." She said. I sighed a little. " yes Astrid. Let hiccup be alone for a while. If he's not back by sunset we'll set out to look for him. He probably went somewhere to hide and think." I explained to her. " I guess your right. But if he not back before sunset we go out to find him. Deal?" " Deal" I was happy me and Astrid came to an agreement. " what do you think was wrong with Hiccup" I asked Fishlegs. " I have no clue. I have never seen anyone act like that. Maybe he was hallucinating. I don't know." Fishlegs said. "Well if he was hallucinating he would have been able to hear us when we called his name. So either he was ignoring us or he couldn't hear us." I explained. I could tell Astrid wanted to get to the bottom of this. We all did.
Couple hours later

I walked into the clubhouse to see Astrid pacing back and forth. " careful you'll wear a hole in the floor." She didn't answer. " It doesn't make sense" she started. " nothing that's been happening with him the past few days has made any sense." I could tell she was stressed about eh situation. " well, let's go over everything that has happened isn't he past few days and we'll see if there's a connection." I say. "Okay. Well first it started on that really nice day we had. Hiccup came to see what we were doing and we talked for a bit and then he just spaced out. When he came back into reality he said he needed to get some work done and headed to his hut." She explained to me while I was thinking. " okay, little odd. What's next?" "Next was when we were all in the clubhouse and he just started tense up." I do have to admit that was strange. "And this happened this morning." I kept thinking about if any of these things had anything. " one of the only similarities I see is that he seems to "spacing" a lot. Which isn't normally like him." I tell her. I hear toothless whine in the corner. "Hey, it's okay. I know you want to find Hiccup, but you heard him. He wants to be alone right now. You can go and find him if he isn't back bye sunset okay." Astrid tells him. It was very obvious he was sad. I could also tell Astrid may have been telling that to herself as well.

Hiccup POV

I ran out the clubhouse as fast as I could, hoping they wouldn't try and follow me. I wanted to be alone. I couldn't risk hurting them. I was so close to losing myself. I am not sure how much longer I can resist it. It's only a matter of time. After I am sure I am far enough away I start walking slowly. I find a place to sit and decide to take a rest. I started to close my eyes as I heard a rustle in the leaves. All I could think was great my friends followed me all the way out hear and are going to ask a million questions. But instead of a human coming out of the bushes, a little speed stinger did. " hey little guy. I don't see very many speed stingers on this island. Are you lost." He stuck his stinger up in self defense. " it's okay I'm not going to hurt you." The speed stinger seemed to calm down as he lowered his tail. He looked at me for a bit before he started to inch closer to me. " that's it. There's nothing to be afraid of." He eventually made his way over, laid down, and laid his head on my lap. I rested my hand in his head and he made a purring noise. I just smiled.    " I'm gonna call you speedy." He closed his eyes and I could tell he was asleep. I decided to rest my eyes as well. Before I knew it I had drifted off as sleep overtook me. I was wondering how long I could hold on before I had no choice but to give in. Before the pain was so unbearable that the only release was to stop fighting. I drifted off into a deeper sleep. I wasn't completely alone though, I had speedy. I was a little surprised he came to me though. Speed stingers aren't usually this docile around humans. They are very territorial dragons. But he's just different I guess. And I like different.

Astrid POV

I looked out toward the sky. The sun was starting to set and he hadn't come back yet. I was getting even more worried, as if it were possible. " he should of come back by now. Where do you think he could be." I asked Heather. " well I made a deal with you that if he wasn't back by sunset we could go look for him, so let's go." She said. I grinned back at her. " Okay everyone let's go find Hiccup" I said to the rest of the gang. They all got up and got in their dragons. We took off toward the forest. " okay. Fishlegs, Snotlout you guts search east. Ruff, Tuff you to search west. Heather your with me, we'll search north." I instructed. Everyone took off in the direction I told them and me and Heather headed north. After searching by sky for a bit we decided to look on foot. We landed our dragons and started walking. " what do you think he's been doing" I ask Heather. She looks at me and says " honestly he could be doing anything anywhere. Not trying to worry you anymore but it is a possibility that he just trained a wild dragon and took off so we wouldn't find him." I looked at her. I hadn't thought of that. Hiccup can rein almost every dragon we know of so training something like a deadly nadder wiuld be easy. So it was a possibility he just left. "I don't think he would do that. That's not something he would do. Even when he's mad." I knew that Hiccup would never just pick up and leave just like that. Would he? Suddenly Stormfly squawked marking us both look at her. Then she sniffed the air and started moving foward. " you think she's picking up a scent?" Heather asked. " only one way to find out" I tell her. We started to follow stormfly. It had maybe been about ten minutes before she stopped. We looked at each other and went around her. We were a little surprised to see Hiccup sleeping against a tree. Even more surprising was the little speed stinger curled up, sleeping with his head resting on hiccups lap. It was cute. " I thought you said Hiccup couldn't train speed stingers because they were to territorial." Heather whispered in fear of waking the sleeping dragon. "Well that's what I thought but apparently I was wrong." Hiccup never fails to amaze me. We both started slowly walked toward the two when I stepped in a branch with a loud snap. All I could think was uh oh. Then as expected the little dragon awoke. He got up and growled at us. Me and Heather both tried desperately to calm it down but it wasn't working. I was afraid it would see Hiccup as weak and just sting him instead. But instead it seemed to be protecting Hiccup from us. " it's okay little guy. Were friends." I say. That clearly didn't help as he growled at us once more. What are we supposed to do?

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