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Astrid POV

After Viggo and Krogan left, Fishlegs, Heather, and I continued trying to find a way to escape while Snotlout and the twins did nothing. I looked over to Hiccups cage and saw that he was starting to go to sleep. Every time he opened his eyes I saw this worried look in them. I did feel bad for him. He was in a cage, he had been hit with an arrow and he was basically muzzled so it's a pretty stressful situation. I mean why wouldn't he be worried. I knew Krogan would want to interrogate us soon. We didn't really have any answers though, we knew about as much about Hiccup as he did. But that wouldn't stop Krogan from asking and demanding answers. Eventually the three of us gave up on finding an escape and sat down on the cage floor. It was quite uncomfortable but I was getting tired. Eventually all six of us were asleep.

I had woken up in the middle of the night to a banging noise. I looked across and Hiccup had heard it to because his head and ear plates were up. It sounded like metal against metal. I stood up carefully to see what it was. I stuck my head outside of the cage to see that it was only a hunter whacking his sword against a dragons cage. Hiccup was still a little freaked out though. "It's okay Hiccup you can calm down." That didn't seem to work. Maybe he could hear something I couldn't. I decided just to go back to sleep. Soon enough Hiccup did calm down. He laid his head back down and drifted off to sleep. I soon did the same awaiting what was to come.

Hiccup POV

I was awoken the next morning by a loud banging sound. I opened my eyes to see Krogan banging his sword on the cage containing the six people. "Now we are going to ask you some questions one by one." If that doesn't work we will bring you all in together and.... well you will see." He said. When he told them the last part he had a huge grin on his face. Through the rest of the morning he was bringing them in one by one just as he said he would. Each one would be in the tent for about 30-45 minutes before they were sent back and the next one brought in. Hopefully they wouldn't bring me into it. I definitely didn't have any answers to give them.

Fishlegs POV

Once they had finished interrogating us individually we all knew we would soon be brought in as a group. None of us had given anything up that they wanted to hear. I guess they couldn't understand that we know nothing about what happened to Hiccup, we wish we did but we don't. Speaking of Hiccup he spent most of the morning just watching us go in and out of the tent. When one person was in the tent he would just look around. Or he would look at the dragon in the cage next to him, which was a deadly nadder, and I think they were talking. It was interesting to watch. Right now we were waiting for them to finish with Snotlout, who was the last one. Then we would all have to go in. When Snotlout was finished he was thrown back into the cage with us. "What did you say." Asked Heather. "I said I didn't know anything" replied Snotlout. "These guys just don't get it do they." Said Astrid clearly annoyed. "Why do they even want to know so badly." I asked. Everyone just shrugged in response. Then Krogan came out of the tent. He was clearly frustrated that we didn't give the information he would have liked to hear. "Come on" he said. We all walked out of the cage and into the tent. Oh Thor, what is he going to do.

Astrid POV

We were escorted into the tent as we had been doing. Only thing different is that we were now all together. They had six chairs laid out, one for each of us. We sat down and had our hands tied behind our chairs. Krogan let go of the tent flap and entered. He was standing behind so we couldn't just run out. "Now let's try this again, shall we." Said Viggo. "I want to know everything you know about Hiccup." Said Viggo. "I'll tell you again Viggo, even if we did know anything we wouldn't tell you." He just grinned and looked at Krogan who exited the tent. "What are you planning Viggo." Asked Heather in a threatening tone. "You shall see". I heard a cage open. Then Krogan walked back in with Hiccup being pulled behind him. "If you even touch a hair on his head I swear..." I threatened. "Oh my dear Astrid you are in no position to tell me what I can and can't do" said Viggo. Hiccup was trying to pull away from Krogan but it wasn't working. "Now you will tell me everything you know, even the sligntest bit of knowledge. Or else..." said Viggo again looking at Krogan. Krogan pulled out his dagger and put it near Hiccup. I began to panick. "Okay..... okay. I tell you what little we do know." I said not wanting Hiccup to face the consequences. "Good choice. Now tell me." Said Viggo. "It started about 3 days ago. Hiccup started acting weird." I started. "What do you mean by weird" asked Viggo clearly intrigued. "Well he wasn't acting like himself. He was easily distracted and he would tense up randomly. It got really bad after he was hit with a dragon root arrow during one of our patrols. Anyway nothing really happened until we had come to Berk to get supplies. He started acting like he did on the edge but it was much worse. Then he became what you see now. He seemed to go wild, he even attacked someone, nearly killing them." When I finished I looked at Viggo face. He was clearly fascinated by my story and so was Krogan. "How can I tell this hasn't been fabricated." Asked Krogan. "You could just look at the victims neck. Also the fact that you have the Hiccup dragon hybrid right next to you." I said. After that we were escorted back to our cage, and so was Hiccup. Then Viggo came to our cage. "I want to see his true power and see if your little story is real. We have an arena at the center of the island. We will have Hiccup and another dragon placed in the arena to fight. I will even let you watch. If he can prove you not to be lying then none of you will be hurt... for now. But if he fails then there will be consequences." Explained Viggo. Then he retreated back into his tent. "This is bad. Like really bad." I say to the others. "I know. There gonna make Hiccup fight another dragon. He would never do that. Right?" Said Fishlegs. "Well we never thought that he would hunt Fishlegs down in the forest either, but he did that." Said Ruffnut. For once Ruff was right. This isn't the Hiccup we know. I just hope he can pull through.

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