Answer Me

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Astrid POV

The moment we gave Hiccup the cure I was given hope. I was given hope because although he didn't awake he was already starting to move more. He was tossing and turning in his bed. The three of us have a sigh of relief. 

" well at least it's working" said Fishlegs. " he should be fully awake within an hour or two." 

He continued. I was super happy that it was working but also super confused on why the dragon root took affect in the first place. Maybe I'll ask him when he wakes up. If he'll even answer me. Hiccup can be... stubborn that way. And we still have to figure out what was going on with him before the patrol. Ugh... why does this have to be such a confusing time!! Well now all that's left to do is wait for him to wake up.

Hiccup POV


I was playing outside... by myself as usual. I was only 6. I was having a great time until Snotlout and the Twins came over just to mess with me. "Oh look who's all alone." Snotlout said in a baby voice.

 "Well guess what cuz, that's how it will always be. No one will ever want to play with you!!" After Snotlout said that he pushed me to the ground while the Twins just laughed at me. I could feel my eyes starting to water but I couldn't let them see me cry. They would think I was weak, well... weaker. Then I heard it... and felt it. The same sensation from two years ago. 

I immediately remembered what happened and started to panic. I tried to get up and run but Snotlout grabbed my shirt. 

" where do you think your going. I'm not done with you yet cuz." He said as he threw me to the ground. With that I felt the tears stream down my face. "Please leave me alone." Is all I said. " look he's crying!" Said Tuffnut pointing at me.    

" crying like a baby." Said Ruffnut. I could still hear and feel the call. I was trying to ignore it but it wasn't working, it kept coming back. "Is the little baby Hiccup crying." Snotlout said while laughing. " that's right keep crying. Your not a Viking. You are nothing." He raised me by my shirt.    " you will always be nothing." What happened next surprised me. I bit him. Hard. He squealed and dropped me. I got up and ran as fast as I could. All the way home. My dad wasn't home yet so I ran to my room, shut the door and just cried.

 I was also thinking why I bit him. I would never do something like that. Then I realized. The call. It was still going off in my head. That must of been what made me do that. I knew I just had to fight harder. I couldn't let something like that happen again. I hoped I was strong enough to even do that or if I really was to weak. What if I really was nothing.

End Flashback

Hiccup POV still

I started to wake from my deep sleep. Every part of me ached. Especially my right leg. Is this how's its going to be every time I wake up. I started to open my eyes. I could tell it was dark out. I looked around and I was in my hut. Last thing I remembered was falling off toothless and hitting the ocean. That hurt. 

I looked around and saw toothless sleeping on the floor and then I saw Astrid sleeping in a chair next to me. I tried to sit up but my arms ached to much so I fell back down. I guess that woke Astrid because her eyes fluttered open. She looked at. " oh hey Hiccup, your awake. How do you feel?" She asked. " better, I guess" I replied.       " what happened?" I asked. I was trying not to fall back asleep. "Whats the last thing you remember?" She asked. " the last thing I remember was falling from toothless before everything went black." I answered.

 I was now able to fight my aching arms and sit up. " well we were on patrol and came across some hunter ships. We were doing well until a dragon root arrow hit you in the right leg. I watched as it happened and when the arrow hit you didn't even flinch. Then your body went limp and you fell into the ocean. You were out ever since we got back. You were barley moving. You only started moving around when Fishlegs gave you the cure for dragon root."

 She explained. I was thinking. Oh No! Dragon root only effects dragons and it obviously effected me so Astrid is definitely suspicious of what happened. " do you have an explanation on why the dragon root took effect on you because your not a dragon and Fishlegs can't seem to figure it out so we were hoping you would know." She asked me.

 I had a mini internal panic attack trying to think of what to say. " come on Hiccup. Even if you don't know at least answer me." She said with a serious tone in her voice.  " I honestly have no idea." I lied. Thankfully she seemed to buy it so I was in the clear... for now. Then out of no where I heard the call again. It wasn't as intense as before but it was still hard to resist it. 

"Hey Astrid you can head to your hut now I'll be fine here." I said trying not to make it sound like nothing was wrong when there something oh so very wrong.

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