Please Eat

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Astrid POV

"Come on you need to eat" I say after watching Hiccup wack the fish against the wall. He just looked at me and huffed. "I guess either Viking or dragon he's still as stubborn as ever." How are we supposed to get him to eat before he starves to death. "Why does he have to be so difficult" exclaims Snotlout. "It doesn't make sense, dragons usually love raw fish." Explains Fishlegs. "Well I guess Hiccup just decided to be stubborn" I say. I thought about it for a minute. How do we get Hiccup to eat. "Maybe if we let him hunt his own meal he will eat it." Fishlegs suggested. "There is no way we are letting him out of the arena." I say. How could Fishlegs even think of an idea as bad as that. "Well if it's the only way we can get him to eat then that's what we might have to do Astrid" Fishlegs explains. "We'll see if we can get him to eat anything else first. Then I will think about it" I say.

We must have spent nearly an hour trying to find Hiccup something to eat. Everything we gave him he would refuse. "Astrid..." Fishlegs started. "Don't say it. We can not let him out" I interrupted. We tried everything from different types of fish, mutton, and even chicken. He didn't want any of it. I knew at this point he would be hungry. "Astrid he's made it clear he doesn't want anything we give him." Fishlegs states. "Fine I'll go talk to the chief and see what he says about it." I groan. Hiccup isn't usually this picky, is he? I headed off to go find the chief. After about five minutes I found Gobber. "Hey Gobber, do you know where Stoick is?" I ask. "I believe he's in the Great Hall." He responded. "Thanks Gobber" I said and was about to head to the Great Hall. "Before you go I'd like to ask how he's doing." He asked. "I am guessing your talking about Hiccup". He nodded. "Well so far he's doing fine. We are having trouble getting him to eat though. That's why I am looking for Stoick." I explain. "Well the boy never has been big on eating. Thanks for filling me in" he says. "Your welcome" I say and head off towards the Great Hall. When I arrived surely enough Stoick was in there. There weren't many other people there which was okay with me. I walked up to him and said "hey." He looked up to me and said "oh hey Astrid. Is something wrong?" "Well we are having trouble getting Hiccup to eat." I explained. "That's not good." He says. "Fishlegs got an idea. He says that if we let Hiccup out of the arena then he will find his own food and he might actually eat." He stared at me for a minute. "So your saying that we let him out, ignoring what he did yesterday, because he's being... stubborn." He says very calmly. It was scary. "Yes.." I say carefully. "I don't think so." He said. We talked for like another minute or so before he decided to try to get Hiccup to eat himself. "Are you sure this is going to work" I ask as we headed toward the arena. "There's only one way to find out." He replied. We had taken a piece a mutton with us as the food source. When we arrived Fishlegs immediately came up to me. "What did he say." Fishlegs asked. " he said he was going to try and get Hiccup to eat himself." Fishlegs just looked at me as if he were deeply confused. "That's what I was thinking" I said. We watched as Stoick threw the piece of mutton into the arena. Hiccup did the same as he'd been doing, smacking it against the wall. "Hiccup Haddock the third, as your father and chief I say you will eat that mutton" Stoick commanded. Hiccup just stared at him. "I don't think that worked" whispered Tuffnut. "You think" added Ruffnut. "Want to do this the hard way then, don't you" said Stoick. Then he did something crazy. He opened the gate and slowly walked in! We all looked at each other very confused. Hiccup was watching his every move. Stoick closed the gate behind him so Hiccup wouldn't get out. Hiccup growled warningly. Stoick picked up the meat and tossed it towards Hiccup. He did it gently so that Hiccup wouldn't take it as an attack. He sniffed it and smacked it against the wall with his tail again. He was making it very clear to us that he didn't want it. But Stoick wasn't ready to give up just yet. Hiccup was now backed against the wall. Stoick picked up the mutton once more. He slowly sent his arm foward only to have Hiccup growl making him pull it back. Hiccup's eyes were slit. He was ready to attack. What came next no one expected. Stoick charged towards Hiccup. Hiccup quickly spread his wings and flew over him. What was Stoick thinking! We were all scrambling trying to get the gate opened. Stoick saw what we were doing and ran towards us. We managed to get the door opened and at that moment Hiccup pounced. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I saw Stoick running towards us with Hiccup not to far behind. We shut the gate as soon as Stoick made. The gate shut just in time to keep Hiccup in who growled and retreated to the very back of the arena. "Well that didn't go according to plan" said Stoick. I wasn't even sure if he had a plan. "Maybe Fishlegs plan isn't such a bad idea." Suggest Stoick. I was a little shocked. I looked back at the arena to see Hiccup in the very back. He was trying to stay in the shadows. He was carefully watching our every movements. "How are we sure that we will be able to get him back without having to hunt him down again." I say. "We'll think about that." Said Stoick. I was unsure about this.

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