Dragon Fight

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Hiccup POV

Later that same day I was taken out of my cage, my muzzle was removed, and I was put into a cage on wheels. The red and blue nadder next to me was also put in a cage. After I was in they started to push me into the forest. I looked back and the six people had they hands tied together and were being escorted in the same direction. A couple minutes later we had arrived at an arena. It was similar to the one I was kept in back in the village. The cage I was in was pushed into the arena. Then the other cage was pushed in. I never got a good look at him before but now I could see that the nadder was covered in scars. Some from people and some from other dragons. What are we doing in here.

Heather POV

We were brought to the arena Viggo told us about by Krogan. We sat down on the benches and waited. There were a couple other hunters here to watch the fight. These people disgust me. Hiccup along with another dragon were put in the arena.  "Your friend here will be going up against a deadly nadder. This particular dragon has been in many fights before so he'll know what to do. But will Hiccup." Said Viggo who was standing above us. The hunters around us were saying things like get on with it or start the fight. " Open the cages" said Krogan. At that moment the cages were opened and the fight had began. At first neither dragons attacked. They just circled around the arena. Then the nadder charged at Hiccup but he easily dodged the attack. Then the nadder shot a few spines at Hiccup who again dodged them but was almost hit by one. This was unsettling to watch. Hiccup still had yet to make a move. He was keeping a close eye on the nadder's movement, which was the smart thing to do. "Come on Hiccup." I hear Astrid mutter. We were all very nervous watching this fight. We didn't want Hiccup to get hurt. Then the nadder fires it's magnesium blast towards Hiccup which made contact. "Hiccup!!" I heard Astrid scream as she stood up. What we didn't expect was the fact that Hiccup had placed his wings in front of him blocking the fire. This was where Hiccup was at a disadvantage. He couldn't breath fire. Or least we hadn't seen him do it yet. When Hiccup opened his wings we saw he did not look very happy.

Then Hiccup growled and jumped onto the dragons back. The nadder immediately tried to him off. Hiccup bit the nadder's back making the nadder growl and it started ramming into the walls trying to get Hiccup off. It eventually worked and they were staring at each other again. The nadder shot a short blast, which was apparently to distract him because it then charged at him pinning him to the ground with its foot. The nadders foot was on Hiccups chest who was desperately trying to remove it. I saw Astrid look back at Viggo who was also looking at her with a displeased look in his eyes. When we both looked back to the arena. We saw that the nadder was pushing down harder and harder on Hiccups chest. Hiccup was either going to be crushed, or suffocated. We didn't want either to happen. It then got ready to fire. Each of us turned away for a second understanding what was to come. But when we looked back we saw something unbelievable. Just as the nadder was about to roast Hiccup alive, he put his hands on the dragons chest, I heard his back spines split and bolts of lightning shots up his arms and to the nadder making it stumble back. I looked back at Viggo, who was in shock by what just happened. Hiccup then got up, and by the way he did I could tell he was hurt, and let out a very night fury like roar. This made the nadder lower its head in fear. Hiccup had won.

He then almost passed out, probably from the pain he felt in his chest. The hunters came into the ring, Hiccup growled at them, but then lowered his head again. "He must be in pain" said Fishlegs. The hunters put Hiccup's muzzle back on and he and the nadder were put back in the cages that brought them here. Then we were told to stand. We were escorted back through the forest behind the cages. Hiccup had laid down and closed his eyes. I could tell this worried Astrid. She had a concerned look in her eye. When we got to the cage we were forced in but Astrid stopped and turned around and looked at Viggo.

Astrid POV

Just before I was forced back into the cage I turned around to face Viggo. "Can I at least see him..... up close" I asked him. He looked at me suspiciously and then sighed. "Fine. But only for a minute." I then walked over to Hiccup who had just been put back into his cage. He was just laying on the ground. He looked like he was in pain. "Hey Hiccup." I started. He just looked up at me and I saw the pained look in his eyes. I felt bad for him. "You may not know exactly who I am right now, or even who you are. But I want you to know you did great today. You were very brave." I said to him. I could hear that his breathing didn't sound right. It was like a small wheeze, definitely not healthy sounding. I mean he did have a fully grown nadder crush him with its foot. "Times up" said Viggo. I then stood up and walked back to my cage. But before I got there I looked at Viggo and said "I know you probably don't care, but can you get someone to help him. His breathing isn't right." I then continued my path back to the others. When I got to the cage and the door was shut I saw Fishlegs and Heather giving me a worried look. In fact everyone was looking at me that way. "What?" I ask. "What do you mean his breathings not right." Said Fishlegs. "Well it's not right. It sounded more like a small wheeze. It definitely not healthy sounding. I just hope he's getting enough air." I explained. "That can't be good" said Heather. I nodded. I turned around to see a pleasant sight. Viggo did indeed get a healer to help Hiccup. It worried me even more because of how docile Hiccup was when the healer was in the cage with him. He just on the ground. Which means he might be really hurt. I could practically hear his wheezing at this point, and it was getting worse. I guess Heather could sense my worry because she placed her hand on my shoulder and said, "I am sure he will be fine Astrid." She reassured me. "And I am sure your right it's just.... I'm worried about him. It sounded bad and look at how docile he's being. When I looked at him I saw pain in his eyes Heather" I said. "I know but Hiccup is stronger than he looks. I am sure he will be fine. You don't have to worry that much." She said which made me feel a little better. "I guess you right" "I know I am" she said which made us both giggle. We all sat down on the ground and waited for the healer to finish and give us the news. Soon he finished, shut the cage door, and came over to us. "His breathing isn't as it should be, and there is some damage to his chest. Other than that he should be fine in a couple of days, a week at most." I was relieved to hear that it wasn't that bad, although him being hurt at all still didn't please me. The healer then went off and we were left alone. I felt my eyelids start to drop but I quickly opened them again. I didn't want to fall asleep just yet. I wanted to make sure Hiccup didn't have an uneasy night or make sure he didn't need help. Soon everyone but Heather and I were asleep. We talked for a bit and I was also keeping a close eye on Hiccup. He never seemed to really fall asleep. He would close his eyes but then open them minutes later. Must be from the pain. He also barley moved. It must hurt him to do so. Eventually Heather and I were claimed by sleep.

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