Just Leave Me Alone

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Astrid POV

"Hey Astrid you can head to your hut now I'll be fine here." Is what Hiccup told me. " okay? Are you sure you'll be fine." I questioned. He was definitely hiding something but what? " yes Astrid I'm sure. I can take care of my self" he said trying to reassure me. It wasn't working. " okay then. See you in the morning." I said and left his hut and headed to my own. Okay tomorrow I will definitely ask more questions. And I hope I get answers. I got to my hut and immediately fell asleep. Guess I didn't realize how tired I really was.

In the morning
(Still Astrid POV)
When I woke up I felt good. It was weird but nice. I went to the clubhouse and to my surprise everyone, including Hiccup, was up already. " morning everyone" I say.
" morning" they all reply. Today felt like a good day. We were all sitting and enjoying our breakfast. After that we all just talked for a bit. Hiccup was still quieter than usual but still talked more than he did two days ago. 

Still had no clue about what happened with the arrow. None of us did and we may never know. But at least Hiccup was doing just fine.

 It was probably around 10:00 and we were still just talking. It was nice to have another day off. I noticed that Hiccup got quiet all of a sudden. No one else seemed to notice it but I sure did. It happened in a snap. One moment he was talking with us and the next he just goes completely silent. It was weird. I kept my eye on him. I've been having to do that a lot recently. What is up with him.

 So I ask " Hiccup are you alright." Everyone stops talking and looks at me then at Hiccup. There was no answer. So I asked again. " Hiccup. Are you doing okay." Still no answer. Fishlegs who was sitting next to him shook him a little. Still nothing. He seemed to be staring at nothing. We all look at each other with concern. Fishlegs shook him again and we all start calling his name. Nothing. Now I was getting beyond worried. We all noticed he started breathing heavier.

 Almost like he was struggling to breath but not quite. I look at his eyes and he's just staring. Still blinking but staring. He then gets up and starts backing away slowly holding his head while he goes. 

I hear him quietly saying " no... no... no". He's saying it almost like he's on the verge of panic. We are all scared, worried and a little creeped out. We have no clue what's wrong with him but obviously somethings wrong with him. We all look at each other with great concern. He soon backs into the wall and his breathing gets even heavier, as if it were possible at this point, and I can tell he's like freaking out. Were all freaking out to because we have no clue what's going on. All I could think was "what do we do"

Hiccup POV

I sitting with rest of the gang when Astrid walked in. For once she was the last one up. I could tell she was also a little surprised by that. She's usually the first or second one up. Anyway she said good morning and we said good morning back. It was a nice morning. I could still feel and hear the call in my head but it was tolerable. Way more tolerable than it had been before. After we ate we just hung out and talked. We had nothing planned for today so it was another relaxing day. I just hoped it stayed that way this time. 

Oh how wrong I was... it was about 10:00 and we were all enjoying ourselves when the call got noticeably louder. I stopped talking hoping no one else noticed. 

Then I couldn't hear what they were talking about anymore. All I heard was the call, pulling me away. I tried resisting but each time I resisted it, it got louder and more painful to resist. I felt my breathing get heavier.

 I felt like I heard someone call my name but I wasn't sure, I couldn't make it out clearly. I slowly got up and just started backing away. I put my hands on my head thinking it might help, but it didn't. It only grew more painful. It was almost like an excruciating stabbing pain or even a burning pain. What ever it was it hurt, a lot. 

I almost felt my mind shifting all I could say was " no... no... no" 

I fought harder for but it only made the pain worse. I wanted to scream. I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. I was losing myself. I could feel it. I was trying to contain my other side but slowly I was failing. And it hurt. I kept thinking about just giving up the fight but then I thought no. If I give up someone I care about will be hurt, possibly killed. 

Then, to my relief, it just stopped. I was tired and my legs gave out and I collapsed. Not passed out just collapsed. I brought my knees up to my chest and laid my head down. The all of my friends gathered around me and started asking questions like " are you okay" or like " what just happened" it was annoying. I just wanted to be alone.   " leave me alone" I said not sure if they actually heard me. "Just Leave Me Alone!!" I shouted. Then I got up and ran. 

Not sure where to, I just ran.

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