What do we do (part 2)

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Astrid POV

We watched as Hiccup cocooned himself in his wings. He nearly scared us half to death when he flew up there. The three of us decided it would be a good time to get out of there. We exited the arena. "Astrid I know you want to help him but like Fishlegs said there really nothing that we can do." She said trying to comfort me. "I know but, what are we going to do without him. There has to be a way to fix this." I explain to her. "Maybe it's time we let him go..." she started but I swiftly interrupted her "no, not yet. I want to at least try a little harder to find something that might help" "Astrid are you sure that's the right thing to do" she says. "Well no but I don't think just releasing him is the right thing to do either." I explain. "If we were to release him, he either wouldn't survive or Someone else will get hurt." I continue. I really didn't think that letting him go right now was the best option. "Maybe..." i thought out loud. "Fishlegs did you bring the dragon eye" I asked. "Yeah, Hiccup said to bring it just in case the hunters invaded the edge we would have it" he explained. "You think there might be something in there that could help us." I asked. "I mean maybe, I could look to see if there is" "good. Can you get started on that" we might have one last possible chance. If this doesn't give us anything then we really have nothing. Fishlegs went off to start his research, meanwhile I stayed back at the arena. I didn't want to leave Hiccup. I never thought something like this could happen. What are we supposed to do without him. Suddenly Stoick came behind me and said " how has he been". "Fine I guess" he startled me a little. "That's good". We both watched as Hiccup fell into a deep sleep still hanging by his tail. "I don't know what to do" I finally said. "Fishlegs said he doesn't think there is anything we can do but we can't just give up" I explained. He sighed and looked at me. "We all have a path to follow. This may have been Hiccups path all along. I hope it isn't but if it is we can't change that." That hurt my heart thinking that we might lose Hiccup forever. "Fishlegs also said that Hiccup might have born with these... abilities. Do you think that." I asked. "Well Hiccup and I never had a great relationship when he was younger so I have no clue. He was always running off into the forest." I sighed. "Well there was that one time when Spitelout came pounding on my door when I got home saying that Hiccup had bitten Snotlout in the arm. I couldn't believe it." I was shocked when he said that. I mean Snotlout probably deserved it but still. It was a shocking statement. I probably wouldn't of believed it either. "So maybe he was born this way but I just wasn't the father he needed in order to notice it." "Don't feel bad about that." I said. "Well I'm gonna head off to bed. You best be headed there as well. I don't think Hiccup is going anywhere." We both headed our separate ways. What are we gonna do.

Hiccup POV

I wanted out. I wanted to get out and run free. It was miserable being held down and kept from freedom. I had no clue how I was going to get out if here, but hopefully I would figure something out. I should have been out hunting at this time of night but instead all I could do to pass the time was sleep. Soon enough daylight came. And with the daylight came..... people. I opened my wings only slightly to see the the same 6 people from last night standing just beyond the metal bars. I closed my wings back up to try and ignore them but they were talking. What they were talking about I am not sure. But i couldn't go back to sleep so I just unfolded my wings and slowly lowered myself to the ground. I looked up to see them all staring at me. It was awkward. I didn't now what else to do so I just laid on the floor and wrapped my tail around my body. I watched as they talked. They would periodically look over at me to see me watching them. Then they would turn back to their conversation. I was quite bored actually. I couldn't run through the forest or fly above the tree tops. I was stuck on the ground. In a small confinement space. A space meant to hold me down. I didn't want to be held down but what other choice do I have. I felt my ear plates droop a little. I wanted out of here. Eventually three of them left and only three remained. I was also getting a little hungry but there wasn't any food in sight. Unless you count the humans about 15 feet away from me. But they behind a metal gate so I couldn't get to them. Next thing I know the three that left are now back and they threw a raw fish next to me. I stood up and and sniffed it. It had a revolting smell. I turned away and used my tail to whack it against the wall. "Come on you need to eat" I hear someone say. I huff. There was no way I was eating that. I would rather not eat something that smells like death itself. No way.

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