Are you okay

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Astrid POV

We backed away slowly. The speed stinger, which was seemingly protecting the sleeping Hiccup behind him, was obviously threatened by our presence. It growled once more telling us to back off. We did. Only slightly. I guess all the commotion finally woke Hiccup because I saw his eyes begin to flutter open. He looked around, then looked at us, then at the speed stinger. " hey little guy it's okay there not going to hurt you or me." Hiccup told the speed stinger. Then the dragon lowered his tail and walked back to Hiccup. The speed stinger nuzzled Hiccup and then curled up to lay his head down on Hiccups lap once. " what are you guys doing here" he said. " well it was getting late and you hadn't come back yet so we came to find you. Are you okay." I said quietly. " yeah I am fine." He said while petting the speed stinger. " who's your new friend there?" I ask. " I named him speedy. He must be lost because I don't see very many speed stingers on this island." He explains to us. "I thought you said you couldn't train speed stingers because of how territorial they get." Said Heather. "Well he was at first then I managed to calm him down. Then he just kinda came over and laid with me." He explained while looking at the speed stinger. "Well you never fail to amaze me" I said. He looked at me and smiled. " well we should head back before it gets to dark." Said Heather. "Your right lets go" said Hiccup. Hiccup got up and we both got on Stormfly, and Heather got on Windshear and we took off. We started flying toward the edge and we heard a noise from the ground. We looked sown to see speedy try to follow us from the ground. Hiccup told me to land so I did and he got off. " I'll meet you guys back at the edge. I promise." He said. With that Heather and I took off and headed toward the edge.

We landed right outside the clubhouse and the others had already gotten back. " any luck?" Snotlout asked. " actually yes we found him." I said. 

" well did you misplace him, because I don't see him here." Said Snotlout very confused.

 " no mutton-head. We found him but apparently he made a new friend with a speed stinger and he decided to walk with it back to the edge because it was trying to follow us, or more accurately, him." I explain. " well that's odd. Speed stingers aren't usually so trainable even for Hiccup." Said Fishlegs also confused. " how did he do it" Fishlegs questioned. " how about you ask him." Said Tuff from behind pointing out the door. Hiccup had arrived with the little speed stinger. " oh hey Hiccup" I say a little surprised on when he got here. "Hey" he says back. " wow. So you did train the speed stinger, cool! How did you do it?" Fishlegs asked. " I am not really sure. At first he approached as if he were going to attack then I managed to calm him down. He just cuddle up and slept with me after that." Hiccup explained. "Fascinating" is what Fishlegs responded with. After that we talked for a couple minutes before we all decided to head to bed. After everyone left it was just me and Hiccup. "Do you wanna... talk about what happened earlier." I asked. " not really" he said in almost a sad tone. "Okay. That's fine. Maybe we can talk about it another time. I just want you to know we were all pretty worried about you." " thanks Astrid... you know for caring." He said. " no problem" with that we both headed off to our huts.

Hiccup POV

I said goodnight to Astrid and headed off to bed. I was tired. So tried I barley noticed that Speedy was still following me. " oh hey There Speedy. What do you want." He rubbed his head against my leg and purred a little. I kept walking toward my hut and he just kept on following. I decided it would be okay for him to stay in my hut as long as he didn't sting anyone on the edge. I went to my bed and laid down. I was ready for some sleep. I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

When morning came I felt good. I new my day would probably be ruined within a couple of hours but hey I will take what I can get. I got up and saw toothless and speedy sleeping together. I decided not to disturb them and quietly walked out of my hut. When I got to the clubhouse and saw Heather, Astrid, and Fishlegs were already up with the other three still asleep. " hey guys" I said " hey Hiccup" replied Astrid. " where's toothless" asked Heather. " sleeping" I said. " and where's the speed stinger" Fishlegs asked. " also sleeping." I replied again. I sat down and we all started to talk. We were talking about probably taking a trip to Berk to see family and get more supplies. I was a little worried if I could last the entire trip without having problems with the call. But we did need more supplies and my dad probably would like to know in haven't died yet so. Yeah we needed to go. When the other three finally got up we told them about our planned trip to Berk. And of course they weren't very happy about having to take a nearly 32 hour flight. But we needed to do it. After breakfast we all began packing what we might need. I had to tell the speed stinger how he couldn't come because one he can't fly and two because I don't think he can run for that long without having problems like exhaustion or even dragon hunters. He did understand me when I told him he had to stay and he listened. We all took off and headed towards Berk.
10 hours later

It had only been about ten hours but Snotlout had down so much complaining that it seemed like well... forever.
5 hours later

We had been flying for around fifteen hours and decided to find an island to stop and rest for the night. We found a nice island with no obvious danger so we all dozed off to sleep

The next morning we woke up bright and early hoping to get to Berk that same day.
15 hours later

For most of the past 15 hours it was pretty silent. All of us just wanted to get to Berk and be done with the flight. We only had about 2 hours left so I knew we were almost there. I was so tired. Every few times during the flight I heard the call but it was manageable. I was able to get over it pretty easily. I just hoped it would be the same for these last two hours.

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