The Right Thing To Do

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Astrid POV

After we got his muzzle off Hiccup gladly enjoyed his fish. But something was nagging me in the back of my mind. We would have to let him go. I really didn't want to lose him forever but he couldn't just live in the arena. I guess we all new that because we were all a little down today. Heather walked over to me. "You know what we have to do don't you" she said. I looked into the arena at Hiccup who was curled up in the shade. "Can we at least wait till later." I asked. She nodded her head and smiled. The the chief walked over. "Can someone tell me exactly what happened on that island." He asked. I noodles and walked over to him. "Well for a while we were on a ship. When we got there we were all put in cages that were next to Viggo's tent. Viggo made us tell him what we knew about what happened to Hiccup." I started. "I'm guessing you didn't have a lot to say" he said and I nodded. "To prove I story wasn't fake he decided to make Hiccup and another dragon fight." Stoick seemed to get visibly agitated when I said that. "He was put into an arena with a nadder that had been in many fights before..." "Oh yeah that dragon was covered in scars and stuff" said Snotlout. "At one point during the fight the nadder had pinned Hiccup to the ground pushing down harder and harder. When the dragon was about to fire we all looked away but when looked back to see something incredible." "He stuck up his hands and lightning bolts shot up and to the dragon, that's how he won. It was so cool" said Tuffnut finishing the story for me. "Yeah pretty much." I said. "And he did get injured but the healer said he would be fine in at most, a week." After that the chief left and we stayed behind at the arena. We all just watched Hiccup in the arena because we knew what we were going to have to do. "I can't believe we have to say goodbye..... forever" said Fishlegs. "It's what's right. He won't be happy here." I said. I wish it wasn't true but it was. I know the chief probably isn't happy about it either. None of us were.

Later that day we were getting ready to set him free. All day he seemed sad. I knew he wanted to be free. I sit wasn't sure if that's what I wanted. I had talked to him before saying that he could always come back if he wanted. I hope he will but it's unlikely to happen. The riders, Stoick and I were at the arena and I was ready to open the gate. Everyone was happy and sad at he same time. Fishlegs was having a breakdown, The twins were trying not to cry, Snotlout was trying to act tough but was failing miserably, Stoick was also trying to stay strong but was also failing. Heather and I were doing the best at staying strong, we both knew this was the best option for him. Hiccup was laying in theback of the arena, farthest from the gate. Then I opened up the gate and we all stood back. Hiccup picked his head up and stared at the open gate. At first he was wary, thinking it may be a trap. But soon he figured that he was free. He walked out and headed for the forest. Just before disappeared into the forest he looked back at us, and smiled, before entering the forest. Hiccup was gone.

Sorry that this was a shorter chapter. The next one will be much longer, possibly my longest one of the story. Also sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. We are near the end!!

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