Until We Meet Again

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3rd Person POV

A little over two weeks had gone by since the Krogan incident. Hiccup no longer had stitches but still wasn't completely healed but was well on his way there.  He was up and moving almost everyday just enjoying himself. Astrid was the main one taking care of Hiccup, which didn't surprise anyone.

She would usually sit with him in the arena for hours as he laid down or just ran around her.

As she sat in the arena as per usual she watched Hiccup, carefully analyzing every detail about. The bandages he still wore, his messy hair going in many different directions every time he shook his head, the slight limp he still had on his right arm.

Now that he was much more comfortable with them being around him taking care of him became much easier. Now he ate without much fuss and was very energetic, which wasn't usually a trait they had seen in him before, but seeing him feeling better was all they cared about.

Astrid was doing her daily routine of watching over Hiccup as he played with anything that crossed his path. Anything from a stray light reflection from a passing Vikings helmet to a random ball of fuzz, which is what he had currently.

It made her laugh to watch him play.  Soon his ball of fuzz escaped him through the gate and he stopped as he watched it blow away in the wind. Once it was out of sight he turned around and faced Astrid. He walked over and collapsed next to her legs where she started running her in fingers through her hair.

She looked down at him and smiled. "Have you finally worn yourself out?" she asked.

He had been running around for the past hour. She was beginning to wonder if someone gave him sugar, she wouldn't put it below someone like the Twins or even Snotlout.

Speaking of the Twins they had come running excitedly into the arena with something in their hands. "Astrid! Astrid look what we found!" They said as they presented a small ball to her.

"It's a ball" she stated simply.

"Well duh, even we aren't that dumb. We wanted to see Hiccup play with it." said Tuffnut

"I don't know guys, Hiccup seemed pretty worn o-" She started but before she could finish she turned around to see Hiccup up and waiting for the Twins to throw the ball.

"Uh You were saying Astrid." Ruffnut said with a smirk as she threw the ball, Hiccup immediately going after it. Once he got close to it he whacked it again sending it to the other side the arena where once again chased it with glee. The Twins were laughing hysterically as their was quite serious leader was now chasing a ball around like a cat.

Astrid couldn't lie at the fact that it also amused her. To see her betrothed practically making a fool of himself made her smile. Once he had the ball in his grasp he curled around it as he caught his breath. Tuffnut laid on the ground in front of him with tears of laughter falling from his eyes.

"You know H.... You have completely lost your mind.... and I am loving it." He said between laughs before getting back up. As the Twins left the arena, still laughing, Astrid was once again left alone with Hiccup. He was now up and chasing the ball again. Astrid walked over to him and picked up the ball as Hiccup got ready.  But his excitement got the better of him and he was literally bouncing off the walls. Once he was finished Astrid noticed he still seemed unable to sit still. 

She threw the ball and he quickly bounded after it. She exited the arena to give him some time to let his energy die down. She had noticed that in the past two weeks, as each day passed he gained more and more energy. Almost an unnatural amount. She had brushed it off the first few days but as the days went on and his energy increased she began to pay more attention to it. Now it got to the point where he could barely contain himself. 

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