The Flyers pt. 2

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Astrid POV

As soon as we heard the blast Hiccup became wary again, and flew back up to his tree. Without even saying anything we all starting running as fast we could towards the village. I looked back for a second and Hiccup was nowhere to be found, and I was alright with that. We had to get to the village as fast as possible.

As we got closer we heard things like people panicking and dragons fighting. I am sure we all had the same idea on what was causing this chaos .

Our suspicions were confirmed when we reached the edge of the forest. In the sky the bright colors of the four-winged Singetails flew across the sky. "Everyone get to your dragons!" I ordered. I watched as the other riders ran to their respective dragons. I was about to run to Stormfly when a thought hit me. Among the many Singetails that we flying through the sky, Krogan and his giant red Singetail was not one of them.

I quickly looked around in a desperate search for the cynical man and out of the corner of my eye I saw him sneaking by, leading a small group of hunters into the forest. I gasped before immediately heading off into the forest to follow. I knew exactly what, or who, he was looking for. He was after Hiccup. I knew Krogan wouldn't give up that easily.

As I got closer to them I slowed my pace and took a moment to see what they had. Excluding Krogan there were five hunters. Two of them had bows with a full quiver of dragon root arrows, two were working together to hold up a big net, and the last one had some rope.

Krogan himself only seemed to have a long dagger on him.

I was hiding in a spot in the thick greenery so that they couldn't see me, but so that I still had a good view of their every move. All I had on me was my axe, and although I was strong, I stood almost no chance against the six of them combined.

I mentally cursed at myself for not thinking to bring Stormfly, or any other dragon with me. I was in to much of a hurry to follow them I guess I just didn't think about it. Since Krogan was here I could only assume that Viggo was either back at the hunter base or was on one of the few ships that were docked on our shore.

As I sat and observed them I was trying to come up with a plan. Right now there wasn't much I could do. They could take me down easily, then I would be no help to Hiccup, in fact I would probably be used against him. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Krogan speak.

"You two, spread out and look for any clues that may lead us to the boy." he ordered as he gestured to the two hunters with the bows.

They nodded and went off to do as they were told. A few minutes later both had returned, with one of them holding something.

"These were the only things I could find sir. Not sure how much help they will be in locating him though." Said one hunter as he displayed a handful of Night Fury scales.

"Let's keep moving." Krogan said, becoming irritated.

As I listened carefully I felt a presence come up behind me. Without even thinking I grabbed my axe and slung it around to meet my pursuer only to have my axe grabbed from me, my wrists grabbed, and a hand placed over my mouth. I looked up only to meet Heather's green eyes. She let go of my wrists and with her free hand held a finger to her lips telling me to be silent.

I forced her hand off of my mouth almost angrily at her for sneaking up on me, but at the same time I was relieved that she was here.

"Heather, what are you doing here?" I whispered

"I saw you go after these guys and figured you could use some backup." she said with a slight smirk. "Well next time don't sneak up on me like that." She just shrugged. "I told the others to come find us once things are under control back in the village. I'm guessing that Krogan is looking for Hiccup." I nodded. "They haven't found much but I still think we should follow just to be safe."

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