On the Hunt

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Hiccup POV

I stayed in the shadows. I was watching everything they did. I felt threatened. I watched as the seven of them talked. Again I wasn't sure what they were talking about, I didn't really care either. They talked for a bit. Until they turned to me. I growled and backed myself further into the shadows. "Are you hungry?" One of them asked. I nodded slightly. "How about this, instead of trying to force you to eat we let you go out and hunt. But you have to promise to come back." I thought for a minute. "Astrid I don't think this will work." I heard someone else say. "We don't know that Heather." She said again before turning back to me. "Think about it. You get be out for at least an hour. But you have to promise that you will come back." She said again. It did sound nice but I really didn't want to come back. I wanted to be free for ever. I thought a little more before nodding again. She seemed very happy that I agreed. She started to get ready to open the gate. I slowly walked toward her. By the time I got over there the gate was open and they all moved out of the way. I looked up and I saw the girl smiling at me. I then walked out and headed towards the forest. As I was walking I looked around to see everyone staring at me. They didn't look happy. It freaked me out and I ran faster. When I was away from the village I slowed down and took a deep breath. I felt free again. Although I knew I would have to return again it was nice to be out again. I came across a small pond and decided to stop for a drink. After that I walked around for a bit. It was calm. I was listening to the birds chirping. This is where I wanted to be all the time. I started hunting for something to eat. I caught the scent of a rabbit and quickly found it and killed. I placed my hand on it split my spines. I sent a few small sparks down my arm which went to the rabbit so it was no longer completely raw. After I finished it I kept walking. I wasn't sure when I was going to start heading back. I don't even know why they want me back. All they seem to do is attack and threaten me. It angered me. But I made a promise to come back so I will. I decided to rest in a cove. I took a small nap, not realizing how tired I actually was. I guess not having a forth limb to assist with running can be tiresome. It was peaceful out here. Much better than being with the humans. They were strange creatures. That didn't matter right now though.

Astrid POV

I watched as Hiccup ran off into the woods. "I hope your right about this Astrid" said Heather. "Listen, If there's one thing Hiccup has always been good at is keeping his promises. I am pretty sure he will come back" I explained. "Astrids right. My son is good at keeping his word. It's one of his better qualities." Said Stoick supporting me while he walked off to continue his chiefly duties. "All we have to do is wait for him to come back." I say. "In the meantime though maybe we can see if there is anything we can do to fix this." I say looking at Fishlegs. "Like I already said Astrid, I didn't find anything in the dragon eye. I still don't think that there is anything we do for him." He said. I didn't want to believe him although he was probably right. What else could we do. We had nothing. "How about we clear our minds and take a patrol around the island." They all nodded in agreement. We all got to on dragons and the others took off. But before I took off, I looked back and saw toothless sitting down and watching the forest. "Hey toothless. If he comes back how about you alert us." He just looked at me. With that I took off to join the others. It was a pretty silent flight. There wasn't much to talk about. We patrolled for around forty five minutes before heading back. Since toothless never sent any sort of signal to us I figured Hiccup wasn't back yet. I just hoped he would be back soon. When we landed I walked over to Toothless. "Do you think he's coming back." I asked him. He looked at me and cooed. I could tell he was worried. "I am sure he will be back soon." I reassured him. "Hopefully."

Hiccup POV

I was resting peacefully when I was awoken by a rustling sound from outside the cove. I immediately put my head and ear plates up. I was listening carefully. I heard whispering. My first thought was that it was the same people from the village. But these voices sounded.... different. I carefully made my way up the walls of the cove and watched. I could smell that someone was near as well. My eyes were slit to what seemed the smallest they could be. I was low to the ground. Stalking whoever was here. I heard talking again. Then I saw who it was. There were three men. They were much bigger than I was, and they carried weapons. They didn't look very friendly. The three of them started heading towards the village. I followed them for a bit. I was about to attack them when I stepped on a stick with a loud snap! I immediately freaked out. I stood completely still. The three men turned back at the sound. Somehow they didn't see me. I looked down at my hands put I couldn't see them. Did I turn invisible!? I didn't even know I could do that. I guess that's how the men didn't see me. They continued in the direction of the village. When they got there people gasped. They pulled out there crossbows, and I knew it was time to strike. I jumped on one of them and pushed him to the ground. I growled in his ear. I then heard the roar of other dragons. I looked to my right to see ten other dragons with people all on them, and one big red one in the center. I looked up to see the man looking down at me and smiling. "Well isn't this interesting" he said. This can't be good.

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