What Do We Do (part 1)

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Astrid POV

After we got Hiccup we headed back to the village. It didn't take that long on dragon back. As we neared the Village I turned back to the others and said " where are we going to put Hiccup" they all shrugged. I guess we hadn't gotten that far. We arrived and we all land led and Stormfly gently set down the net that contained Hiccup. He was still out cold. I noticed there was no one here. Then I realized they were all in the Great Hall. I told the others to stay as I made my way over to the Great Hall. Before I even opened the door I could  hear them arguing. It was clear to so in listen for a minute

"What are we going to do Stoick!?"


"Come on Stoick you know the boy can't stay here!"

"He's a threat"

"A menace."

I could tell Stoick was trying to calm everyone down. I opened the door slowly and everyone looked back at me. "Chief we have something for you to see" I say. He gets up and says "okay, everyone stay here I will be back in a minute" he orders. We start walking to where the the other riders and Hiccup were. "What is it lass?" He asked me. " we got him" I say pointing over to where the riders were standing. "So you disobeyed me "he said with a sigh. "Well yes Chief but at least we got Hiccup back. He's in that net." I explain hoping he will understand. "How did you manage to bring him here" he asks. "Well I had to use a dragon root arrow but he's fine. Unless he is given the cure he will wake up in a day or two." I say. He looked down at the net then at Fishlegs who was still quite pale. "Whats wrong with him" he asks. " oh, when we got to Hiccup he was asleep then we awoke him and he wasn't very happy. Fishlegs freaked out and ran off with Hiccup trailing not to far behind him." Heather explained and Fishlegs nodded. " I just can't believe Hiccup would do something like that. Well I have to get back to the meeting. You can keep him in the training arena and come join us in the Great Hall. It's not looking so good." He said. Then he turned and headed back to the Great Hall. What does he mean    " it's not looking so good" what's going on in there. "Okay Ruff, Tuff, Snotlout you move him to the arena and guard the entrance just in case he wakes up. Call me over there if he does." The three of them nodded and got to work. Heather, Fishlegs and I headed towards the Great Hall. We were all worried about what Stoick meant. We entered the Great Hall and this time no one looked back at us they were listening to Stoick. We closed the door behind us and listened.
"We can't just cast him out. We don't know if he will survive out there on his own." He said.

"But Stoick he's too dangerous to stay here. You saw what he did to Spitelout. He could pounce at any moment. He could be on his way here now, hunting us down." A Viking spoke up in the crowd.

"I know for a fact he isn't hunting us because the riders found him in the woods and he's currently in the arena."
"THE RIDERS BROUGHT HIM BACK HERE!!" Someone screamed. That started an explosion of chatter in the crowd.

"Everyone quiet!!" I yelled. Everyone turned back and looked at us.
" yes we brought him back here but we also hit him with a dragon root arrow. He should be asleep for the next day or two, but invade he does wake up he is the arena." I said to the crowd of Vikings. " and we can't just cast him out. He's still our friend..." I started but was cut off by another Viking. "Lass, listen. We know he is our friend but you saw what he did. He almost killed Spitelout. We can't risk anyone's life." I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. I opened the door and went outside. Heather and Fishlegs also turned to follow me. "Hey what's wrong Astrid" she asked. " what's wrong is that their gonna give up on him just like that." I say feeling a couple tears fall from my eyes. "Listen we are going to get to the bottom of this. We won't give up on him. I promise." She says. That make me feel a little better. But not much. How are we going to help him.

Narrator POV

Hiccup began to wake ever so slightly. He looked around and noticed he was no longer in the forest. Instead he was in what seemed like a giant cage. He didn't like it one bit. The last thing he remembered was chasing a human through the forest in the dark before everything went black. He tried to get up but then he heard someone yell. "Astrid, he's waking up!" It was Snotlout. He then heard footsteps running in there direction. He tried again to get up and was a little more successful this time. He wanted to get out of this 'cage'. It was unsettling. He didn't like being contained. He wanted to be free. He saw the door open and three people walk in. He was still too weak to get up and attack so he just growled at them. "It's okay Hiccup, Fishlegs, Heather and I only want to help you." He just continued to growl. But they did not listening to him. That made him mad.

Fishlegs POV

Astrid and I slowly approached Hiccup. He growled at us a couple of times, to be expected. He must be still to weak to move otherwise he would have attacked us already. "It's okay Hiccup, Fishlegs and I only want to help you." Astrid said. That didn't seem to calm him down. "It's Fascinating really I mean...." I start but Astrid stopped me. "Fishlegs not the time" she scolds me. "Right, sorry" I apologize. "I mean this isn't something that just happens everyday" I say to Astrid. "I get that Fishlegs but now isn't the time. We need to help him" she explains to me. "Astrid I don't think there is anything we can do" I say still keeping my eye on Hiccup. "What do mean there's nothing we can do!" Astrid said looking like she was on the verge of tears. "I mean just think about it. Before he became a dragon he was acting like he was at the edge. And we have seen him act like that before but it just wasn't as bad. I am saying this must be something he had known about for a long time. Something he may have been born with." I explained. Astrid just stared at me. She said nothing. "Astrid..." I started. "So your saying we can't help him" she said as a tear fell from her eye.  Heather and I were so focused on comforting Astrid that we didn't notice that Hiccup was slowly spreading his wings. We nearly had a heart attack at the by the sudden flap of his wings. Luckily he wasn't exactly trying to get out. He just flew up to the top of the steel dome and hung upside down for a minute before wrapping his tail around one of the bars and letting himself fall. He then cocooned himself like he did in the forest, tucking his head in his wings."
It was truly a fascinating sight.

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